Putter fitting in the midlands - recommendations?


Jul 28, 2013
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I'm fairly new to the game - been playing a year or so.

My irons were fitted, and I could easily tell the benefit after going to those from an off the shelf loaned set my local golf pro loaned me.

I have a Cleveland putter thats been ok but I can't help but think I need to consider actually getting fitted for a putter.

I tend to come up a little short on a fairly consistent basis, and feel my putter is too light(340g).

Can any of you recommend a good putter fitting centre in the midlands? I'm about 30 minutes north of Nottingham.

Thanks for any contributions.

The belfry have an extensive range of putters. my advice would be not to fork out massive amounts on a putter at this stage. Have you tried both mallet and bladed putters?
Andy Gorman who invented the T Stroke, does it and is based I think south west of Birmingham.
I would suggest at the moment to pop into a local pro shop and just try loads with a pro watching and see what you like and fell happy with
He works out of wishaw gc. He's a bit pricey mind!

Is he? Never been to see him. I have thought about it tho. I got his T Stroke aid thing and is good.
I've heard good things of the Four Counties fella, a good friend who lives in Tamworth has used him.
Is he? Never been to see him. I have thought about it tho. I got his T Stroke aid thing and is good.
I've heard good things of the Four Counties fella, a good friend who lives in Tamworth has used him.

Cant be exact with the price but his short game lessons are something like £110 an hour!
That's three coaches then because Lee at JOG is her main coach and moved to Dan at Woburn this year for short game ?
I maybe wrong phil. I only say that because i had a lesson with wishaw's pro and she was there in the bunker with him. That was two years ago....well, 22 months
I maybe wrong phil. I only say that because i had a lesson with wishaw's pro and she was there in the bunker with him. That was two years ago....well, 22 months

Ah right - she may have moved to Dan because of the deal with Woburn ?
If you want a balanced putter that gives you a great feel for distance,then Scotty Cameron putters are superb,I have a Newport since 2011 and wouldnt change it for any other.There over £200,but you pay your money once you have a superb putter for life.Heres a place in Cosby in Leicestershire about 15-20 mins from the M1 motorway, http://www.andersmankert.co.uk/