in to out swing and high hands


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
FWIW: Rory McIlroy swing out at approx 10° with his driver, however, because he swings UP into the ball his actual path is about 6½°

Also interesting to note that in the past 4yrs he's added 10mph to his swing speed :angry:



Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Perfectly normal... just take a look at Ernie Els swing. The hands returning exactly to the shaft plane is not a common thing, it happens with some players but not many, normally they are swinging left (for example someone like Manassero might return hands to the shaft plane - can't say I've ever watched his swing though).


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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The red line is the original shaft line. This is a 9 iron btw

Nope hands aren't over high here at all club shaft at a reasonable enough vertical angle. Not really lost your posture any, pelvic angle still in reasonable shape.

Always dangerous to comment about movement on a static frame, but the weight still does look to be too much on the right side, right foot still very flat here, ideally you'd expect given where the shaft & club head have got to, at more or less impact that the right foot right ankle would have rolled onto the inside of the right foot more so the whole of the outside right foot here would have already started to show it was peeling up & had left the ground some.
As said difficult given it's a still frame but would have expected this movement to be a little further progressed here.

So think the issue here is both weight transference & swing path (although youve given in to out path number & 6º not hugely excessive on it's own) but given that this is a 9i given your target line looking at the foot line & shoulder line the swing direction - refers to the par of the swing below waist height - you can see here it's a good ways out to the right.

So somewhere in that last piece of movement to the top the direction of it has set in place, that it has the appearance you must be coming down & getting a little stuck behind with the weight very much on the right trail side, from here you do a real good job of being able to stay in posture as thats not that easy given where the weight seems to be & as said before the hands too not really high so it really steepens the shaft into impact either.

Motion rather than stills would be more reliable, as easier to see what's exactly happening then, but weight into left side sooner & a feeling that you are swinging both down & slightly left would be a help. But the weight right is making the shaft a deal flatter as it travels down so from the inside exiting way too much to the right.

Will look for a couple of drills I have somewhere that would be worth you doing, but at first swing only at 60º max as they won't be that easy for you to do.

Got to feel you're swinging down more on top of the ball & the club is exiting left through impact.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Using 2 bottles here but if you're at the range you can use to upside down plastic range baskets, better for this if they are the round ones, just place one outside the right foot so the edge nearest the target line is where the bottle is.

Instead of the bottle the other side of the ball obviously you can again use a basket, but if the range has a golfshop, if you can get a cardboard long thin box that a single/few clubs would come in that's even better.
As it gives you a whole longer length you have to avoid, you place it about an inch away other side of the ball & parallel to the target line, ball around mid box, so same distance of box before ball & after.

But preferably use an upside down basket or a bottle in the position near the right foot as you need the height here to effect a change, headcover not really tall enough given what you are doing in the swing motion.

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Also if you have a smash bag at your home you can use that, again slower swings so start with as it can be a little bit intimidating, given where you have to place it.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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The more from the inside with the weight on the right side the swing is your also going to get much more face rotation over a small distance approaching & through impact so easy to get miss-contacts, even though the numbers say in from 6º if you can neutralize the swing path, approach & exit, there won't be as much face angle rotation so a deal easier to both get to square & find center through impact on a consistent basis.