Played the wrong ball !!


Assistant Pro
Apr 14, 2008
Shaftesbury, Dorset
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When I play a round I always keep a spare ball in my pocket, and change them round every hole, keeps it nice and warm.

Now both balls are the same make and model, plus I try to pick out the same number.

When playing yesterday with a chap ( just a knock about ) he noticed that when on the green, I marked the ball and popped it into my pocket.

But when it was my turn to putt I put down the other ball, (different number) I didn't do it on purpose, in fact I didn't know I did it.

After the hole he pointed this out to me and told me if in a comp I would have lost the hole for using the wrong ball.

Is that right, and if I did have the same numbered ball how would I tell which one to use.




Head Pro
Dec 7, 2008
Sussex Weald
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When playing yesterday with a chap ( just a knock about ) he noticed that when on the green, I marked the ball and popped it into my pocket.

But when it was my turn to putt I put down the other ball, (different number) I didn't do it on purpose, in fact I didn't know I did it.

After the hole he pointed this out to me and told me if in a comp I would have lost the hole for using the wrong ball.

Is that right, and if I did have the same numbered ball how would I tell which one to use.

Rule 15 states you must hole out with the ball played from the teeing ground. You are under certain circumstances allowed to substitute a ball.

So in stroke play it's a two stroke penalty and for match play you would lose the hole.

I carry a spare ball in my pocket but I always make sure it has a different number :cool:


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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It doesnt make sense to use the same number balls of the same type etc

If you play off the tee and then have to play a provisional and you hit the both in roughly the same area how would you be sure which ball was your 1st one and which was your provisional?

If you cant be sure which was which you would not be able to play on with those balls and have to return to the tee



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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It doesnt make sense to use the same number balls of the same type etc

If you play off the tee and then have to play a provisional and you hit the both in roughly the same area how would you be sure which ball was your 1st one and which was your provisional?

If you cant be sure which was which you would not be able to play on with those balls and have to return to the tee

i agree with chris that using same ball same markings etc does not seem to make sence , i AM NOT saying this relates to you, but some people might be suspicious of somebody doing that , there was an incident im my old club years ago , ball went into trees & the 3players were looking for it, no joy . as playing partners were heading back to play their own balls, I FOUND IT sounded out & the make, modle and markings on the ball were announced. yep thats it , the shot was played but as they were walkin off a player from the other fairway piped up ,lads one of yer balls is over here it hit that tree & came over here , puzzled looks everywhere, ownership was denied but other player announced make modle & markings of the found ball , guesss what ? same as the ball that had been played , strange looks .. not sure of what happened but story was passed through the club , not saying you would do this but just be careful you dont leave yourself open to suspicion ..


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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The good old Rule book is nicely sitting on the fence here.
It says you SHOULD put a mark on your ball to make it identifyable. But later on it says that if you are unable to identify the ball as yours then it isn't - but how can you identify it if you haven't put a mark on it?

Never keep the same ball/number in the same pocket as a Provisional ball - I always use a different type for my provisional, normally a well used ball.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 28, 2008
Where the Queen Lives!
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The good old Rule book is nicely sitting on the fence here.
It says you SHOULD put a mark on your ball to make it identifyable. But later on it says that if you are unable to identify the ball as yours then it isn't - but how can you identify it if you haven't put a mark on it?

Sound advice as to why you should mark your ball then..?


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Put your spare in your other pocket or only carry it to the teebox then bag it once your tee shot is safe.

I always have a "frightener" in my left hand pocket in case I have to hit a provisional.
I make sure it is a totally different make to the one I am using, and will make a point of telling my playing partners what brands my choices are.
If I then have to hit a provisional I will call it, adding "my first was a Srixon, this one is a Titleist"


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Always best to put a mark on any ball you hit, especially in a comp. It's not just a question of distinguishing your provisional from your first ball but telling either of them apart from all the other Titleists/Pinnacles/whatever in that particular bit of undergrowth (usually about 150 yards from the tee to the right). :eek: :D

If I'm using 2 balls of the same make and number I just put a different mark on them (e.g. 1 dot on one 2 dots on the other).

By the way if you can't distinguish between your original and provsional you don't have to treat both as lost and go back. Decision 27/11 - Provisional Ball Not Distinguishable from Original Ball, gives various scenarios based on Equity (Rule 1-4). These include

"Situation 3: One ball is found in bounds and the other ball is lost or is found out of bounds.

Solution 3: The ball in bounds must be presumed to be the provisional ball.

Situation 4: Both balls are found in bounds, whether in a playable or an unplayable lie, and (1) one ball is in a water hazard and the other is not or (2) both balls lie through the green or in a bunker.

Solution 4: One could argue that both balls are lost. However, it would be inequitable to require the player to return to the tee, playing 5, when the player has found both balls but does not know which is the original and which the provisional. Accordingly, the player must select one of the balls, treat it as his provisional ball and abandon the other."

Interesting ruling. Makes sense when you think about it but how are you supposed to know that when on the course even with your Rule book to hand?


Assistant Pro
Apr 14, 2008
Shaftesbury, Dorset
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Thanks to all for the reply's.

Now I have read through them all I can see and understand why many might think me being daft in doing what I have done over the last few years.

It was never to try to pull a fast one when in the rough or to cheat in anyway, but the reason I use the same number is, a few years ago I lost to illness my best friend, he was a good golfer and always played with a number 3 ball. He told me the last time I saw him that he had a bag full I had to use up for him, and for that day one I only ever use the number 3.

But I will of course from now on mark all my balls, so I know which is which.

Thanks to all for putting me right.
