My 2 iron hooks - 4 iron and down never hooks..?!?


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Mar 28, 2020
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I am a reasonably good iron striker (it’s the best part of my game in general — way better than wedges and Driving) and bought a 2 iron as I have nearly always hit my 4 iron (21 degrees) pretty well

When I strike the 2 iron well is goes at a trajectory I like, low, fast and far with lots of run.

But I have a tendency to hook it. It’s not usually devastating, but it can be, and it’s definitely a hook not a draw...

Why would that be, what am I doing wrong and what can I do better? I am probably going to get a lesson to fix it, but want to self-remedy first if I can.

Sometimes I strike is perfectly and sometimes it hooks - about 50/50 really, but mid swing it all feels the same.

Any help greatly appreciated ??

Edit: my miss usually with other irons is a slight push
never a hook ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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could be a lot of things or a combination of them (talking from experience lol), first thing I would double check your ball position

other possible causes could be path too far on the inside, body stopping rotating through the shot, flipping the hands at impact


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Mar 28, 2020
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I have tinkered with less or no shaft lean - moving ball back a bit in the stance too

Sometimes it goes perfectly and sometimes it hooks - when it’s perfect it’s my favourite club in the back as I love the flight and results of a pured strike — but hooks are a bit annoying

Would it be sensible to get a lesson from a pro who uses 2 irons himself / herself? Or would any pro basically know?


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
A slight push suggests an in to out swing path with the face square to the swing path. Perhaps the 2 iron is toe light, to help players square the face at impact. If you are generally able to square the face it may be that the club doesn't suit you. In which case, a lesson won't help. A weaker grip with this club may help.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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I have tinkered with less or no shaft lean - moving ball back a bit in the stance too

Sometimes it goes perfectly and sometimes it hooks - when it’s perfect it’s my favourite club in the back as I love the flight and results of a pured strike — but hooks are a bit annoying

Would it be sensible to get a lesson from a pro who uses 2 irons himself / herself? Or would any pro basically know?

be careful moving the ball too far back, can cause you to get steep and get a bit flippy, try pushing the ball a bit further forward then committing to it


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Is the 2 iron shaft different from the rest of your irons? It might be a bit soft.
Is the grip the same or narrower than the rest of your irons.
Both may lead to a hook.

could be a lot of things or a combination of them (talking from experience lol), first thing I would double check your ball position

other possible causes could be path too far on the inside, body stopping rotating through the shot, flipping the hands at impact

If the shaft and grip are fine, what Fundy said would be my next check.
The fear of hooking can often produce a hook


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2020
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Is the 2 iron shaft different from the rest of your irons? It might be a bit soft.
Is the grip the same or narrower than the rest of your irons.
Both may lead to a hook.

If the shaft and grip are fine, what Fundy said would be my next check.
The fear of hooking can often produce a hook

Grip is the same as my irons -

I have Mizzy irons and a Mizzy 2 iron, was fitted for the 2 iron — it can produce superb shots that I’m really happy with, love it when it works - Just surprised to see a hook sometimes as I never hook the rest

Grip the same, shaft was fitted....guess I need a lesson!


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Grip is the same as my irons -

I have Mizzy irons and a Mizzy 2 iron, was fitted for the 2 iron — it can produce superb shots that I’m really happy with, love it when it works - Just surprised to see a hook sometimes as I never hook the rest

Grip the same, shaft was fitted....guess I need a lesson!

So a different shaft then and possible different swing weight and a different type of head!!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I always played a 1 iron years ago and had the same problem.
My pro said it was due to trying to hit it hard.
Most irons hit the ball a certain distance.
But off the tee a 1/2 iron if your looking for a stinger type shot there is no real distance target and mentally you might just be tweaking your swing to get the most from it.
Is it off a tee or off the fairway you mostly hook it?
I found it was off the tee, hardly ever off the ground.


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Mar 28, 2020
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I always played a 1 iron years ago and had the same problem.
My pro said it was due to trying to hit it hard.
Most irons hit the ball a certain distance.
But off the tee a 1/2 iron if your looking for a stinger type shot there is no real distance target and mentally you might just be tweaking your swing to get the most from it.
Is it off a tee or off the fairway you mostly hook it?
I found it was off the tee, hardly ever off the ground.

Only hit it once off the ground and it was the best golf shot I’ve ever hit, but the chances of repeating it are v slim and I don’t plan on using it except off the tee

It’s a 16 degrees loft, and with a low launch shaft. I wanted it for what it’s good for...low shots that go far and run and run (low under wind)

About 40% of the time I hit it perfectly straight and with decent carry and v good roll out — but 40% of the time I hit it with a hook —— remaining 20% is an awful shot

It’s the hook I don’t understand as I don’t feel I am doing anything different in my swing

Going to get a lesson with it


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Only hit it once off the ground and it was the best golf shot I’ve ever hit, but the chances of repeating it are v slim and I don’t plan on using it except off the tee

It’s a 16 degrees loft, and with a low launch shaft. I wanted it for what it’s good for...low shots that go far and run and run (low under wind)

About 40% of the time I hit it perfectly straight and with decent carry and v good roll out — but 40% of the time I hit it with a hook —— remaining 20% is an awful shot

It’s the hook I don’t understand as I don’t feel I am doing anything different in my swing

Going to get a lesson with it
Get what your saying.
But you must factor in it’s a very difficult club to hit.
Let us know what the pro says?


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Mar 28, 2020
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High hook (over draw) or low smothered hook?
Starts on target or starts left of target?
low smothered it’s only 16 degrees it often bounces early on fairway but goes left (where I play has mostly wide fairways but I am definite trouble if I play a course with tight fairways)