Random rules question


Head Pro
Aug 9, 2011
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Bit of a random situation but just thought id put it out there.

Playing this morning in midweek stabelford, mid-swing i get "attacked" by a dog. Didnt see or hear it coming, just sort of jumped up at me (in a friendly way). Anyway, i still managed to hit the ball, albeit 30yds and into a hazard....

My playing partner said i should just take a free drop and hit it again but i ignored him and just played out as normal.

I didnt have a decent card going anyway but just wondering if i would have been entitled to the free drop?? I suspect not but you never know...


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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No relief I'm afraid, although if you'd been able to check the swing you would have been able to play on with out it counting as a stroke.

Just as well it was friendly but one question, what was a dog doing on the course off a lead?