New and looking for some advice



Hi Folks, new to the game/forum and first post.

Decided to return to golf after a 20 yr break. I wouldn't say I was particularly good when younger but I could get around municipal courses without holding up other golfers to much.

Set myself up with a set of Wilson Deep Red HL clubs, had a few swings on the range and promptly decided lessons would be a good idea. So, I've had a lesson and my stance etc has been looked at and altered somewhat and although feeling a bit awkward even I noticed there was a bit more consistency when striking the ball. This has came at the expense of distance though.

My questions are.

1) Will the distance improve going forward with my lessons, or is this the pay off for more consistency when striking the ball?

2) I'm having 1 lesson each fortnight and aim to have 2-3 nights on the range each week, my set target is to have a round with mid-high handicappers without holding them up to much. As a guideline how long do you think it should be before i venture on to a course (I don't want to be hacking down the rough all day and frustrating the guys behind me)?

3) Last question. Will I ever be able to use a driver?:(

Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated.


Tour Rookie
Sep 6, 2011
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Hi and welcome to the forum. Sounds like you've done just the same as I did when I started last September. My answers would be:

1) Don't be concerned about distance for now, more about alignment and consistency of striking the ball in the right direction. Distance will follow but I always think that I'd rather be 180-200yds in the right direction than 220-240yds in the wrong.

2) Get onto the course, but try to choose the right course. I started by playing 9 hole courses first, with my first venture onto a full 18 hole in January. But a lot of what you learn and practice at a range will be very different to the reality on a course.

3) Yes you will. I was advised to get used to playing the irons first, using the 3 iron of the tee to start with. I couldn't hit with the driver at all, but after a lot of range sessions that has changed and I now have a lot more confidence with the driver. Although not always a lot of accuracy.

Where are you based? Wherever you are, I'm sure that there will be forum members nearby that would be happy to join you for a friendly game.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Hi noname and welcome to the forum.
I'm pleased to see you are taking lessons.
Get the basics sorted and the rest will hopefully fall into place.

Distance is a sore point on her with a 7 iron going between 130 and 180 yds in some peoples case.
I believe when the changes being made become more natural, you will swing with more confidence and therefor your distance will return. At the moment I'm guessing it's a bit steery :mad:

And don't wait too long before venturing onto the course. You'll be amazed how many hackers are out there who are worse than you.