Probably just me but why dress like your grandad?

The long rambling reply just reinforces my point, you and you mukka HK have some pretty large issues with authority of any kind, if its not golf clubs it would be librarians :D

the van driving point is the issue in a nutshell, you're looking for non existent offence

The paradox is, I guess you would class yourself as a non judgemental man of the people, when really you're laughing at someone for wearing a blazer, that's pretty sad
Have you been sniffing the barmaids apron?
I have no problem with authority only the abuse of it. Librarians?? You'd be hard pressed to actually find one still employed these days. But what they actually have to do with this only you know i guess.
The van point, while it was admittedlly a bit facetious there is a club (Ashton) not 10 mile from were i live that actually have this rule, so a point based on fact.
Oh and finally i find nothing amusing about people who wear a blazer. Quite the opposite in fact. You see i'am an individual with me own mind, who finds conformity an alien concept. I'am just not a lemming. Whats "sad" is your obvious inability to accept anyone with a different outlook on life.
Thats the beauty of a forum i guess, different people, different views, learn to live with it eh? You never know one day we might find something we agree on. I doubt it though :thup:
By the way, hope you still intend to come on a NW Meet. we're a good bunch. Even Scouser, who's a bit challenged (mentally and physically), He's a lovely chap though...
Cheers bluewolf. As soon as a meet comes up that i can get to i'l definatly put me name down.
As a side note, i really must stop getting involved in threads like this. No one ever wins and they just go round & round in circles. As for the poor lad reading this, you don't think he comes from Dorset do you? :whistle:
Sorry couldn't resist.
Cheers bluewolf. As soon as a meet comes up that i can get to i'l definatly put me name down.
As a side note, i really must stop getting involved in threads like this. No one ever wins and they just go round & round in circles. As for the poor lad reading this, you don't think he comes from Dorset do you? :whistle:
Sorry couldn't resist.

Now now.....

By the way, this thread will be around again in a few weeks, as will most others you'll have seen recently. There really aren't a lot of things for golfers to talk about. Pretty soon, someone will post that they played with someone who hit his 7 iron 230 yards, but played off 18. 15 pages later and at least one flounce off, the thread will fizzle out. Sometimes it's good to just dive in, have some fun, then move on to the next thread.
Cheers bluewolf. As soon as a meet comes up that i can get to i'l definatly put me name down.
As a side note, i really must stop getting involved in threads like this. No one ever wins and they just go round & round in circles. As for the poor lad reading this, you don't think he comes from Dorset do you? :whistle:
Sorry couldn't resist.

Rumbled me. I do have an interest besides a love of gentlemans tailoring.

If you find yourself in sunny Dorset we could book you in for a blazer fitting, bespoke of course, with maybe a club crest!!

You may struggle for blackpuddings though!
As a member of Ilford GC and a very close friend of Ian's (he was one of my groomsmen at my wedding last year) I am happy to read that 90-95% of people see nothing wrong with what he is wearing and recognise the fact that he is Captain of our club, therefore is wearing a Captains Blazer and club tie.

Being Captain is one of, if not the highest honour a club member can aspire to be. I can tell you that Ian wears his blazer with pride, he isn't told to wear it, he isn't forced to wear it, he wears it because he is Captain of our club and is very proud to be.
Poor sod wears a blazer and everyone gets all gok wan on him , I played at ilford the other day cost me 10 quid , the greens were brilliant , nice club with a nice friendly feel

great to hear this positive post, the course is in fantastic condition, greens are superb! Glad you enjoyed yourself and hope you visit again!
Rumbled me. I do have an interest besides a love of gentlemans tailoring.

If you find yourself in sunny Dorset we could book you in for a blazer fitting, bespoke of course, with maybe a club crest!!

You may struggle for blackpuddings though!
Could i have this one please as me club crest:-
download (1).jpg
I'l bring me owm blackpuddings, no offence but i've had them before in Dorset. :whistle:
I'l have some of that blue vinney though mmm.... :thup:
As a member of Ilford GC and a very close friend of Ian's (he was one of my groomsmen at my wedding last year) I am happy to read that 90-95% of people see nothing wrong with what he is wearing and recognise the fact that he is Captain of our club, therefore is wearing a Captains Blazer and club tie.

Being Captain is one of, if not the highest honour a club member can aspire to be. I can tell you that Ian wears his blazer with pride, he isn't told to wear it, he isn't forced to wear it, he wears it because he is Captain of our club and is very proud to be.

Well put.

I wish him well in his year of captaincy.