My swing last month to last night, improved??


Club Champion
Jun 5, 2009
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Morning all,

Got down the range to work on coming over the top issue last night. I got the swing on camera and the issue is still there but I wanted to improve my posture and get the basics covered first.

This is my swing from a month ago:
Swing last month

This is my swing last night:
Last night

Please feel free to rip my swing apart as I want to improve, I think my posture is quite good?, one thing I did notice is that the 5 iron club face at the top of the back swing seems to be facing the sky :eek:




Club Champion
Jun 5, 2009
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Hi Bob,

I played Sunday and was playing with my swing, so my ball striking was a bit all other the place. I think about 3 out of 10 drives went straight left. If anything I was still slicing.

I was alot better at the range last night as I really worked on getting my wrists turning through and I was hitting the majority striaght if not some with a draw. But this still doesn't 'fix' the issue.

Also found that putting the ball slightly further away from my feet helped.

Sorry if that isn't much help.



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Rich, if you've got down to 11 with your swing, why change it?
The swing you have which is slightly out to in looks comfortable for you.
Why not groove it and enjoy the fade instead of fighting it.
If you can aim everything at the left hand semi-rough and fade it back to the middle, you're a better man tham me gungadin :)

As for your video...
As you saw yourself, the clubface is pointing at the sky at the top of your b/swing. That is closed (pointing left at impact).
This is causing your misses left and is caused by your grip.
Your left hand looks too strong to me. 3-4 knuckles showing at set-up.
Experiment by turning your left hand to the left a tadge and see what happens.


Club Champion
Jun 5, 2009
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Its ok working with a fade until I get to a 5 iron but form there until driver its a slice. So the majority of tee shots I struggle to hit the fairways, and there is the odd time I get one fly straight left. So if I am aiming left and I get one go left I am in even more trouble. I understand what you are saying tho Bob about working with it.

I suppose I want what everyone wants an 'ideal' swing, or just to hit the ball straight ;-).

I think with the current issue of the slice I will struggle to get lower than 11.

Thanks for the tip re the grip, I am back down the range Saturday so I will give that a try, one other thing I noticed is that will getting the club higher on my backswing help, as it seems very low.



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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one other thing I noticed is that will getting the club higher on my backswing help, as it seems very low.

That depends on what you do on the transition.
If you take it back higher and then throw, it will slice even worse


Head Pro
Aug 12, 2010
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Your start looks good and you make all the right moves till the top of the swing maybe a little flat) and then it seems to be a little off. You drop down and over the top, hence the pull left and slice, you can see quite clear that you cut across the ball.

I have also seen you have a very long swing, keep it short and under control and you will see an improvement. try a few 3/4 swings and you will get better results.