Mark Crossfield v Me and My Golf


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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Has anyone seen this :D
Whether he is or isn't, Mark Crossfield is coming across as pretty desperate to win.
He's playing with his Pal the Gorilla Against 2 guys from another YouTube golf channel.

I won't disclose the result but take a look.... ​

Edit- sorry the link doesn't work, You can watch via Crossfields YouTube channel.
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Yes I have seen all of the videos. There are some on Me and My Golf's channel and some on Marks and some on Gorilla's. I did think he seemed very competitive almost desperate to win whilst the other 2 took it as a bit of a fun and a joke. I have to say though the 2 chaps from Me and my golf can certainly play and their short games are deadly Andy in particular is lethal on the greens
yeah i've been watching these and think they are great, there are only so many reviews and shot fixes you can watch.... you want to see good players out on the course seeing how they tackle a real life situation..

ps. his putting is terrible...
I find the best crossfield videos are those out on the course. I enjoy his approach to teaching but he has a personality that suits just having a bit of banter whilst out on the course whilst giving the odd insight here and there.
I find the best crossfield videos are those out on the course. I enjoy his approach to teaching but he has a personality that suits just having a bit of banter whilst out on the course whilst giving the odd insight here and there.

Im a bit bored of all the equipment reviews but I like these playing Videos. Although Crossfield comes across a bit "David Brent" in this one.
Im a bit bored of all the equipment reviews but I like these playing Videos. Although Crossfield comes across a bit "David Brent" in this one.

Spot on. As I find him generally a good chap, I find it a bit sad he crossed the line between banter and trying too hard.

His line about the same outfits, same clubs, do you live together was funny though.

And what was all that business about placing in the rough?
I follow him on google+ but might just ditch him soon as he's getting a bit annoying now. He preaches about the social/getting-involved aspect of it, but yet not once have I seen him reply to any of the questions asked on his google+ posts.

He also seemed to repost the same stuff over and over (until lately it seems - maybe he got the message). He also seems too 'bantery' and desperate to win on some of his playing videos.

How about that for a negative post! ;)
I really like his videos, though I infinitely prefer his course vlog videos where they're out there playing the course.

He preaches about the social/getting-involved aspect of it, but yet not once have I seen him reply to any of the questions asked on his google+ posts.

I think he used to reply to quite a few of the posts on Youtube certainly (not sure about Google+), though I've noticed a lack of replying now that his app has been released. You're more likely to get a response if you pay a fiver for that and ask through it ha ha!! (fair enough really, time is money)
Whats wrong with being competitive? He obviously loves to win. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Also how is this too bantery? Hes having a laugh and making the game fun. The reason they are great is because of his personality Next time turn the sound off and see if you'll keep watching.
Whats wrong with being competitive? He obviously loves to win. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Also how is this too bantery? Hes having a laugh and making the game fun. The reason they are great is because of his personality Next time turn the sound off and see if you'll keep watching.

Hello Mark, How you doing :thup:

I agree Theres nothing wrong with wanting to win but didn't you feel a bit guilty after you danced on Piers line when he had 3ft for eagle ;)
Whats wrong with being competitive? He obviously loves to win. Absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Also how is this too bantery? Hes having a laugh and making the game fun. The reason they are great is because of his personality Next time turn the sound off and see if you'll keep watching.

Nowt wrong with being competitive, and I actually enjoy a bit of banter myself. I just think he's a bit OTT with it sometimes. I don't mind if you don't agree with me, either. :)
Hello Mark, How you doing :thup:

I agree Theres nothing wrong with wanting to win but didn't you feel a bit guilty after you danced on Piers line when he had 3ft for eagle ;)

Didn't realise it was the Ryder Cup. Sorry

Nowt wrong with being competitive, and I actually enjoy a bit of banter myself. I just think he's a bit OTT with it sometimes. I don't mind if you don't agree with me, either. :)

I agree he is. But that's who he is
As well as the Crossfield on-course vids, I've also seen some of the Gorilla James and Harry Flower ones (I am tragic). MC production values are a lot higher, but the others have a certain low-tech charm.

Sadly I think that I know more about the games of a small circle of Devon PGA pros and county am players than is really good for me.

It's almost like a west country golfing ensemble reality soap. Kind of TOWIW (the only way is Wessex of course)...
I really like his videos, though I infinitely prefer his course vlog videos where they're out there playing the course.

I think he used to reply to quite a few of the posts on Youtube certainly (not sure about Google+), though I've noticed a lack of replying now that his app has been released. You're more likely to get a response if you pay a fiver for that and ask through it ha ha!! (fair enough really, time is money)

You're right, he's just recently released another Q and A app and he takes most of the questions through that now . Which I suppose it's fair enough, he does seem to do quite a few, bearing in mind I expect he is still giving lessons as well . Plus he's put a hell of a lot of free stuff out there.
As well as the Crossfield on-course vids, I've also seen some of the Gorilla James and Harry Flower ones (I am tragic). MC production values are a lot higher, but the others have a certain low-tech charm.

Sadly I think that I know more about the games of a small circle of Devon PGA pros and county am players than is really good for me.

It's almost like a west country golfing ensemble reality soap. Kind of TOWIW (the only way is Wessex of course)...

Harry Fowler is a quality golfer, i enjoy his videos. Shame he has a poor camera