old 3 iron blade


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
I bought and old bladed 3 iron last year from a charity shop for a couple of quid. I figured it may help practice my ball striking. It has no offset, barely any grip left, and no forgiveness whatsoever so figured if I can hit that ok I can hit my normal irons more consistently.

I have been using it once in a while to to see and usually give up after a few horrors because my fingers and wrist hurt from the vibrations. I tried it again today and holy cow I striped one. Now not amazing but about 160 yards with a great flight and just a little fade. I started just using my steady wedge swing not trying to generate power just clean contact, then went more and more to my full swing until I just caught one clean. Hit about 3 or four with similar if not quite as good and then creamed another beauty.

I am not sure if using it to develop a better contact is the way to go but certainly as a gauge for improvement if that is what you are working on I would certainly recommend having a try.

Maybe the Mizuno guys will fit me for the MP4s after all ;) hahah or not


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Can see how using a butter knife with a sweetspot the size of a pea will help striking. Not for me but thats just me. I would definitely get a new grip on it though

actually my (former) coach said the grip would help too as I would have to hold tighter with that one and when I have my normal grips it will feel so sturdy I can grip lighter than normal.


Nov 16, 2011
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I've done a similar thing and queried whether I was achieving what I intended.

The objective is not to be able to hit a 3 iron Blade but to use the good connection of the 'hard to hit' club as a metric for improved in strike accuracy. I found, similarly, that changing my swing allowed me to make a better contact, but queried whether a wedge type swing was what I was really trying to achieve!

So I continued to use the club (a TT100 shafted Burner 1 iron) for 'normal' 5/6 iron swings.

Did a similar thing while working in Warrington - bought a set of TP9s cheap from the original American Golf shop. After the 3rd shot with a 7i, I fell in love with the feeling of Blades! :whoo:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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If you want to train better contact, use impact tape or masking tape.

I'll often rock up to the range with a roll of making tape. Hit 5 balls and see where the marks are on the tape.

Bit like this:


Then make adjustments from there.

For me, if I stop my shoulders turning, the impact marks are near the hosel. Seeing this on the tape encourages me to turn more. Just a gentle reminder to myself to make a full turn through the ball.

Hope this helps : thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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actually my (former) coach said the grip would help too as I would have to hold tighter with that one and when I have my normal grips it will feel so sturdy I can grip lighter than normal.

I am glad he is your former coach :whistle:

why not get a bladed 6 or 7 iron. use a club you would normally use. get a proper grip on it, there is no way holding it tighter is going to help you swing any better! I understand what he says, I just don't but it at all. squeezing it tight will only affect you in a negative way when using that bladed iron.