Please release me!!!


Medal Winner
Jun 18, 2010
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Hi guys, dont post much but lurke often ;)

Now I have an issue. Ive been trying to improve my game for a almost a year now and have been fighting a monster slice. Ive all but sorted it with my clubs creating a straight shots on good days and shots with a slight to big (but useable) fade on bad days with the long irons (3,4,5) and the same with the woods.

My poxy Driver on the other hand is a constant nightmare. Its behaved itself for one round and one round only, only problem is I have no idea what I did!!!!!

I have seen two Pros with this mahooooosive slice problem and neither have been able to help me :( I've done all the drills and praticed what they have taught me loads but to no avail :D

The one thing that has come to light on the pros videos is a failure to release as I am holding my lag for far to long almost past impact with the big dog and thus leaving the face as open as an aircraft hanger door (that's open).

The shaft on this is a bit longer than usual at 46.5" but even when I swing a regular Driver it still nutts off right. Ive tried rolling my hands, straingtening my trail arm early, hooking the hell out of it, hitting little shots with stiff arms to make my body rotate more. Ive even tried wearing my shoes on the wrong feet and my undercrackers on inside out.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :eek:


Medal Winner
Jun 18, 2010
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Use your 3 wood.

Why haven't you put your name down for Chartham Park?????
I thought you fancied a game sometime.
Only £25.00 you tightwad


as for the game, at least if there are others about you cant molest me :D . I do mate but I'm having a few "issues" on the home front. Bloody women ;) But as soon as I can sort it I'll slot myself into your "busy" schedule...


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I'm having a few "issues" on the home front. Bloody women ;)

You have got to put your foot down Matt and let them know who's boss as far as golf is concerned.
Beautiful day down here and I fancy a game today. But 'er indoors wants to go to Rye to watch the stupid bloody raft race this afternoon.
I stood up to her. Fronted it out like a man.
Made her realise just who is the boss in this house.....

Rye's ok I suppose. Might be a laugh. Yes dear, I'm ironing a "nice" shirt and promise not to wear those knackered out old trainers.



Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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For practice only ...

Do not cock your wrist on your backswing for half a dozen shots (you might find this easier by doing this with a 6 iron for the first few to get used to it)

Then do this same with your driver. See if you get a similar shot shape as when you make your normal driver swing.

The thing with a long driver is that it "naturally" encourages (perhaps more of) a wrist cock, and therefore when you get back to the ball, if you havent swung fast/hard enough to uncock this increased amount, then your club face will likely be open.

Hopefully, this will give you a steer as to whether it is in fact not releasing, or whether you have a body/swing plane aspect that is causing the slice. If you still slice even when you deliberately dont cock your wrists, then it isn't a "lack of release".

Lot easier to sort out if you have a better feel of what the cause is.

If is is a lack of release, as you suggest, then (more than any other club) try and almost let go of teh grip during the downswing (because any tension/force in your hands with a long shaft will tend to keep the face open.

One last practice suggestion : play driver with no more than a half backswing ! Quite hard to do to start with, but it's quite difficult to make the (slice-inducing) "outside" move at the start of the downswing when you are already halfway down.

I have a very similar affliction; i can hit down to a 2 iron with a loverly draw, but the driver still fades most of teh time.

Good luck - hope one of those works


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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If you cranked your grip "stronger" (both hands) what do you think would happen?

I play all my iron shots with a fairly neutral grip, but for the longer clubs, I tend to strengthen my grip, most noticeably with my driver.

This works a treat until I come way over the top and pull it wildly, then I calm it down a bit.


Medal Winner
Jun 18, 2010
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all those drills you said

Good luck - hope one of those works

I'll have a go and post up the outcomes Thank you.

When you slice the ball, does it start off left, straight, or right?

Starts straight (to where I'm aiming which is always left)and then just effffs off right.

If you cranked your grip "stronger" (both hands) what do you think would happen?

not quite sure as I need to work out what you mean but I'll let you know ;)


Medal Winner
Jun 18, 2010
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If you cranked your grip "stronger" (both hands) what do you think would happen?

not quite sure as I need to work out what you mean but I'll let you know

'Stronger' is turning both of your hands to the right on the grip as you look down on it.

I knew it was one way or the other but couldnt remember. and the answer is open that bad boy up even more is what i reckon but ill have a go and post back.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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If you cranked your grip "stronger" (both hands) what do you think would happen?

not quite sure as I need to work out what you mean but I'll let you know

'Stronger' is turning both of your hands to the right on the grip as you look down on it.

I knew it was one way or the other but couldnt remember. and the answer is open that bad boy up even more is what i reckon but ill have a go and post back.

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean..... NOOOOOOOO!! :D

If you were keeping your hands in the same place, the club would be more closed at address.

You're turning your hands clockwise, so that you can see more of the back of your left hand. Being able to see 2 to 2.5 knuckles on your left hand is considered neutral. Less is weaker and more is stronger.

If you're just trying things out on the range with no consequences other than a few wasted balls, I've got a couple of things you could try that have helped me (not necessarily at the same time).

Put an obstacle (waist high - I used a garden chair) level with the outside of your left foot, and make sure your left hip turns inside it rather than hit it moving forwards.

Loosen the grip of your right hand so that it's just 'guiding' the swing, rather than contributing to any force in it.


Medal Winner
Jun 18, 2010
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Ok so.... By chilling out loads and just concentrating on swinging round my body and not hinging, I have a slight draw or fade or straight shot maybe 20 yds with bounce but not really past the 150 marker. Now I dont care, thats a start so it'll do as something to build on.

The minute I start applying a bit of "go" of it goes to the right as per, I think I might get the beast shortened slightly so I have a modicum of chance..... :cool:

any further thought gents?


Mar 30, 2009
East Sussex
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I've tried this, and it sort of works ( generally stops the slice, but quite often results in a pull hook :eek: )

On the downswing pull your left elbow backwards, if that makes any sense.

Theory says that it stops the left hand staying in front of the right, so the right hand has to whip through, and turn over.

I tried it before, and had all sorts of problems with the direction of the ball, but now I use it sometimes in my practice swing, and it helps give me the right sort of feel.

Also I've been told that a major part of the problem is using too much body early in the down swing, so it gets in front of your arms, so they have nowhere to go. In theory, again, this is solved by not trying to beat the absolute shine out of the ball, and concentrating on tempo and a balanced followthrough.

But I don't believe that :eek: A golf swing based on tempo and balance? It'll never catch on, I say.