One Piece Takeaway


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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One piece takeaway for me all day long. Grew up watching swings like Norman, Couples, Els etc all seemed to have a one piece takeaway albeit slightly different in their variations, so seemed simplest to me to learn this way and it's what I always go back to when things go wrong as that tends to be where my problems start. Also helps to keep my tempo smooth and fairly lazy much like Els or Couples just not quite as cool.

@bobmac drill for sticking the club into belly button is a drill that works really well for me. A one piece takeaway should help keep the swing simple, to many you tube videos complicate it to make themselves sound better or like they're groundbreaking changes to make themselves seem current and ahead of the game but in truth they're not the best teachers keep it simple.


Assistant Pro
Feb 7, 2015
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I think this will also eliminate Early Extension in conjunction with the One Plane Swing.

For those that don't understand either, let You Tube be your friend 👍

Interesting what makes you think this will eliminate early extension?


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Interesting what makes you think this will eliminate early extension?

Because the one piece takeaway helps the shoulders turn on the correct Plane. This makes the shoulders turn on a steeper angle, creating more resistance and width.
Due to the wound up coil it feels more natural to turn through the swing with the left buttock firing back behind on the way down. With all this power there is no need to stand up, ie Early Extend to feel as though extra power is needed.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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The butt drill Bob gave is an excellent feeling for everything moving together. I can replicate that move and take the club away nicely. Its what happens after that especially on the way down that isn't so pretty. The one piece is excellent for getting width and getting a decent turn and coil and well worth working on


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I am a one piece takeaway subscriber!

From my experiences it’s just another way of stopping things going awary in the first foot or two of the backswing.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I had never heard of it, been trying it in the kitchen and with my practice club .. going to try on the course today.. seems to keep things more on plane


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I had never heard of it, been trying it in the kitchen and with my practice club .. going to try on the course today.. seems to keep things more on plane

It’s super simple.

1. Address the ball as normal, move the clubhead 1 foot and see how your body moves.

2. Go back to the start and repeat for 2 feet of backswing.

Keep things moving together.

Repeat from step 1 until bored.

Practice done.


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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So, I went to the range today full of optimism (should have known better). I just could not replicate the feeling/sensation I had indoors despite trying the drills.
So I then stopped for a coffee and whilst at the vending machine it dawned on me what I wasn't doing, and no wonder I couldn't replicate that feeling. I wasn't turning my shoulders at 90 degrees to my spine angle. As the hands passed the thigh I was flattening my shoulders and not staying bent over whilst turning. (Now this is an issue I've had ever since I started playing). The result is the club travels back too flat, increasing forearm/wrist roll.
As the video states the backswing is important as it's a chain reaction, get the first few feet wrong and problems.
So I worked on turning those shoulders to 90 degrees to my spine angle and what a difference. The contact sounded better with some compression, the ball went further and on a better flight.
It's no wonder I was never one to really take much of a divot.
So a range session that ended well.


Club Champion
Feb 25, 2017
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Who else works on this and what are your thoughts /experiences. Had it had a big influence on your game

Chronic wrist roller and overswinger here

Had a lesson and the lad would give me the feeling of the takeaway and where I should end the backswing ... take home notes were practice one piece takeaway and the backswing keep it short and wide

However despite maintaining the takeaway easily I struggled massively trying to keep it short and wide, when videoing practice the right elbow would fly the left arm bend and overswing persisted no matter how short I tried to keep it... I knew the position I should be aiming to get to but could i hell find a way to get there by myself

Then by chance I watched a rotary swing video that was on my YouTube you might like this list ... It was backswing lesson with someone with similar problems as me. They spent a third of it talking about the takeaway maintaining that triangle then he said “once you’re there (hands past the right thigh) just elevate your arms”... BOOM it was like a eureka moment for me

It feels absolutely mental but it works I’ve checked on videos ... basically feels like if I was standing on a floor with a compass drawn on it I’m chucking the club in a north easterly direction ... the rotation of the body as I swing back gives the depth

my understanding of the golf swing was to swing it flat around my body :LOL: i know people can play like this but it caused me no end of consistency of strike issues

Still struggling with full shots at the moment on the course as when swinging full and having targets to aim at old habits can quickly take ocet

but this feeling on shorter shots has me nipping pitches and chips like a tour pro

Tl:dr ... takeaway wasn’t the be all and end all to my problems
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Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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Chronic wrist roller and overswinger here

Had a lesson and the lad would give me the feeling of the takeaway and where I should end the backswing ... take home notes were practice one piece takeaway and the backswing keep it short and wide

However despite maintaining the takeaway easily I struggled massively trying to keep it short and wide, when videoing practice the right elbow would fly the left arm bend and overswing persisted no matter how short I tried to keep it... I knew the position I should be aiming to get to but could i hell find a way to get there by myself

Then by chance I watched a rotary swing video that was on my YouTube you might like this list ... It was backswing lesson with someone with similar problems as me. They spent a third of it talking about the takeaway maintaining that triangle then he said “once you’re there (hands past the right thigh) just elevate your arms”... BOOM it was like a eureka moment for me

It feels absolutely mental but it works I’ve checked on videos ... basically feels like if I was standing on a floor with a compass drawn on it I’m chucking the club in a north easterly direction ... the rotation of the body as I swing back gives the depth

my understanding of the golf swing was to swing it flat around my body :LOL: i know people can play like this but it caused me no end of consistency of strike issues

Still struggling with full shots at the moment on the course as when swinging full and having targets to aim at old habits can quickly take ocet

but this feeling on shorter shots has me nipping pitches and chips like a tour pro

Tl:dr ... takeaway wasn’t the be all and end all to my problems

Which video?