Playing golf in Europe- where to start?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 7, 2008
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Greeting all on this late winter eve,

After having spent more than a decade with my feet squarely on terra firma i'm thinking of dipping my toe back in the water (not literally I hope :() of getting on that most darstadly of inventions - the airplane.

Used to fly quite a bit- Australia, USA, India, all the usual places for a half baked youth. Over the years, the attrition of busy and unpleasant airports, busy and unpleasant people, turbulance, cramped seats and perhaps a slight sense of claustrophobia forced me to end the pastime.

What with one thing and another i'm starting to think of having another go but with the modification of a few points. Shorter distances, travelling in business class and making use of quiet lounges may go some way to help me cancel out some of these fears.

Naturally the prospect of a week or twos golf might also go a long way to providing purpose while quieting the fears. In order to satisfy the 'short distance' bit ive got to rule the USA out and concentrate on the south of France, Spain and maybe at a push Portugal as I don't really want to be on a highly pressurised 'bus' for more than 2 hours.

After my usual long preamble my question is where do the GMers suggest I make a start looking for a good golfing location ? Does anyone have any experience of taking their own clubs and hitting the tracks in Spain for example? Good experiences or never do it again?

It might take me years to work up the courage (and the money) to put this together but ive got to aim to try and can't let the fear stop me from fulfilling one of my life ambitions- to go on a golfing holiday.

Any thoughts?
Have played in Spain and Portugal-both great venues-
France is getting a good name as a destination-maybe you could go to france by eurostar and avoid the plane.
Spain's a good place to start with.

Some beautiful courses over there. If you're having a family holiday this summer, take the clubs.
Playing the game in the lovely sunshine, there's nothing to beat it.

If you do play abroad in the summer I'd suggest you book an early teetime as it's hard work playing in the mid day sun.

Oh yes, take a few bottles of water in your bag too, you'll need them.
Aphrodite hills in Cyprus is a great course. Not too far from the airport and everything you need is on the resort.
I've been fortunate enough to play a few of the top courses in Spain some years ago (San Roque, Valderrama etc) but I think that the country now doesn't offer as good value as Portugal. I've never been but I've heard so many good things about the courses and the prices seen to compare well with Spain.

My plans over the next few years are to play more courses in England and Ireland. Slaley Hall last october was a real eye opener!