LEft Left Left Left.....


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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How the hell can i stop myself swinging left after impact.....My Pro wants me swinging down the line and here's the ironic thing....My practice swings are exactly what he wants me to do but stick a ball in my way and its left all the way.....

The weird thing is no matter how many things he tried to stick in my way i still managed a way of hitting the ball straightish but the club and hands going left straight after impact....

He said that ill need to create a workstation for myself when practicing so that i have 2 high obstacles to miss one on my downswing and one on my follow through....Head covers are no use as im able to still hit through these and still miss them....

I cant seem to get the hit mentality out of my head when there is a ball in the way.....I have a very strong rotation of my upper body at the ball but my hands get thrown just outside the plane line when i i do this in normal posture....

If i stand more upright then i can hit out away from my body but im prone to shanking the ball then as im standing too close at address....

Im stubborn though and will stick with it but has anyone else got through this patch with similar issues....


Global Moderator
Nov 17, 2011
Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I.
I have had this issue to. Still do at times, I have tried a few different things.
The best one and most consistent has been to keep my hands/wrists loose at address and to just think get the club high and behind my head on the follow through. It has worked wonders for me.

I think tbh it's the grip that's the issue. Gripping to tightly and then holding on too long so the club can only come around instead of through and up. It then led for me personally to what appears and feels as an incomplete baseball type follow through.

It also gets me so much more distance. It's something I had been taught last year and had forgotten about until 2 months ago.
My pro basically had said to feel that you are only using the middle to smallest fingers on the left hand and the right hand loosely just to stabilise. Try to feel that the index finger and thumb do nothing on the left hand.

I had tried other methods until I recalled the lesson from last year about the grip. It was actually walking from our 14th to 15th tee. I had been hitting a fade. Which came about from trying other methods of correction.
I thought I am going to just hit this and just get the club high up and behind the head on the follow through. Don't care where the ball goes. It went with a touch of draw and about 30yds at least further than previous drives that day. Then I did it with the second shot and hit the green 15ft from the pin from 180 out. I continued to do so the rest of the way in and hit some great shots.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
How the hell can i stop myself swinging left after impact.....My Pro wants me swinging down the line and here's the ironic thing....My practice swings are exactly what he wants me to do but stick a ball in my way and its left all the way.....

The weird thing is no matter how many things he tried to stick in my way i still managed a way of hitting the ball straightish but the club and hands going left straight after impact....

The swing is an arc, it's supposed to go left. Your hands are going in a circle around your hips... so they should go left too unless you become unconnected and chuck the club down the line or manipulate the club in some way (eg: early rehinge).

Where does your pro want your divots to point? they are supposed to go to the left too.

This swing might be a bit quick to see but at what stage does it look like he's swinging down the line? His hands/club are around his left hip before you can even see them move.

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Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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you might not be fully rotating your shoulders through the hit, therefore your arms are going left to quickly after impact breaking down/collapsing into your chest.
try rotoating your shoulders through impact more and your arms should just extend down the line naturally


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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The swing is an arc, it's supposed to go left. Your hands are going in a circle around your hips... so they should go left too unless you become unconnected and chuck the club down the line or manipulate the club in some way (eg: early rehinge).

Where does your pro want your divots to point? they are supposed to go to the left too.

This swing might be a bit quick to see but at what stage does it look like he's swinging down the line? His hands/club are around his left hip before you can even see them move.


Its a bit fast for me to see James......Basically he wants my hands to follow the ball down the target line a little longer than they are.....Im getting back inside too fast....
He said that because im strong shouldered that they are dominating the swing a bit too much....My practice swings are perfect.....In to out and under plane...But the minute a ball is in front of me im doing everything fine right up to the transition at the top...I seem to go outside the line and just back onto it before impact...Sometimes i save it with my hands which results in a straight shot that at the very end of its flight falls a couple of yards left of the target. I guess a standard Hook...When i get inside too quick im hitting shots that start left and keep going left...There not straight pulls....More like pull hooks......

Im trying to get the swing path right first...Thats my main issue.....Im torn between the two at the moment.......
I just cant seem to repeat the in to out swing path enough with a ball in front of me....

Best way i can explain what he wants me to do is like what Luke is doing here....



Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I'm with JustOne here. You should not push your hands down the target line, they need to move in an arc around your body. I am a bit concerned about what your coach is trying to achieve. What is the problem with your ball flight?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I'm with JustOne here. You should not push your hands down the target line, they need to move in an arc around your body. I am a bit concerned about what your coach is trying to achieve. What is the problem with your ball flight?

Well as i said on good ones their pretty straight to a slight fall to the left...If i leave the clubface open which im prone to the odd time then im loosing the ball both ways.....

I know what your saying that they have to travel inside....But im assuming that thats fine provided you are swinging in to out...
At the moment im kinda stuck between the two swing planes....And when i come down outside it im loosing nearly all my shots left.

What my Pro is getting me to do is swing from the inside...At the moment im just outside the line.....
Ill see if i can get a video of where my swing was at during the summer....
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Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Here are 6 Iron swings SR.......During the summer...It hasnt changed a whole pile until my lessons...

[video=youtube;01KJ0OCGaeM]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01KJ0OCGaeM&list=UUzRr8uz3CMJNmJMzVM5xLzw& index=4&feature=plcp[/video]

[video=youtube;VQ6TRJfGU8I]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ6TRJfGU8I&list=UUzRr8uz3CMJNmJMzVM5xLzw& index=5&feature=plcp[/video]


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Looking at those swings I'm with Tim, you are stopping your shoulder rotation, and not much going on in the hips. If you stop the top vid at impact you can see that both your hips and shoulders are square when they should be open. This slowing of the upper body makes the arms take the swing around the body.. basically like a 'flip'. It also causes that ckicken wing look that you have as basically your left shoulder is in the way!.. it needs to keep turning out of the way.

Trying to swing like Luke is bad advice in my opinion as he swings like that because he re-hinges the club, not something that anyone would teach.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Looking at those swings I'm with Tim, you are stopping your shoulder rotation, and not much going on in the hips. If you stop the top vid at impact you can see that both your hips and shoulders are square when they should be open. This slowing of the upper body makes the arms take the swing around the body.. basically like a 'flip'. It also causes that ckicken wing look that you have as basically your left shoulder is in the way!.. it needs to keep turning out of the way.

Trying to swing like Luke is bad advice in my opinion as he swings like that because he re-hinges the club, not something that anyone would teach.

Well he's not wanting me to swing exactly like Luke does James.....It was the best i could come up with to try and explain what he wants me to do......
I know that my issue is im too grounded and im not turning through with the shot...Everything is afterward...And like you say...My shoulders stop so everything else has to follow on.....

Iv got to try and get the weight going through and with the shot rather than afterward...


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Here's your impact position alongside Ernie's... (he swings down the line a bit and is better to use as an example than Luke)

[click to enlarge...]


As you can see you need to clear your hips more ... then keep those shoulders turning.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Here's your impact position alongside Ernie's... (he swings down the line a bit and is better to use as an example than Luke)

[click to enlarge...]

View attachment 3664

As you can see you need to clear your hips more ... then keep those shoulders turning.

Do they need to go first so at the start of the down swing...I can get that at times and i feel that when i do my right elbow seems to automatically drop to my right hip and then i seem to swing from inside....But as i said im finding it hard to repeat....

Are there any drills to get the hips turning more....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Are there any drills to get the hips turning more....

I was just looking for one... here you go....

you can largely forget the stuff he's talking about but this should give you idea of turning your body out of the way... and the position your body should be in whilst hitting the ball with your left side cleared...


...hold the club as he does and practice turning it down towards the ball.
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Why on earth would the pro advocate down the line. It is a fault I've been working to cure and it is a cause of lots of knock on errors in my game. The one plane swing is about rotation and the club exiting left. The golf swing whichever method you use is based on a circular motion and as much as it pains me (joking) James is right and the club travels to the left on a properly executed swing through impact


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I go with the wrists flipping and elbows chicken winging as the problem. I think you are trying to help the ball into the air.


Nov 16, 2011
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Several good things - particularly the 'centred-ness' and lag and you obviously have talent to hit the ball. The areas I see that you need to work on are connectedness of left arm, how the left wrist is working and the coil. Maintaining height could also help, though, if done well, a dip can add considerable power.

The left arm gets quite disconnected on the down-swing (away from the body/over or outside plane) and once that happens, everything is geared to recovering without injuring - thus the chicken-wing. A combined drill that could help is to have a towel under the left armpit and, with short swings (even one-handed, or without a club), make sure that the back of the left wrist (logo/strap of glove) is pointing in the correct direction - at or maybe just right of target - halfway down (facing away forward from you), through the impact zone (flat and at target) and 'halfway through' the follow through (facing away, left).

However, I believe the root cause is really the lack of an effective coil in the back-swing. You lose the 'Y' at setup very early in the back-swing because you have not really turned you shoulders (nor your hips) very much at all. It may be because of the, laudable, idea to hit from the inside, but this is much easier to do if you have a 'Wide back-swing. Narrow down-swing'. The proper coil will mean that when you unwind (starting with the left knee?) and the hips turn back and open, the arms stay much more connected. So turn the shoulders around your pivot more during the back-swing/coil. Even dedicated S&T-ers do this, which is why a 'shoulder-drop' is noticed. Again, you can practice doing that without a club, simply by turning 90 degrees right, then through back to square and 90 degrees left. I've seen that 'drill' used to introduce absolute beginners/kids to the golf swing!

There also seems a lot of tension at set-up and the left hand grip seems quite strong. Is grip Vardon? or baseball - hands don't seem as much of a single unit as I would expect.

Good Luck!


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi, not sure if you cured your fault to the left, i have had the issue for 3 months

I have been shown my release is too soon and my left wrist isnt flat at impact, resulting in closed face at impact

When i try hard to hold the lag and strike with a flat left wrist the ball is straighter and loft is less which i assume is a result of the clubface making contact at the correct place and no late flipping

Just ordered that yellow piece of plastic to work on my lag hold