Looking in front of the ball


Mar 26, 2012
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I was actually hoping for some advice on the matter not an argument about hitting a ball into the ground. Can you take it else where please


Nov 16, 2011
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I was actually hoping for some advice on the matter not an argument about hitting a ball into the ground. Can you take it else where please

You should be aware that most threads tend to go off topic after the first page - as many posters don't bother to look at the first post.

Your first post didn't actually specifically ask for advice either, so an 'invitation to comment' really.

I'd say that if it works for you, then keep it up. Might not work for everyone though. I've been experimenting with changing my focus to a point I can't see (ground below ball) for chipping, with some success.

Socket's suggestion about hitting the 2nd ball definitely does not work for me, though I've seen it work for some.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I was actually hoping for some advice on the matter not an argument about hitting a ball into the ground. Can you take it else where please

If you read the thread you got advice on your OP, what else are you expecting? This is a FORUM and forums are about debate, it is quite normal for threads to evolve and expand, for views to be challenged and questioned.

Jay Gee

Assistant Pro
Feb 2, 2013
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my pro over a year ago had me doing this, he was into the Bobby Clampett impact zone style coaching. It did work when I did it but typical me fashion I soon went back to my crappy swing like a whirling dirvish and top/fat every other shot.

Basically had me trying to hit 2 inches after the ball but without reaching for it. draw a line in a bunker and practice it or on some turf. three swings then hit a ball off the line doing the same technique... its amazing how easy it is to do until you put a ball there!

Object fixation and I suffer from it too. My swing speed also increases significantly between practice swings and ball strikes too. The drill I was recommended by my coach requires no more than a 3/4 back-swing and contact with the ground after the ball. Still hasn't sunk in 100%, but drills are drills for a reason I guess.