Head Pro
My postcode
Blue dot over number, I cant stand even numbers so I cover them all up.
I'm a proper OCD freak about this, I cant have the TV on an even number, always train on odd numbers the gym i.e. level 13 on cross trainer, car radio has to be on odd number, have to finish reading my book on odd number before I can sleep, my alarm clock is set for 5:31 etc etc etc..........
I have a red diamond shape above the number - relates to my hometown football club Airdrie United FC known as the diamonds
I Tippex out the makers name etc. and, with a variety of coloured pens draw a beautiful pastural scene with a babbling brook, cottages and fields, (sometimes with cattle grazing in them), and a leafy lane meandering through this wonderful vista and beyond.
I am often late on the tee.