Marriage & golf

Here's what I get away with.

Monday: Range
Tuesday: 9 holes after work
Wednesday: Range
Thursday: Nowt
Friday: Range
Saurday: 18 holes
Sunday: 9 holes

I work it all around my family though. Let me explain.

The range I use is 5 minutes drive from where I work. I'll pop down there 3 times a week for 50 balls in my lunch hour. Straight home from work.

I finish work at 4.30pm so getting 9 holes in post work, I'm normally home by 6.45pm.

Saturday is my day for golf. We have this understanding. Even so, I'm normally back in the house for 12.45pm.

Sunday, I go at the crack of dawn to play 9 and get back in time to get my little boy up so the wife can have a lie in.

Working it this way means I get to spend plenty of time with my wife and son, and also practice and play quite a lot. However if we have something on or my wie needs a little help, I'll always work around them.

It's all about balance.

AND YOU STILL PLAY OF 16? shouldnt you be pro by now?:D :D
I think the trick is to switch from a sport that is really inconvenient and bestow the virtues of golf on your other half!!

When we first met I played cricket and travelled to the furthest flung parts of Surrey which could mean leaving at 11:00am and not getting home until 10:00pm or later. The amount of times I 'ruined' evenings by either getting their really late or not all!!

I then took up golf about 2 years ago and got married 6 months into that period, the other half is much happier as I tend to be out early (although there are occasional moans about being woken up etc) and back by lunch with gives us the rest of the day together and doesn't ruin evenings!

In fact she actually prefers the fact that when we have a big comp on the Sunday I don't really drink on the Saturday night so she doesn't have to cope with my antics on the night and the hungover mess the next morning!!
Compramise mate , if ya want to play golf check it suits herself for you to be gone , work around a time that suits ye both .. don't take the pee staying out hours after the game .. simples ..

Find the proper church & nod & smile .. oh & say I DO .. will buy ya a pint in Ballyliffin to celebrate
Compramise mate , if ya want to play golf check it suits herself for you to be gone , work around a time that suits ye both .. don't take the pee staying out hours after the game .. simples ..

Find the proper church & nod & smile .. oh & say I DO .. will buy ya a pint in Ballyliffin to celebrate

You dont know where that will take you! :rofl:
You dont know where that will take you! :rofl:

I know where it takes you...


All the best btw Bob, Im sure you will both be very happy together, dont stress on the wedding day as you soon look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.
As per a lot of the guys have already said. Kids are the game changer, not a wife. I have 3 kids aged 5 and under... I get to play maybe twice a month on weekends at best. there is simply not enough hours in the week. I am lucky in my job though where i can play a bit of corporate golf, but weekends are taken up with Rugbytots, ballet, stage school, swimming etc etc... and now the wife works on a saturday too!
You dont know where that will take you! :rofl:

I know where it takes you...


All the best btw Bob, Im sure you will both be very happy together, dont stress on the wedding day as you soon look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

Interesting ...................................................................:cool: