How long?


Medal Winner
Feb 15, 2011
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Hi guys.

I am pretty new to golf and have been consistently lowering my scores from about 110 when I started to recently shooting mid to high 90s in about 5 months.

I thought I would get some lessons and had my first one on Monday. Since then I have managed to play 2 rounds with scores of 111 and 118 using what he said.

How long will it take for the tuff he showed me to bed in.
I know it won't happen over night but how long until I start to see some improvements in my game.


Head Pro
Jan 16, 2007
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You'll generally (speaking from experience) find that after a lesson your game will go backwards for while. My advice is to persevere with what the pro taught you as it'll all come good in the end. Any swing changes you make will inevitably take a while to bed in. It'll also feel quite odd to start with.

I had a lesson a few years back that highlighted a really strong left hand grip. Pro got me to change my grip to slightly a more neutral one which felt very odd, I then proceeded to shank the next balls 20 sideways. In all honestly it probably took me at least 4-6 weeks to really feel comfortable with the new grip.

Perseverance is the key my man :)



Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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It depends on how much you practice, how much you remember, and if you have any aptitude.

You will need alot more than one lesson to really see any improvement, and often it will get worse before it gets better.

Tiger Woods has had a few lessons recently, and look where he's at.


Medal Winner
Feb 15, 2011
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I realise it will take time and practice and more lessons but was wonderig how long on average it would take til I saw the light.

I normally go to the range twice a week and play on the weekend. Think I'm most annoyed because my dad has beat me. Which he has never done before!

Cheers for the input and will probably see how it is going in 6 weeks


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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I realise it will take time and practice and more lessons but was wondering how long on average it would take til I saw the light.

There is no average mate, there are too many variables. Just keep practicing what you've been taught and it'll come good eventually.


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2008
United Kingdom of Taxation.
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Whilst my current game is straightish driving good sand recovery and average putting their being nothing resembling straight in the middle i have gone through the same as you. Last year i spent 3 or 4 months having a lesson every two weeks or so. I was initially dissapointed that i was so rubish but i got on with the pro and felt i should stick with it. After a while i had to think less about what he was saying about early faults ( we ignored certain faults too start with whilst i concentrated on others so that it wasn't too much to think about at any one time) in fact i remember very clearly him saying once that every great shot i was hitting looked like a lot of thought had gone in to it and that wouldn't i couldn't be be consistant playing like that. Over time i would reduce a fault and have to concentrate on it less. In late May 2010 i played 9 holes with some friends i hadn't played with in months and i kid u not after two holes i thought i am going to start trying to get close to the pin not just the green, my irons were back to acceptable length and accuracy was pretty good. I shot a round of 40 strokes on a par 34 9 hole course. Yes the course was shorter than normal but still not bad for a 28 handicapper. I then went to the states and played another great 9 holes before getting too cocky with the water on the 18 hole courses and my driving started falling apart. I stopped taking lessons thinking i was playing rounds in the mid 90's and i was happy with that but after a winter break my game has gone completely. I am returning to lessons in April money allowing. I would suggest finding a coach you get on with and just sticking with it. Don't go looking for the perfect swing try and elimate a few faults at a time don't overload yourself. The swing is too quick to have too many thoughts in your head.