Putting stroke vs Putter style


Head Pro
Nov 16, 2016
West Sussex
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Thanks all for the input. Views from both ends of the spectrum. Probably like many, I've become obsessed with the mantra "fit for stroke" so have always ruled out many putters purely on their 'arc' style, despite really liking the looks and feel. I am going to take the plunge and get my toy!

For what it's worth - here's my story if you are interested:

I took a putter I love (Scotty) to a full on SAM / Quintic / Camera session at Harold Swash with Mike Kanski early December '16.
I was a streaky putter and after trying loads of things to improve I just wasn't, which includes face balanced putters, grips, counterweights etc. etc. I won't go into the tedious detail but trust me my search for "better" was thorough. I still have a stack of putting kit I need to sell/bin.

Anyway, I learned that I do things in my stroke and set up that were rather unhelpful, mostly because I'd listened to the wrong people.
Including putting coaches I'd paid good money to. Dave flippin Pelz and a heap of other "guru's".

So I'm now putting with the putter I like, but doing it with the set-up and changes Mike @ Harold Swash suggested.
He said that getting a putter that works for you helps, but it's not as important as the changes I need to make.
They are an Odyssey fitter and seem very keen on fitting putters so I was refreshed/pleased not to be told to change putter.
I've not played over my handicap since. I've had 5, then 3, 4, 5 birdies in each of the last five-rounds I've played.
It's not perfect, but I'm a happy boy. And I can still get better.
I wouldn't say I'm cured - but I can now get the ball going on the line I want at a pace I like most of the time.

I don't know where your search will take you or if the new putter will help.
But, I can't recommend a session with Mike highly enough.
Good luck with your putting!


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Sep 18, 2010
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Bbet it's a slight arc. "Feel v Real"

I haven't seen it down the line so I don't know.

I do know it's certainly feeling it. I was coached to do what I am doing now.

It's a part of the game I practice a lot but not an area I focus on to improve as it's currently propping up my game, I need to get the rest as good as putt. If I do I will be back to low 80s again.

Regarding being robotic, IIRC my record for holes 3 footers is 51 (or something like that) in a row on the practice green.
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