Good teaching pro needed...Leicetershire, warks, northants?


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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Hi guys,

Bit of a newbie post with recommendations wanted please.

I've took up golf in march 2015 and have been steadily getting better but have hit a problem that i cant seem to shift at the moment and its really holding my scores back. Im stuck scoring mid 90's with my lowest score being 91. This was when i was hitting my irons better (cleaner). Off the tee i have progressed and am now fairly confident in that area and to be honest that improvement is keeping my scores reasonable. The problem i have is i am constantly hitting my irons fat and my head is so full of swing thoughts i just dont seem to be able to consistently strike them correctly. When i do strike them well, its a great shot but they are few and far between. I feel i'm losing as much as one shot per hole due to a chunked iron.

I have had two hours one to one lessons when i first took up the game and approximately four hours group coaching mid way through the year. I dont really want to use either of these guys again for various reasons and i'd really like to go and see a top coach in the area with use of some launch monitor equipment to back up the coaching.
I am looking at Chris Ryan at the belfry or possibly Anders Mankert and Cosby golf club. I am not set on either as yet but i was wondering if anyone had used either of these coaches or could recommend another good coach in this area of the midlands.

I am a member of a club in the area but they dont have launch monitor equipment.

Thank in advance



Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Welcome to the forum!

Would recommend Alistair Davies at the Forest of Arden, have had several sessions with him and he's excellent. Hit balls onto the range with trackman and cameras set up in the private bay, he is a very good communicator and will give you drills to use when you go to practise afterwards. Have added links to a review I wrote 18mths or so ago and also a link to his website


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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Hi Fundy and thanks for the reply.

I have seen Alistair on one of Chris Ryans course vlogs playing forest of arden. He did come across well in that vid. I will have a look at his website.




Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Hi Fundy and thanks for the reply.

I have seen Alistair on one of Chris Ryans course vlogs playing forest of arden. He did come across well in that vid. I will have a look at his website.



He has a load of videos on his youtube channel which will give a decent idea too. Plenty of good pros out there but for me the most important bit is finding someone who can communicate any changes clearly and for me Alistair did this better than any other teaching pros ive used


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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I've just read your review thread and it looks very positive. Would you recommend i went for the group session or an individual session to start with for my specific problem?


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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I really liked the group session I did with Alistair, it was really well structured and great value for money. Not sure if he still runs them like that though. If you have a specific issue though as mentioned above I think I would choose just to have a 1 on 1 personal lesson for an hour.

It may be worth sending Alistair a message with your opening post, saying hes been recommended and asking him what he thinks would be the best approach


Assistant Pro
Oct 24, 2015
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I recommend Piers Ward and Andy Proudman from Me and MY Golf. They teach at perton golf club in Wolverhampton. Excellent coaches very good drills video feedback with drills after each lesson and very reasonable prices.


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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I really liked the group session I did with Alistair, it was really well structured and great value for money. Not sure if he still runs them like that though. If you have a specific issue though as mentioned above I think I would choose just to have a 1 on 1 personal lesson for an hour.

It may be worth sending Alistair a message with your opening post, saying hes been recommended and asking him what he thinks would be the best approach

Thanks Fundy, i've just sent him and email on my problem and which he thinks would be best for me. According to his website he does seem to still be doing the 4 person workshops approximately once a month.


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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I recommend Piers Ward and Andy Proudman from Me and MY Golf. They teach at perton golf club in Wolverhampton. Excellent coaches very good drills video feedback with drills after each lesson and very reasonable prices.

Thanks for the reply. I do like their coaching vids on youtube. Although they are a bit further to travel. Have you had lessons with them? I take it you chose one or the other not both coaching at the same time. Which one would you recommend?


Assistant Pro
Oct 24, 2015
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Playing like you since March 2015, having lessons with Piers since October every 2-3 weeks. When started lessons was handicap 28 and hitting around 95-105 a round, playing last tuesday hit 87 on a par 71 course and felt i could even go lower. Planning for the summer to get to handicap 18 and for your question Yes you choose one of them. They do lessons every Tuesday and Saturday. Best way to give them a call and explain what are you struggling with or what you want to improve. What i like the most that in between lessons when practicing at the range or in a garden I can record my swing and email to them and have immediately feedback if I'm practicing correct staff or old habits sneaking in.


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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Hi guys,

Bit of a newbie post with recommendations wanted please.

I've took up golf in march 2015 and have been steadily getting better but have hit a problem that i cant seem to shift at the moment and its really holding my scores back. Im stuck scoring mid 90's with my lowest score being 91. This was when i was hitting my irons better (cleaner). Off the tee i have progressed and am now fairly confident in that area and to be honest that improvement is keeping my scores reasonable. The problem i have is i am constantly hitting my irons fat and my head is so full of swing thoughts i just dont seem to be able to consistently strike them correctly. When i do strike them well, its a great shot but they are few and far between. I feel i'm losing as much as one shot per hole due to a chunked iron.

I have had two hours one to one lessons when i first took up the game and approximately four hours group coaching mid way through the year. I dont really want to use either of these guys again for various reasons and i'd really like to go and see a top coach in the area with use of some launch monitor equipment to back up the coaching.
I am looking at Chris Ryan at the belfry or possibly Anders Mankert and Cosby golf club. I am not set on either as yet but i was wondering if anyone had used either of these coaches or could recommend another good coach in this area of the midlands.

I am a member of a club in the area but they dont have launch monitor equipment.

Thank in advance


How old are you?


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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Personally I think you're barking up the wrong tree and looking for shortcuts.

It's one of the most difficult sports known to the world, you took a measly two hours of instruction, plus some group time.
You don't need to go searching over YouTube and getting recommendations for a "top coach with launch monitor" to improve.
Any half decent coach will point you in the right direction but most of your improvement will be down to your own ability and hard work.

Sorry if that's boring, there's no short cuts though.


Medal Winner
Apr 4, 2015
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Ok bit sharp but I get your drift. I'm not looking for shortcuts, I'm looking for help with my game. I know I could go to any old pro but as they all charge pretty much a standard going rate I might as well go and see one who comes highly recommended and has all the technology.

Anyway I've booked an hour with Alistair Davies for this coming week after a brief email conversation with him and on the strength of Fundy's thread.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Ok bit sharp but I get your drift. I'm not looking for shortcuts, I'm looking for help with my game. I know I could go to any old pro but as they all charge pretty much a standard going rate I might as well go and see one who comes highly recommended and has all the technology.

Anyway I've booked an hour with Alistair Davies for this coming week after a brief email conversation with him and on the strength of Fundy's thread.

Good choice, you won't be disappointed. I've had one lesson with him 18months ago, and it was bio mechanical issue and I still do it today and I've been meaning to go back and Get another lesson from him.