Outcome of my lesson today.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I took the plunge and saw the pro at my local track today for a lesson. In the last couple of months I've been cutting across the ball a bit too often and had to do something about it.

The pro got me hitting 6 Irons and took some video footage. What I saw was pretty shocking really. First off I was over-swinging which was a massive surprise because I worked on shortening my swing before and it just goes to show that a fault can creep back and you dont even know it. Also I'm swinging a bit too flat but he showed later that by fixing over-swing that the plane also improves at the same time.

He showed on the computer before and after video of back and side-on swings. Drawing lines of the club angle at address, halfway back and at impact. He said that the 3 lines should be as close together as possible. Certainly there was a marked improvement after the changes to the swing and this also showed in the ball flight. Still some work to do on the downswing but this lesson has proved very helpful and was a real reality check.

Basically he has shortened my swing and has me swinging wider and on a slightly more upright plane. Ball striking is now hit and miss whilst my body gets accustomed to the changes. He explained that this is normal as timing and sequencing has changed due to the swing alteration so I hope that its just a matter of time before I adjust.

It now feels like I'm hitting everything with half a swing , like when you punch shots into the wind. But this is only how it feels because my swing is actually much longer than I think!!

Hope to get on the course this week to see what happens. Big comp next Sunday but is there ever a good time to have a lesson? I couldnt keep putting it off. :D


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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Any time is a good time if something is wrong. I had a similar lesson but on a different level. Played poorly for a couple of months but persevered thinking it would sort itself out. It didn't it got worse, saw pro and swing was too flat and alignment off. After a couple of practice sessions and rounds hit a pb on 3rd hcp round, hit my irons so much better and better higher flight. Woods are now the problem!!


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Any time is a good time if something is wrong. I had a similar lesson but on a different level. Played poorly for a couple of months but persevered thinking it would sort itself out. It didn't it got worse, saw pro and swing was too flat and alignment off. After a couple of practice sessions and rounds hit a pb on 3rd hcp round, hit my irons so much better and better higher flight. Woods are now the problem!!

Did the pro tell you to take the club away almost as upright as you possibly can? Also its interesting what you say about the woods because I am getting a marked improvement with irons but its affected the striking and ball flight of the woods somewhat. Still very early days and I have hit many more iron shots at the range than woods but the woods appear to be a bit on the high side and less penetrative than before.

Loving the improved accuracy with the irons so far but again must stress its early days and plenty of time for that to change :D


Any time is a good time if something is wrong. I had a similar lesson but on a different level. Played poorly for a couple of months but persevered thinking it would sort itself out. It didn't it got worse, saw pro and swing was too flat and alignment off. After a couple of practice sessions and rounds hit a pb on 3rd hcp round, hit my irons so much better and better higher flight. Woods are now the problem!!

Did the pro tell you to take the club away almost as upright as you possibly can? Also its interesting what you say about the woods because I am getting a marked improvement with irons but its affected the striking and ball flight of the woods somewhat. Still very early days and I have hit many more iron shots at the range than woods but the woods appear to be a bit on the high side and less penetrative than before.

Loving the improved accuracy with the irons so far but again must stress its early days and plenty of time for that to change :D

Interesting he says to take it up steeply! After 3 years of lessons from a euro tour coach he advocates bringing it inside- from your perspective- THEN setting the wrists and holding that set position while you uncoil hips and chest FIRST.
Your iron improvement is due to a steeper attack which is more forgiving with irons but that steepness isn't good for woods usually resulting in higher weaker shots.