Overcoming the dreaded sh**ks


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Some form of sanity has returned to my golf game (for the time being at least!!) after a practice ground session and 18 holes last night.

Just thought it might prove helpful for anyone struggling with the un-mentionables to let you know how I think I have overcome them.

I started by using the "box drill" (or called many other names) i.e a cardboard box placed just outside the toe of the club at address which made it impossible to hit the ball towards the heel of the club without hitting the box.

The effect from this was immediate as there was a physical barrier to avoid whilst hitting balls. It was very nice to feel the ball back on the middle of the clubface too.

Once I removed the box I was looking for "a feeling" so i could take this out onto the course. Knowing my swing pretty well, the casue of my "*****" was an over the top loopy swing with me getting my weight toppling forward towards the ball through the downswing.

To counter this I made exaggerated practice swings with the club going straight back for an uncomfortably extended period and coming straight back down on the same over extended line. The feeling I wanted at address was almost that I was trying to get the arches of my feet to feel connected to the floor and that my weight felt very much centred down through that point.

At first it almost felt like I was leaning away from the ball but it soon became comfortable and my ball striking felt better than it has for a while.

Not sure if any of that will provide anything useful for anyone else but thought it might help somebody. The simple box drill is highly reccomended as the feedback from that is instant.

I've said it before on many threads that a lot of problems stem from the basics and it is always good to re visit them regularly to stop any sloppy habits creeping in and so it proved (again) last night with my weight/ posture. ;)


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 20, 2010
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I too had a fearful fit of hoselmania. My problems were the exact oppostite of your own though as I was coming too much from the inside :eek: (pardon the expression)

I was told to "try to hit a fade" to cure my ills and touch wood so far it has worked. :)

This game is so infuriating! Trying to cure one problem creates another :mad:

Still, be back out there later enjoying the evening sun :D