H4H Auction Items


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Looking for items we can auction on line and on the day at Blackmoor for the Help For Heroes charity.

Four balls always do well, so please ask your clubs if they would be willing to donate for such a good cause. Also three balls playing with a member are popular, and a great way to meet forumers.

Items do do not have to be 3 and 4 balls, so if you have any clubs you don’t need, balls you will not use etc, post them on this thread, and we will auction them off. (Please no worn out clubs or molitor or Top Flite golf balls !)

I will do a separate thread for bids, so please just post on here anything you think will raise some money. Hopefully Mike Harris will raid the GM cupboard and add a few items.

I am sure I will be able to get a four ball from Blackmoor, and Paul at Swinley will I am sure donate a three ball there. ?

Deleted member 1147

Hi Richard
Will you be doing the usual donation to play with a GM staffer?
If so, you can put me down for that(y)


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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I will happily donate my old Ping irons instead of selling them on here:
Ping i25 yellow dot (2° upright) 4-PW, stock steel shafts. Used, average condition, and although 9 iron has lost the cavity back insert, there's no discernable difference in performance that I can tell. 1 year old Golf Pride CP2 standard grips in good condition.


Club Champion
Oct 18, 2015
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Looking for items we can auction on line and on the day at Blackmoor for the Help For Heroes charity.

Four balls always do well, so please ask your clubs if they would be willing to donate for such a good cause. Also three balls playing with a member are popular, and a great way to meet forumers.

Items do do not have to be 3 and 4 balls, so if you have any clubs you don’t need, balls you will not use etc, post them on this thread, and we will auction them off. (Please no worn out clubs or molitor or Top Flite golf balls !)

I will do a separate thread for bids, so please just post on here anything you think will raise some money. Hopefully Mike Harris will raid the GM cupboard and add a few items.

I am sure I will be able to get a four ball from Blackmoor, and Paul at Swinley will I am sure donate a three ball there. ?
That's a yes for swinley rich


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Many thanks for the donation Simon.(y) I wouldn't be as rude as Imurg, but must admit I was thinking the same.:eek:
Welcome. BTW, I'll be donating even if I don't get to play... and despite your rudeness! ?

Deleted member 1147

I’ve got an unused Oddysey putter you can flog, Richard.
Can’t remember the details I’m afraid, but it’s a 2 ball iirc.