Just when you think the BBC have hit rock bottom, they do this ....


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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The BBC have decided to end Dougie Donnelly's contract after 18 yeras of open couverage. I am aware Dougies bullet proof quiff was not to everyones liking but he was almost an institution when it comes to terestrial golf viewing.

It is part of a cost-cutting exercise but surely the Beeb could have managed a personal call to the presenter rather than just leaving a voicemail .

The man has given 18 years of his life to the beeb and they bag him by VOICEMAIL !!!!!!!!

The only bright spot is his likely replacement is golf reporter. Shane O'Donaghue, not the ubiquitous Gary Lineker.

It will also save viewers from wondering how crisp-flogger Lineker would get in a line about England missing out on Euro 2008.
Re: Just when you think the BBC have hit rock bottom, they do this ...

Shocking. I always though Dougie did a sterling job in whatever capacity the Beeb had him in. I always felt he had the respect of the players as well. I liked the way the Americans said "Thanks Dougie" after a wee chat on the practice range.

See what I did there?
It is part of a cost-cutting exercise but surely the Beeb could have managed a personal call to the presenter rather than just leaving a voicemail .

The man has given 18 years of his life to the beeb and they bag him by VOICEMAIL !!!!!!!!

The only bright spot is his likely replacement is golf reporter. Shane O'Donaghue, not the ubiquitous Gary Lineker.

It will also save viewers from wondering how crisp-flogger Lineker would get in a line about England missing out on Euro 2008.

A bloody disgrace isn't it.

How about we get rid of Woss or some of the other twits that feast on the tax shilling?

Cricket- gone

Golf - going

Don't worry though, more - 'Celebrity tittle tattle on jungle ice in ball gowns' to come no doubt.

Given the choice to abstain from paying the licence fee I would tick the box and not miss it for a second.

What exactly do we pay for again? :D
Personally I dont mind seeing him go. He done an annoying hum and haw when other people were speaking and because of that I dont mind. He covers scottish football/sport so I hear him all the time. Give me some fresh faces.

I think Shane O Donaghue is a great presenter. DD has done it for 18 years so why not give a young guy a chance.

The BBC have saved our license money as DD was a freelance worker so he had to be paid extra, The BBC have someone else already employed so they migt as well use him to do the job. Makes sence to me in the current credit crunch...
I think you'd be surprised just how many of the current "staff" are not actually BBC staff but freelance or contract.
...The BBC have saved our license money as DD was a freelance worker so he had to be paid extra. Makes sence to me in the current credit crunch...

So splashing out £150,000,000 on F1 only because of Lewis Hamilton is value for money?

MY ARSE !!!!!!!!!!

The wee kno8 has buggered off to Switzerland to avoid contributing to the country that provided him with most things he needed.

Did they fork out for the rights to show Andy Murray? NOPE !!!

They are a shower of tommy tankers.
Unfortunately the BBC has lost the plot on sports coverage and it isn't a new problem. Anyone remember Grandstand in its heyday with Frank Bough and David Coleman, followed by Rider and Lynam. Use to be great TV every week with football focus, several horse races and some live action until the results.

Once they started losing contracts it bacame a watered down version until it was became a pale imitation of its former self. Not sure the pitiful BBC coverage at weekends even goes under the Grandstand banner anymore.

I think the BBC have a reputation for treating some of their staff, particularly freelancers quite badly so this news doesn't come as a great surprise. I don't know much about the new guy so will wait to see him doing his stuff at the Open

I think the Beed need to look at what they are getting for their money certainly on golf coverage. I have to say I think they have way too many presenters, on course summarisers and presenters/interviewers.
Shane O'Donoghue is an Irishman with sports broadcasting experience-he has hosted and commentated on the Irish Open for the past number of years on RTE.

He is also a single figure golfer.
Andy Murray?
Maybe it takes a 'spoiled brat' to win a Grand Slam (Thinking of Tim nice guy Henman)
BTW Murray's brother does seem like a nice guy).
