Mark Crossfield v Me and My Golf

As well as the Crossfield on-course vids, I've also seen some of the Gorilla James and Harry Flower ones (I am tragic). MC production values are a lot higher, but the others have a certain low-tech charm.

Sadly I think that I know more about the games of a small circle of Devon PGA pros and county am players than is really good for me.

It's almost like a west country golfing ensemble reality soap. Kind of TOWIW (the only way is Wessex of course)...

Totally agree with this, I've definitely an unhealthy knowledge of this group. When you're looking forward to the next on-course vid starring James Diamond, Kevin Harper, Gorilla James or even Mim more than the next PGA Tour event you know you've got issues!!
Totally agree with this, I've definitely an unhealthy knowledge of this group. When you're looking forward to the next on-course vid starring James Diamond, Kevin Harper, Gorilla James or even Mim more than the next PGA Tour event you know you've got issues!!

you nailed it there !

Not to mention, the wild lefty, wheely bin and the odd cameo by Buzza.

See, I told you I was beyond hope...
One thing with him though, he must have end-stage COPD.

He walks a few feet onto the tee and he's panting and gasping for air.
enjoyed that. in mark's defence, he starts off the banter and brings the rest of them out of their shells a bit. it would be boring otherwise.

they should do these more often. I could happily watch 18 holes of it! :thup:

I also think they are an insight into how pros/low men play. they are not always up the middle but have short games to make at worst a bogey.
Really enjoyed these videos, as said really good insight into low players and how they think through a hole.

Think Mark has a had a bit of a bad press here, ok a little competitive but not ott
I think he's seen a niche with all the social media and is exploiting it very well. Last time I looked there are more subscribers to his you tube channel than all of the golf mags, so he's obviously doing something right . Best of luck to him, he seems to do more to make the game accessible to all than most.
He has certainly marketed himself very well and to get 82,000 subs on youtube is damn good going for a golf coach. His and Meandmygolf are the 2 best channels to do with golf tips on there I reckon
He comes across to me as giddy and excitable, which for me makes the videos great fun to watch.

Seems genuine and I could imagine a round with him would be a pretty good laugh, which is exactly how I like my golf.

Scuffing the eagle putt line was harsh, but funny.

Can't really see how anyone would dislike watching the vids, I've watched loads of different guys on you tube and Crossfield is by far my favourite.