is this lesson correct?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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This is mind blowing. why is there a million videos on the web telling people to shallow on the downswing.

I would need someone with a big stick standing beside me beating this into. Life of a flat flipper :swing:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I fear a pile of winter work coming up. like learning to walk again.

Faldo said when he was hitting his best irons he felt as if he was coming slightly OTT. maybe this is it.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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couple of considerations for any folks contemplating taking anything from a couple of folks individual video lessons, one a big handle dragger so the release of the shaft so clubhead never really takes place without manipulation to a vertical shaft at impact, the other too back & under plane so little ways EE & the arms hands/handle so clubhead got to travel ways to much right field also leading to a little ways too vertical shaft at impact

so folks gotta be really aware & pay real good attention what is happening & being described to happen with the hips, & the pelvic angles here

so at the top of the backswing say if the player being observed from the target side dtl the hip turn gone into the hip socket so the right glute (butt) would be 'deep' - the back right pants pocket would have rotated towards this viewpoint towards the target - at no point would it have moved aways from the target to trailside

similarly into & at impact the left glute (butt) would from normal dtl trailside viewpoint would appear 'deep' the back left pants pocket would have rotated trailside towards this viewpoint & aways from the target

hips gotta turn (as they always have to) any lateral sway &/or pelvic extension upwards (a straightening up of the pelvic angle) in the move off the ball a big no

as then there will be no room for the hands/handle & arms to travel downwards into as described in the video & the right shoulder will be unable to bump downwards at transition before it travels diagonally to the ball - so the move from the top if no proper hip turn will still be outwards first & over the top - but that will be, if this happens to an incorrect understanding not the instruction

at start transition it's just a transfer of weight pressure to the left - not a big left lateral move as if it does that the left hip cannot turn/rotate & clear back to get in the 'deep' position (take a look at virtually every real good Tour player into & at impact dtl you'll see that deep left glute/butt position)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I think this video says a lot for when you dive in with some swing theory you find on a youtube clip and how it might not suit YOUR swing... a deep backswing with a strong body pivot clearly doesn't suit this slip of a girl so she is being taught a more 'armsy' swing


Two different instructors, two different players, two different concepts....


#iloveitthatgolfissoconfusing :D
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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she's an Oklahoma State grad, this is her rookie year on the Symetra Tour, & LPGA Tour -(non-exempt)
she still has little ways good hip + upper body rotation goin on

- that age old practice feel, to real during a through the ball swing motion



Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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I emailed the dude and like a lot said was a feel vs real scenario...

Here's his reply- I can not seem to find the video. But I know the one. First of all what you have to feel like you are doing and a swing and what actually happens when you try to do something is very different. That is one big reason why our industry is so in trouble and why players are not getting better. If you look at positions you are missing what is going on. When you swing a club there are multiple forces acting on the club and your body.These forces can not be seen. But they exist. In fact how you use these forces is what makes the pictures happen that you want to see.
The video was showing you that as you change directions in your swing the club as it starts down is gaining in speed and force. You have to be offsetting that force to get the club in the correct position. So you feel as though the handle of the club is coming straight down and the club head is being directed into the correct arch for the momentum of the club to run the club into the ball. If you pull the handle out of the top the weight of the club is immediately behind your hands and you then will have to catch the club head up. This causes a push or a flip hook. Tour players call this getting stuck. Also if you watch that video you will see that the club is coming over my hands but the club head is still coming from inside the target line into the ball. I call this over the top from the inside.
If you want an example of someone who is constantly making the exact swing that I showed on the video watch Justin Rose. Who ever is working with him on this feeling is starting to figure out the offsetting forces. I hope that that helps you. My website will be up in a few weeks and I will be going into all of these types of discussions. I have been very lucky over the years to be with some of the best in many different disciplines. The physiology industry. The applied physics and neurology group and the learning industry. I have learned much more from these experts than from golf professionals. Because they understand exactly what is happening. Most golf instruction is done by asking good players what they feel like they are doing. That is a train wreck. Also our industry is one of the only professional industries that does not have a standardized vocabulary. Words mean whatever you want them to.
I do not mean to go on. But my goal is to help players have a better chance of becoming good players. it is not that the positions that they see and strive for are wrong. They are correct. But what the body needs to do and what you have to feel like you are doing with the club to make them happen more consistently is where the problem is


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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You see Justin rose constantly rehearsing that move on the downswing.

O hit a few yellow balls in the house last night and he was the golfer who sprung to mind. He swings with the club out in front but when he gets it wrong he hit the sh••ks Like I did.

Liking that description above. "over the top from the inside''


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 30, 2013
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I tried this swing thought today (handle down club head out) and hit a lot more greens in reg. It was hard to see if the ball was going further as it was pretty breezy but the flight was good and they went straight.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I'll be honest. I didn't get time to go to the practice ground to give this too much thought.

I arrived on the first tee with a new three wood in tow yesterday. Managed a birdie and was concentrating hard on the round from then on. I did try to swing more on plane. If I achieved this or not I am not sure. 4 birdies and 3 bogies later I am not too bothered. First round ever under par.

Putting it all down to the new three wood. Was on the short stuff all day. Easy game then.

Today the course was jammed and only got 11 holes in before sacking it and going home. It was a joke how slow it was going. Society and scratch matches in front.