NEOPRENE / compression SHORTS


Jun 28, 2017
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Ive hurt my back a few times over the years and i noticed last year my right Glute/ butt would tighten up as the round went on ,especially as the weather was turning colder .
So i dug out my old NEOPRENE SHORTS which i used to wear playing football after i pulled my groin once ( they helped a lot ) .My football days are long gone and ive put on a few pounds since then so they are very very tight so need a new pair.
A high waist pair would be good to keep my lower back warm but not essential as i also have a neoprene support belt which i sometimes wear
Ive seen a few on ebay,amazon and Decathlon,aps,-1&sr=8-5&sres=B07765TR5N,B0777J5MKJ,B000K330Q8,B07BHDVHRP,B0921MWPSK,B07T56PNQZ,B07HKJNJ85,B003D4GOH8,B07SLYXX3K,B00BN2J4EC,B07L4JNYW7,B005GLXBIG,B0038EK654,B091JWK8BM,B087QWY8Q7,B07C953PH5,B01N3QBW59,B07ZDD6VD1,B01FFL4ABS,B00EPYTRAQ
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I would have thought that neoprene shorts would be very uncomfortable after 3-4 hours on a golf course. They are not designed for walking in, so I imagine they might start to chafe after a while. Much better idea to look at a longer term cure (stretching, yoga, etc) rather than a quick fix like a big rubber nappy
I would have thought that neoprene shorts would be very uncomfortable after 3-4 hours on a golf course. They are not designed for walking in, so I imagine they might start to chafe after a while. Much better idea to look at a longer term cure (stretching, yoga, etc) rather than a quick fix like a big rubber nappy

I find Its actually the opposite , after while i don't notice ive got them on .
I played in a open day comp yesterday and i wish i had wore a pair as it was tight/painful straight away but this morning perfectly ok . I have widened my stance on the driver recently and wondering if that isnt helping
Im going to go back to a chiropractor to see if it can be sorted but need a new pair until its recovered ,especially with the cold weather coming
Not so sure about the need for neoprene shorts. Athletes compression sports are normally lycra and are designed for sporting activities. I wear those most of the time when playing golf, having also worn them when I used to play football.

Like mentioned above, they are infinitely more comfortable than , say, a pair of boxers under golf pants.
Do they hold in any dribbles of wee? If so I could be interested ;)
Do they hold in any dribbles of wee? If so I could be interested ;)

Generally they're so tight that, especially in cold weather, its nigh on impossible to extract your old man from underneath in order to have a wee. Best bet is to clench them muscles.