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Medal Winner
Sep 23, 2009
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Suffered in a bunker in my last comp. Question, My ball ended up trapped between the back edge of the bunker and the rake, removing the rake allowed my ball to roll into the middle of the bunker, placing my ball back to its original position it still rolled to the middle. I ended up having to place it and then push it into the sand to prevent it moving. Is that the right decision? It gave me a near impossible lie and in hindsight I should have played out backwards. The rule at our club is that all rakes should be placed in the middle of the bunker to prevent this happening. Should I be penalised for someone elses mistake?


Nov 16, 2011
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Don't think that was a correct decision.

Decision 20-3d/2 seems pretty much exactly your situation.

Basically, if it won't stay where it lay, then find nearest point not nearer the hole where it will; if there is no such point, proceed under Unplayable or, (is equity) outside Bunker keeping the point where the ball lay directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped.

So if you can't find an appropriate place in the Bunker, you have to take a Penalty.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Should I be penalised for someone elses mistake?

happens all the time - unrepaired footprints, divots, piles of sand left on the fringes and even the muppet that fails to get the flag stick out the hole without your ball hitting it.........

unfortunately people don't think, or care - I give them credit for the former :)


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Interesting that the option in the Decision to drop outside the bunker on a line, under penalty, isn't incorporated in the Rule, and that it is made in Equity. You would be stumped in that situation on the course even if you had a Rule book. I doubt if many people would be able to second guess that as a legitimate option. I certainly wouldn't have thought you could do that. Not sure what I'd have done.:confused:

Is this a situation where the principle of "not nearer the hole" actually needs to be secondary. Why not change the Rule to allow the option to place at the nearest point in the bunker where the ball will come to rest even if that is nearer the hole? At least you are still in the bunker, probably only an inch or two nearer the hole, and that is more likely to be where your ball would have ended up but for the rake. Seems closer to the spirit of Equity than having to incur a penalty shot and a shot over the bunker.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Interesting that the option in the Decision to drop outside the bunker on a line, under penalty, isn't incorporated in the Rule, and that it is made in Equity. You would be stumped in that situation on the course even if you had a Rule book. I doubt if many people would be able to second guess that as a legitimate option. I certainly wouldn't have thought you could do that. Not sure what I'd have done.:confused:

Is this a situation where the principle of "not nearer the hole" actually needs to be secondary. Why not change the Rule to allow the option to place at the nearest point in the bunker where the ball will come to rest even if that is nearer the hole? At least you are still in the bunker, probably only an inch or two nearer the hole, and that is more likely to be where your ball would have ended up but for the rake. Seems closer to the spirit of Equity than having to incur a penalty shot and a shot over the bunker.

it's entirely consistent with 25-1 b ii b

the rule makers have a fine line over which things become rules rules or stay decisions; if everything was in the rules you wouldn't be able to use them! (although the decisions are of course rules).

i agree there's value in utilising the NP in the bunker in both these cases, regardless of it being nearer, to make the penalty relief option a final resort, but maintain the integrity of the hazard. Don't think it will happen - they really don't like the nearer DZs already!


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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it's entirely consistent with 25-1 b ii b

Ah yes, thanks Ducan. I can see the equity in the Decision is in treating the bunker/rake situation the same as if the bunker was filled casual water. Not your fault and normally free relief, but as it is not possible to drop as the Rules require then you have to take the penalty. Makes perfect sense.

That is one thing I like about the Rules and the Decisions, love em or loathe 'em they are well thought through.


Medal Winner
Sep 23, 2009
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Thanks for that, not one of us thought you could drop out of the bunker under penalty, nice to know if it happens again!