My first comp


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2016
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For anyone that's interested, here is my experience of my first competition.

I only started playing golf last August so hadn't played in any competitions up until last weekend. I entered a qualifiyinng stableford comp and loved it! I was a little nervous beforehand as I hadn't played in a longtime so I was expecting to be very rusty. I got to the course an hour before teeing off so I had plenty of time on the practice area to work on putting and my short game. It also gave me time to make sure I had the correct tee's, pitch mark repairer, and a couple of golf balls in my trouser pockets. Doing that made sure that I had everything to hand when I needed it. I didn't know any of my three playing partners so I was hoping they would be understanding and patient with a high handicapper (they play off 8, 12 and 14). They all helped me out with some rules I wasn't sure about, which was one of the concerns I had beforehand.

As expected my first tee shot was very wayward and ended up with a triple bogey. Things settled down nicely after the 1st and I was actually hitting my driver better than I'd ever hit it! I even made par on the SI 1 hole which I was thrilled about. Ended up with 35 points and finished 16th out of a field of 115.

I also entered another stableford comp on Saturday just gone. Started off OK but the wind picked up and I was struggling on some holes. The wind was crazy. Ended up with 25 points and finished 70th out of 115 entrants. Shot of the day for me was hitting a tee shot ~300 yards on the par 4 (380 yards) 16th. The wind was behind me and I caught a nice down slope! Shame it was a provisional! I couldn't find my original ball but still ended up with a bogey.

Although I'm new to competitions, I prefer playing in that type of environment. I found that I concerntrated more and thrived off the challenge of trying to better my playing partners. I've got myself booked in for a few more stablefords, medals and texas scramble over the coming weeks.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience!


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Well done Matty- seems you've caught the bug! Good performances too.

Just one thing- did you get a handicap before playing in a comp?


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2016
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I play off 28 at the moment. I managed to get my unofficial handicap down to 25 but after submitting 3 scorecards to my club I was issued with a handicap of 28. My aim is to try and get that down to as close as 20 by the end of the year. I doubt I'll get there but it's something to aim for and concerntrate on.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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I play off 28 at the moment. I managed to get my unofficial handicap down to 25 but after submitting 3 scorecards to my club I was issued with a handicap of 28. My aim is to try and get that down to as close as 20 by the end of the year. I doubt I'll get there but it's something to aim for and concerntrate on.

35 points in your first medal suggests a fun, prosperous year ahead. Good luck!


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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Well done. It sounds as though you had a good experience. I must admit I have never had a bad one with strangers in competitions. Might all change at Woburn tomorrow though :p


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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For anyone that's interested, here is my experience of my first competition.

I only started playing golf last August so hadn't played in any competitions up until last weekend. I entered a qualifiyinng stableford comp and loved it! I was a little nervous beforehand as I hadn't played in a longtime so I was expecting to be very rusty. I got to the course an hour before teeing off so I had plenty of time on the practice area to work on putting and my short game. It also gave me time to make sure I had the correct tee's, pitch mark repairer, and a couple of golf balls in my trouser pockets. Doing that made sure that I had everything to hand when I needed it. I didn't know any of my three playing partners so I was hoping they would be understanding and patient with a high handicapper (they play off 8, 12 and 14). They all helped me out with some rules I wasn't sure about, which was one of the concerns I had beforehand.

As expected my first tee shot was very wayward and ended up with a triple bogey. Things settled down nicely after the 1st and I was actually hitting my driver better than I'd ever hit it! I even made par on the SI 1 hole which I was thrilled about. Ended up with 35 points and finished 16th out of a field of 115.

I also entered another stableford comp on Saturday just gone. Started off OK but the wind picked up and I was struggling on some holes. The wind was crazy. Ended up with 25 points and finished 70th out of 115 entrants. Shot of the day for me was hitting a tee shot ~300 yards on the par 4 (380 yards) 16th. The wind was behind me and I caught a nice down slope! Shame it was a provisional! I couldn't find my original ball but still ended up with a bogey.

Although I'm new to competitions, I prefer playing in that type of environment. I found that I concerntrated more and thrived off the challenge of trying to better my playing partners. I've got myself booked in for a few more stablefords, medals and texas scramble over the coming weeks.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience!

Well done. 70th out of over 100 entrants isn't too shabby, especially in those conditions. Keep going. Competitive golf is a learning curve. Learn where to use shots and recognise that a double bogey isn't always the worse outcome, especially if there's a chance to rack up and 8 or 9. Learn when you need to simply get the ball into play and when you can be more aggressive. Keep it going. Good start


Head Pro
Sep 17, 2014
Wraysbury, Middlesex
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What a lovely read. Well played and what a great first comp finishing 16th that's awesome. I'm like you competitive golf is a different animal and I love it. Glad you had a great experience and i look forward to hearing about your first handicap cut..........and first win :D


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Well done mate and welcome to the world of golf which will give you unprecedented amounts of pleasure coupled with copious amounts of frustration, nice story, I'm sure I speak for everyone in wishing you all the very best for your maiden season and we'll all want to be informed of all your forthcoming cuts 👍🏌⛳️


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 1, 2016
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Thanks for the encouragement folks. I love this game! :D

Its funny how differently I played the course. Id never really given course management too much thought when I've played in the past. When I played the comps, and found myself in the rough with a bad lie with trees around me, instead of going for the miracle shot and trying to thread the ball through numerous trees, I was chipping back out to the fairway. You sometimes need to take your medicine and just accept chipping out is the only real option (well, it is for someone of my ability!).


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Well done Matty.
Always remeber a couple of things. Everyone is a little nervous on the first tee with strangers. Even now handicappers. That's where your pre shot routine comes into play. It's your bubble.

Secondly no low handicapper ever started the game off a single digit handicap. It comes through plenty of him and plenty of practice. They've been where you are and most genuine lads will yen to encourage you and help you and are very helpful with things. Always try and play with better players. You'll learn more through them for your own game.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Excellent read and when done, 16th out of 115 in your first comp is excellent. Just think no triple bogey on the first and you would of been cut from 28. but that's golf. We tend to forget the shots that got us the points and focus on what has cost us. Of all the post the bit about course management is for me the most important. This will help you to get to your goal. My first hcap was 28, and my aim was to get to 22 by the end of the first year. It took me three years ( now 21.2).
Well done me man


Head Pro
Feb 16, 2016
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Course management and short game lowered my handicap these are two areas ive focused on the last few months and im like a different player for it so there's always light at the end of tunnel keep it up well done .