Lancashire Golf Trip


Feb 7, 2013
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Afternoon all,

Unfortunately our Scottish golf trip at the end of this month has been cancelled!

We are looking at playing around the Southport/Blackpool area instead. Hoping to play 7 rounds over the 4 days with one of the rounds being at an Open venue or more prestigious courses, ideally Birkdale. Does anyone have any recommendations for courses under £70 around this area to pad out our schedule?

Many thanks.
If you want to post up a list of courses in your price range I'm quite happy to give my thoughts/comments on them but I'm not doing your leg work for you :p
Wel if you are thinking of Royal Birkdale you need a 2 in front of your number. SAOL Final Open qualifying. Fairhaven, Preston(Fulwood), Penwortham, Hesketh, Lytham Green Drive. No idea where you are coming from but on on eon the way and one on your return may help
Also depends on where you are staying at. Driving round preston docks can be a pain. You've also (for a few quid more) got West Lancs, Hillside and Formby round the Southport side.
It might be worth advising your overall budget, and how many rounds you want, then some could recommend and A +b +C +D. (y)

Also, are you all county card holders, can make a very bog price difference for midweek golf.
Hi, many thanks for the responses!

No idea of the area apart from what we’ve read on review sights which you can’t really trust!

Got a budget of around £550 all in but £245 is allocated to Birkdale which we will definitely be playing! Accommodation isn’t booked yet so can work off course bookings. All County Card holders and happy to play 36 at one place on the day rates!

Many thanks!
That's the way to do it.
  1. Book Birkdale
  2. Book cheapest accommodation that would can all tolerate! (Southport has everything from Ma Kelly's B&B to decent hotels! I'd be staying there rather than Blackpool)
550-(1+2)= green fees for rest! :)

But seeing that West Lancs, S&A and Forrmby are £140, £150 and £165 these days, you might need a bigger budget or kip in the car!! (I haven't played in Southport for a while and I was shocked to read those rates!)

So, reading that I'd be heading somewhere else!

How the heck is Saunton cheaper than West Lancs???? You can play a round on each course for £135 on same day. AND St Enodoc is £125 for the full day! :eek:

Now I remember why I havent been to Southport for a while!
Apologies, I meant the £550 is including Birkdale, accommodation is already paid for due to receiving refunds from Air BnB for our Scotland trip!
Here is a list of clubs in Lancashire that accept county cards. As you would expect, none of the big boys on there but St Annes Old links is which I've not played but heard very good things about.
Apologies, I meant the £550 is including Birkdale, accommodation is already paid for due to receiving refunds from Air BnB for our Scotland trip!

...thank goodness for that! Perm any one of the more famous names with your County Card, Eg. we used to play Ormskirk on the way up from the South....never disappointed.

Just seen Hillside is now £200 - I think in the 1990s it was about £40 and you got lunch! :cry:
Some recent threads on this area :-

Birkdale, Formby, Royal Lytham, Fairhavens, S&A and West Lancs and all are quite expensive in summer iirc. Not played any others in that area, so sorry cant help

Hope that helps
If you are playing Birkdale and staying south of the Ribble, I wouldn't bother with going through or round Preston to the Lytham courses (or vice versa). Although I reckon the Old Links is the most interesting around.
Everyone has already mentioned the big names. If you wanted to chuck a few cheaper (but still great) courses check out Pleasington, Fulwood (Preston), Bolton Old Links, Lancaster, Bolton GC, Machester GC.

They all have plenty of opens on also so if you time it right you could jump on one.