Interesting podcast..


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Aug 10, 2021
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Deleted member 25575

Not listened but totally agree that taking advice from people is a no no. Well from the untrained.
I used to give advice to PPs but have stopped as in all honesty I don’t know enough about the swing and especially their interpretation of it to actually give them advice I may just make things worse.
Same goes for taking advice, I have regular lessons with a pro and he , at the moment, is the only one I take swing advice from.
I do watch YT but fight the urge to do so regularly and try and forget everything I’ve watched though that doesn’t always happen

Deleted member 29109

Listened to it and pretty much agree with everything they said.

I’m sure we’ve all been told to keep our head down at some point.


Sep 9, 2017
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I can't help but think Jon Sherman has stolen Adam Youngs thunder to some degree.

I like the sweet spot and followed Adam Young before it came into existence, after reading The Practice Manual. Jon Sherman seems the much better communicator but IMO its Adam that is the knowledge base behind the partnership - he is just not as good at putting his knowledge across verbally in an engaging way.

The Four Foundations book is an amalgamation of knowledge from the likes of Adam, Scott Fawcett, Mark Broadie, Lou Stagner, Andrew rice amongst others - I'd be interested to know if they get a cut from the book tbh.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 24, 2009
East Yorkshire, UK
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I regularly listen to them, first came across Adam when he was a guest on the Chasing Scratch podcast with his nail hammering analogy.

Some of the podcasts get a bit repetitive, but there are some real gems in there and they don't run in any order (other than a few are 2 part) so you can just cherry pick ones of interest. I really like their approach about accepting that there are many different ways to deliver the clubhead but it is what the clubhead is doing at impact that counts.

One of the guys in our regular fourball is working on changing something in his backswing, he has gone from 6 to 10 handicap and is hitting the ball far worse. When I asked him why he was making the change, he had no explanation!


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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I think that some advice from a regular playing partner can be helpful.
I'd say more along the lines of "this part of your game doesn't seem to be working", than "do it like this". Sometimes we can be oblivious to our most obvious failings (and/or in denial) and it takes an external agent to point out that our chipping/putting/bunker play is costing 2 shots a round.