Not again...


Q-School Graduate
Nov 2, 2007
York, England
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So, feeling like a good boy I thought I'd go home and do a bit of chipping practice in the back garden. So I set my net up and go to my shed to unlock it and get to my clubs...only to find the lock has been sheared right off (padlocks nowhere to be seen) and lo and behold all my golf gear has been nicked. :(

After the burglary while I was away in April, I need this like a dose of the clap.

Absolutely everything has been swiped except for my shoes (kept elsewhere). So much for my lesson this week and the weekend's competition.

Remind me again why I still live in this p155hole of a country? :mad:
Sorry to hear that Toon. It is dreadful that scum bags go round doing this. I take it this is the second time it's happened? Wouldn't surprise me if it is the same low life this time who has been waiting for you to re stock on the stuff he nicked before. I think it's time you stopped leaving your clubs in the shed if that is possible, either that or put up some sort of deterrent. It is wrong that you should have to go to these measures, if everyone in society demonstrated the values taught in golf then you would be able to leave your shed door ajar but that's not the way it works and you have to take the necessary precautions. It is wrong but the way it is.
commiserations mate,

worse thing about this is that toon is the one who is going to get penalised for this with increased insurance policies. police won't be interested past giving you a crime number for your claim.
Police? What are they? They're the ones who spend an entire day dealing with a rudimentary arrest rather than being out on the streets preventing crime?

Short of catching them in the act, they can't/won't do anything about suspected criminal activity. So where's the deterrent? Given how much my gear weighed, it will have taken two or three of them to have got it all over the wall. There's no other sign than the lock of an entry, so they must have been stood on my wall hand-balling it over. I had a good scout around and there wasn't even a dropped tee visible. If no-one saw that, I'm a pro golfer.

It's not a shed, it's a brick outhouse extension. Should be safe in there. So, TV, laptops and iriver last time, golf gear this time - perhaps they'd like to come back and steal my sports trophies or my cat just to make sure they get everything that means something to me.

Neighbourhood watch? My arse.
i understand exactly how you feel .....had £2000 worth of fishing gear nicked in october they bolt cropped eight locks to get at it. worst thing was a neighbour coming home from night shift at 2.00am saw it happening and rang the police...their response 'we are toO busy to send any one'...absolute shower. i wrote to the chief constable via my MP and haven't even got a response.
Sorry to hear it Toon, just think... new... clubs.... next time keep them in the bedroom.

Not sure the wife'll go for that!

Thanks for the words of support - it helps, even if only a little.

I now wait to see what happens with the insurer's claims people. I do have slight fears of being told I can only have Slazenger K1 and F.A.S.T irons, Dunlop balls and a Ram bag...
Hey really sorry to hear that mate, thats just awful.

I know its not much and might not even suit you, but I have a Cleveland Halo 19* with a stiff shaft, I could send you this to get you going again if you wanted it. Its just sitting in my wardrobe gathering dust.

For free BTW.
Tony - you are an absolute star. I'm at a loss for words (although clearly not literally...) at your generosity.

I suspect the insurance will come through pretty quickly so with a bit of luck I'll be up and running again by next weekend. Save your stick for someone a bit more deserving than me - I at least should get some stuff back. But a million thanks for the offer.

Mind you, I don't know what kind of Seve-wizard you must think I am to be able to play a round of golf with nothing but a hybrid! ;) I might do alright until I found a bunker!

Cheers Tony.
Sorry to hear about your troubles mate.

Only happened to me once thankfully. I was too poor for them to knick anything worthwhile.Typical police really they knicked the guys who did my flat about 3 hours afterwards found my driving licence and passport on one of them but didn't link it to the burglary I reported, idiots!

Got no clubs to contribute but I do have many handy "implements" if you find the swines
Toon I was kinda hoping people would follow suit and maybe others would have some old stuff knocking about they don't use.

Glad your insured, hope they sort you out in double time, I couldn't imagine not having any cues to play with!

Anyway, the offer is there if you want it.

As already mentioned. Think of the nice new shiney clubs! Yaaay
Stick in there, try and not get too stressed and let the insurance cover it, that why you pay the premium.
Agree that the Police are ineffectual but that is down to Governments making weak policies and liberal do-gooders demanding ridiculous rights for crims, not the police themselves. There simply is no deterrent to criminals.
I did have a wee chortle at your 'what's in the bag' signature, I think you have a little sense of humour about this? :p
Might keep an eye on ebay or local paper for clubs advertised if I were you, you never know a lot of these types don't have much between the ears and you may pick up a trail.
I'll feel a little happier once the claims dealers have got in touch and I start to feel like I can get some gear soon.

I just hope I can get what I want/had or decent substitutes.

I've set up a search on ebay for local sales - you never know...

Two break-ins in 3 months will certainly hump up the renewal premium while some little scrotes dose up somewhere with no fear of anything ever being done to them by the authorities, even if they are caught.

Ah well. Thanks for all the kind words. I'll let you know what happens about my replacement gear. Nice to know some of the FUGS have got good hearts in case someone less fortunate than me goes through something similar.
Toon,for once when someone says I know what you are going through,I can say so and mean it.
Had it happen to me,I now have insurance and for belt and braces cos they cost so much they are on the household too as a separate item.

I have a set of Ping i-3 blades kicking around somewhere should the insurance co get shirty.

Also got a copper i-2 lob wedge and a Hogan 52 gap that I could chuck into the mix.

When it happened to me they wanted me to go thru AG but I managed to push them into letting my pro deal with it. Even if you have to go down that road AG have been good with others I know of.

Best of Luck pal.

Whereabouts in York are you?

I may be able to loan you some kit whilst you get sorted. I'm not too far from York.

I know what you're going through.
Had my garage broke into 3 yrs ago, neighbourhood watch guy lives opposite, doesn't miss a trick, always saying "saw you doing this and that" Didn't see Jack when I needed him to.
They cleared out about 4 & half grands worth of tools inc a petrol mower (how can someone not suspect some Dick walking with a mower) They took the glass out of my window and laid it down then opened the doors from inside. I had loads of prints on the glass but just got a crime No.

Worst thing about it is that they probably sold some expensive gear for a tenner down the pub to fuel their fix. They ought to OD and die!!!!!!
Stop it you lot, you'll have tears running down my face soon! I'm really touched by the generosity.

I've just got off the phone to foremost golf (?) who have taken all my details (only the third time I've been through my entire list of stuff...) and are sending me to a local pro.

Not sure how this will work when he doesn't end up having most of the stuff that I want, but we'll see.

I'll let you know how I get on. You're all lovely!