High intensity interval training


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Does anyone do HIIT? I started (again) to try to get my blood pressure down. I do it on an exercise bike 3 or 4 times per week on alternate days. I do 40 seconds brisk cycling, followed by 20 seconds flat out, then one minute's rest. I do 8 repetitions, after which I'm breathing heavily & have legs like jelly.

Is this enough / too much? For reference, I'm 77, in reasonably good health, with two dodgy knees & a repaired hernia which re herniated. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I can’t comment on your situation, but I used to do a sort of interval training on training rides for the mountain bike. Then, we would do a distance governed sprint(usually about 400 m or so) followed by a 2 minute Stacy pace then another sprint. We would do this about 5 or 6 times then carry on with the ride.
It had tremendous effects on our fitness levels.
I have read that the sort of short interval training you are talking about is very beneficial and better in a way that long training sessions.
What I would say is that targeted training is what most don’t do. For that you need a heart rate monitor, know your target heart rate zone you want to be in, then do 5 mins warm up, followed by 15 or 20 in the zone you want your heart rate to be in, followed by 5 mins of cool down. That would be more beneficial than a 3 hr ride when using a turbo trainer or excercise bike


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Does anyone do HIIT? I started (again) to try to get my blood pressure down. I do it on an exercise bike 3 or 4 times per week on alternate days. I do 40 seconds brisk cycling, followed by 20 seconds flat out, then one minute's rest. I do 8 repetitions, after which I'm breathing heavily & have legs like jelly.

Is this enough / too much? For reference, I'm 77, in reasonably good health, with two dodgy knees & a repaired hernia which re herniated. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.
I'll put it to my daughter & son-in-law who are both Sports Physios & Cross-fit experts.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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It certainly helps if you are wanting to get in better shape. I tend not to do to many BIG efforts anymore at 67.....my wife has repeatedly threatened to kill me if I kill myself on the machine. I think it more likely she would just kick my lifeless body repeatedly, but I get her message. When younger and running a lot, different types of speed work does wonders for improving the speed that you can run at.....both from increasing the speed that you can run at and improving your bodies ability to adjust to higher demands (like racing). Now days, that concept has moved over to almost anything......running, machines, weight lifting etc.....I currently have an elliptical in the garage that I am on almost everyday and I try to throw in a few short bursts to spike my heart rate. I do not push it tooooo much like I used to.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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So, Im not a doctor, but...(!)
I'm not sure how appropriate this form of exercise is if you're suffering from hypertension. It's certainly an effective way of improving certain aspevts of cycling performance, but that's not the same thing.
I scanned through this site, and it specifically mentions that exercise that raises heartrate and BP dramatically wasn't suitable for hypertension.
It suggests more zone 2 type stuff. This is exercise where you can still talk to someone somewhat coherently (or monitor it with a hr strap).

It might be worth seeking actual medical advice, as unlike duff opinions on golf swings, our best intentions might do you some damage!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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It might be worth seeking actual medical advice, as unlike duff opinions on golf swings, our best intentions might do you some damage!
I agree 100%
If you get bad swing advice on here, you might end up with a bad swing.
Bad medical advice, no matter how well intentioned doesn't bare thinking about.
Please delete this thread and go and see a doctor


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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HAs your gym (if you are using one) got a suitable personal trainer you can approach? At the gym I use, members can have a free taster session and they PTs are always willing to give bits of advice when asked for free. They may say go and see a doctor first but can also provide a good program for your specific needs.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I agree 100%
If you get bad swing advice on here, you might end up with a bad swing.
Bad medical advice, no matter how well intentioned doesn't bare thinking about.
Please delete this thread and go and see a doctor
I've discussed it with my GP, he's happy for me to do it. I'm only slightly hypertensive & it's worse in the surgery than at home, which is common. A few years back the Practice Nurse wanted to put me on medication but I refused & I was given a 24 hour monitor to wear. It turned out I wasn't hypertensive at all. Also, a few years ago, I wouldn't have been regarded as hypertensive for my age but, like cholesterol, they've moved the goalposts to ensure more people take medication they probably don't need. But that's just my opinion & that of a number of enlightened experts who I prefer to listen to.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
HAs your gym (if you are using one) got a suitable personal trainer you can approach? At the gym I use, members can have a free taster session and they PTs are always willing to give bits of advice when asked for free. They may say go and see a doctor first but can also provide a good program for your specific needs.
I don't do gyms!