Quitting in follow through?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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For some reason of late I've almost quit on my follow through giving some very drastic results. Guessing the quit is just over waist height finish

I'm guessing a main factor leaving the weight in the back foot and throwing at the top , but surely even in this position a certain amount of normal mechanics should get the swing roughly resembling a half decent finishing position.

Tried you tubing drills but struggling to find anything that resembles this fault. At the range today so any linked drills would be awesome!


Assistant Pro
Jan 30, 2015
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Try this drill on me & my golf.com. It makes you transfer your weight and keep a straight front arm 2ft past impact



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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would try to make sure you not swaying right in the takeaway/backswing then starting the swing down from the top, puts you on the trail foot & you can't either clear the left hip or rotate the body which means you can't get to a balanced full finish.

weight has to get left have to clear & importantly keep the left shoulder moving away from the chin.

get 2 heavier clubs say PW,SW. put them both together hold the handles with a baseball grip (10 fingers) but choked down on the handles (reason being you don't want to be crashing the clubs into the ground any)

make an easier backswing 'turn' creating a 90º angle left arm to shafts get to the top & stop, make sure weight on inside right foot & you've turned no swayed any - if swayed start again.
from the pause at the top when you have turned up there weight in correct place, just turn down slow keeping the 90º angle, right elbow to right hip & taking the butt ends of the club up to level the left thigh, stop feel that position.
then start again making a 50% swing feeling you make these positions, the weight of the clubs will as you move the butt ends to left thigh in this easy swing motion make the heads swing down & release through just keep the left shoulder moving & rotating away from the chin & bring right knee to left knee.
when you got the feeling of this do same with normal grip with mid iron.

vid here is an alternative drill that looks simple & a ways innocuous, but done good is a fine ways to feel a fully balanced finish. weight at end position 98% on left leg no weight on right toes you should be able to lift the right foot up - notice too the finish is vertical no reverse C in the spine so no leaning back some.
