My Driver Swing


Head Pro
Apr 17, 2012
West Sussex
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Hi my driver swing in slow mo


Comments welcome

Realize that I have a closed stance, can work on that

That particular shot was a pretty good for me


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Bit dark!

From what I can see you take the club back inside plane then cast it over the top on the way down. Probably causing a slice.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Kinda depends what your overall goal is. best answer if possible bite the bullet & get some lessons as there's a few issues over time you probably would change. & what's happening, flight, direction, contact wise to your shots in the main.

impossible to tell what the grip is like, given the first movement away could well be worth checking right hand not too far under the handle so strong, & making sure the handle is in the fingers in the main & not higher up in either palm.
reasonable posture, maybes a little too much weight in the heels rather than center of feet. you'd have to check, as said pics a bit dark & a bit far away.

your moving the club away with independent hand action from the get go, rather than the left shoulder left arm so shaft moving away as one so the arms triangle should stay intact.

this independent hand/wrist bend & roll you can see as the hands move further away from the body towards the ball/target line, you can see how the left arm moves away from body separates outwards to form a gap so you can start to see the sky between chest & upper arm.

because of these things the shaft & club head move inside very quickly in the direction back behind the legs some, so lots of inside movement but no clubhead away backwards from target/ball & virtually no 'upwards' clubhead movement.

so club is a good ways flat at this point pointing behind the legs when first horizontal to ground, the shaft is actually below your belt line, left arm already a ways bent, lots of turn flat of the upper body & hips, & your head has moved a good deal to the right too.

subconsciously you then realize you somehow have to get the club going up.
so then the hands/arms lift upwards as you turn a fraction more to your top position, where the shaft is now extremely vertical, clubhead pointing up to the sky.

so you stop here because the body tured so much early on, you can't turn anymore to get the club near parallel, if you could the shaft would then point across the line.

so from the very vertical shaft top of swing position & because of the swing plane/path the club went back the initial move from top starts a ways out & over the top.

now most people from here starting out & over the top would continue on to deliver the club to impact from an out to in path & either pull or slice the ball.
but to your credit & co-ordination on the ways down you manage to reroute the swing path a little ways, so it doesn't come into impact on an out to in path.

it's still coming down a ways steep becasue of where it was at top.
but you manage partly through standing up out of posture & mostly by raising your hand path into impact.This hand raising has to have the effect of slowing the clubhead down as it approaches impact.

so the clubheads direction of travel to impact comes from the inside a little ways so likely the ball still goes out right could then curve further right.
or the body motion a marked turn to the left could possible bring it round a ways so ball goes nearer to target initial target line, depends what part of the face the strike is coming out of & what direction the face angle is looking at through impact.

thing to consider is the swing path the clubhead travels around the body on an inclined plane, think of a big hoop your standing in with the clubhead at address resting on the low point of that hoop behind. the ball. so then the travel of the clubhead is more like a gradual circle.
the club head first moving away backwards from the ball, & then gently inside & upwards (you currently don't really move it backwards much it more turns right immediately well inside where that hoop would be until it's all the ways behind your legs & back & onlt then starts to move up.)

look at this next drill on video get the club down on the ground in the position shown & in slow motion practice getting the shaft to the positions shown, this will feel relay odd to you, bound too given what you're used to doing, get the shaft back parallel to the one on the ground as the left wrist, left thumb sets upwards (not rolls over) like the motion you'd make uses a hammer to knock a nail in.
that left wrist motion 'set' is what makes the shaft & club work upwards as it works around the 'circle' of the hoop. then see how it comes down to again be around parallel to that club on the ground at the 'delivery position approaching impact. through impact you the swing back inside & up the hoop so at top of balanced finish the club is over the left shoulder behind the head virtually parallel to the ears.


Head Pro
Apr 17, 2012
West Sussex
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Hi coach

Thanks for taking the time to reply I will get another video up sometime soon

I have been playing about 4 years now I had coaching to try to get the basics to start out

I have to admit I do not take instruction very well, my coach realised this at the time

Show me a video and can take it in

I do have a weak grip as play a lot of racket sport and very right side dominated

I have struggled with slice and manged to cure it with where I am now, although tend to push the ball to the right alittle but that's far better than where I was previously

You make some good points I will take on board and have a look at the videos

Thanks again