How often do you use your Driver?

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They are tough, with two well over 200 yards and three around the 180 mark so arguably they form part of the defence especially for the low handicappers. Not unusual around here at the Berkshire (red) has six par 3's as well

Usually get around 3 in my area and shortest is usually 150-160
Simple question really.

Over the last few weeks I've been thinking of ways to improve my golf.

Every par 4/5 i'm usually a get the driver out and lash it all over the place type of golfer, but I've been thinking about my shots a bit more.

I played friday and only used it a couple of times and scored the best I have for a long while.

Use mine 3 sometimes 4 times at most, I use my strong 3w more, far more consistent, it’s far better taking a slightly longer but clear 2nd shot than having to chip out or scramble from somewhere and relying on getting up & down. Making so many more pars.
Ours course is quite open so I generally use driver for 13 holes sometimes more if our longer par 3s are into the wind, I’m not a big hitter quite straight so useing a driver is not a issue for me.
I use my driver whenever I can as I am reasonably straight, albeit not long (200-220 yards on average). On my course, however, there is a stream that runs across eight holes and hitting driver on 2, 13 and 18 brings the stream into play. Also, our 5th only needs a 160 yard shot to the corner of a dogleg. Therefore, taking the above out and four par 3s leaves 10 hits with the driver on 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16 & 17.
I usually hit around 220. Always thought I was quite short with it but looks like I'm about average based on these comments! Makes me feel much better about it haha
I usually hit around 220. Always thought I was quite short with it but looks like I'm about average based on these comments! Makes me feel much better about it haha
About what I hit and I definitely know I am short compared to most of my regular PP's including a few that are much older than me. On the plus side the dispersion is beginning to narrow and there are fewer disaster drives that ruin scorecards.
All these [relatively] straight drives 200-220 yards, means you all must have a shocking short game or can’t putt, or you’d all be Cat1’s ?
About what I hit and I definitely know I am short compared to most of my regular PP's including a few that are much older than me. On the plus side the dispersion is beginning to narrow and there are fewer disaster drives that ruin scorecards.

Yeah that's why I'm happy with mine. I hit about 65% of fairways and the ones I miss are usually only by a yard or 2 and in the first cut
On my home course, around 8 times in the round. One or two holes where it depends on wind direction.

For those who know Bearwood Lakes, that is the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th sometimes if wind against but usually not, 11th, 15th, 16th, 17th if wind helping and can get pretty close, and 18th.

Any more tips for H4H? :D
Any more tips for H4H? :D

Not a long course and no trickery to catch you out. Greens can be fast and if so, being above the pin leaves you with a fast putt, so relatively conservative fairways and greens play tends to be better than Bryson de Chambeau stuff. Putting from the middle of the green never bad. I don't know if a pin sheet will be available for the event, but if so, get one and try to plot your route back from the green. So if pin on right side, try to leave your tee shot on the left for best approach.

If you can get a decent drive away on the par 5s, depending on wind conditions, they can be on in two. The 5th is probably the best chance, a lowish second coming over the brow of the hill will skip on through the bowl onto the green. There are yardage markers on the fairways, marked to front and middle. I usually lay up if 240+ away, have a tonk if I get to 240. One hole to watch out for is the 16th. They have a feature of a set of railway sleepers across the fairway 50 or 60 yards short of the green. Not a feature I like. If you hit a good tee shot and have a tonk which come up short, you can end up close to them, so on 16, if I don't hit a great drive (which is pretty often), I lay up more conservatively to about 120 years.

Edited to correct autocorrect mocked below.
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I think the gauge is pretty simple.

How many shots does a driver “cost” you from 3 off the tee and chip outs per round?

If 0 you are using it too little or just enough, 1-2 then probably about right as it is likely gaining you those back. 3+ then try using it one less time until the risk balance is 2 shots lost or less.
Of the 13 non par 3 holes I will hit driver usually on 1,3,5,7,13,14,15,17 and 18.

Ob the 6th you are forced into a layup off the tee due to a dogleg so usually hit between 5 hybrid to 4 wood depending on wind. On the 8th the big fairway bunker is reachable with the big stick so I usually hit 2 wood or 4 wood. The 9th is so narrow and slopey that accuracy is of utmost importance and again I'm back to something between hybrid and 4 wood depending on how I'm swinging on the day. The 11th is narrow so 2 wood usually comes out.