Little Haplesshacker number 2!

Congratulations to you both, it was a bit of a shock when I got the message to say you would not be coming to golf because your wife had gone into labour. I am glad all went well and its great to have a little girl! Im bias as I have a lovely daughter - Chloe.

Hopefully we may get a game of golf in the future.
Best wishes
Congratulations HH !

Welcome to my world :D......... It's a world where you drag yourself out of bed after barely 2 hours of broken sleep spread over 8 hours of constant screaming.
You dress in the dark as quietly as you can to avoid waking the baby / wife / other kids and sneak out of the house to your seven seater people carrier with mouldy jelly babies stuck to the carpet.
You drive, bleary eyed, with all the windows open to try and perk yourself up a bit and to get the smell of baby sick off your clothes and finally get to work where you can enjoy 8 hours of relative tranquility before you venture home to start all over again...........and you wouldn't want to miss a single minute of it. :)

Kids are the greatest joy in the world and I wish you and your expanding family all the best.

Suggestions for names - We already have an Emily and if either of my two boys had been girls we liked Rachel, Hannah , Olivia or Louise
Congratulations Mr & Mrs Hapless. Nice one.

Kids are the greatest joy in the world and I wish you and your expanding family all the best.

Grandchildren bring even more joy.

If i`d known what pleasure they gave I would have had them first.
congratulations to you all,

naming can be fun - sometimes, took ages to get Jenny's agreed; nothing that was too in vogue, too old when she's young or too young when she's older, nothing that creates 'unfortunate' initials or nicknames, none ending in 'i' (bobbi, barbi etc).

What does your eldest want to call her?
viscount. The eldest is only 2, so not much to say on the matter.

Though we have decided. Kayleigh. The wifes mother doesn't have middle name, which I would have considered, though her christian name is Kaye. So as an effort to incorporate her name in somewhere we came up with Kayleigh.

I know all you Marrilion fans will think it's from them, but it's not. Honestly!
Only just read the news Hapless. Huge congratulations to all four of you - children really are the greatest joy.

I actually reckon it will help your golf, because you'll be so knackered you won't be able to focus on swing thoughts!

Congrats again!