Golfer Girl, Bikini Golf etc etc

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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There seems to be a few more of these 'companies' where basically they are offering very attractive female golfers to play golf.

So was wondering what the thoughts were on this. Harmless fun which may increase the profile of the sport and change its image from an elitist game for mostly white middle aged men. Or a poor message to send to our children, especially young girls and a further step along the path of the sexualisation of everything nowadays. Or possibly both.

And extra points for no blatant or casual misogyny in the comments.;)


Head Pro
Jul 4, 2011
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Wrong in my book. I see it more insulting to the guys than anything. Slightly sad that we are so dumb that we would pay money to have a pretty girl to look at while we play golf. Surely we've all got a bit more substance than that?

Deleted member 18121

I'd like to know what kind of person would actually pay for that service.....

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Slightly mixed feelings. The caddies are obviously just eye candy but the players can clearly play. Does it freshen up the image of womens golf though? It certainly makes it less fuddy duddy. I could hear both arguments and would agree with both.


Journeyman Pro
Dec 20, 2014
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Not an issue, after all there is a ladies version available :D



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Rubbish ,

As is, when some are promoting pro Womens golf they feel the need to sex it up . sure enough sexy sells but these girls/women have honed a profession for themselves thru hard work not how they look ..

Apologies if i sound like s fuddy duddy , i can assure you im as much of a "lad" as the next guy but everything has its place

Deleted member 1147

I watched some of the play-offs for the Lingerie league last season, basically American Football played by silicon enhanced beauties. No doubt it's sexist, aimed at us men to enjoy the other "talents" of the players more than the skills. But some very good play and I enjoyed it, so as a sexist, misogynist dinosaur I see no problem with it.

But I understand why others wouldn't be so happy with it.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 17, 2015
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Just a bit odd proposition isnt it.
However, it gets everybody talking about them so in a way its free marketing for them and I guess it all works in their favour.
Personally - I dont have a problem with it, its not illegal to be physically attractive and play golf. I would rather play with a nice lass than my regular playing partner who looks like chewbacca


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Great idea, get to play golf with a very attractive girl who also happens to be fairly good or even very good. What's not to like? Good for stag dos, corporate dos and charity days. Fair play to them for coming up with a great business idea.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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Watched a Rick Shiels video with the founder of 'golfergirl' - it was sort of uncomfortable as it was just the 2 of them, but the golf was good and I can see a market for this on certain occasions. Similarly for buff men catering for ladies.


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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How do they even get on the course with that dress code....?

Was also going to mention that other sports do it too as per JamesR above. Not sure I'd feel any need to hire the girls myself (couldn't afford/ wouldn't pay that fee even if I did want to), nor any real need to watch it as a televised event. Watched a bit of the vids out of curiosity and they can clearly play. I'm sure in this world of political correctness gone mad it's probably not the done thing to indulge in this, but really, if you want to do it and the girls are happy to do it then I have no issues.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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I'm a 40 something single Mom, and the little guy I look out for needs feeding and clothing. I was never much good at school and working dead end jobs just never paid our way. As for the Dad. Foregt about it, that deadbeat. Anyway I started working in a strip club must be 8 years ago now and the money is good. The guys there look after me and its mostly hassle free. Sure, I don't feel great sometimes and now that I'm getting older I worry that a lot of guys will stop tipping, hey these young girls just stay the same age. Recently I met a guy, hes a bit messed up but I think his heart is good. He's a wrestler and wait, wait, no, this is a movie. Sorry. I get confused.

I guess they're safe and are earning some cash out of a talent (golf) that they might not earn anything from, if they don't have a problem with it I don't, its their gig. I'm not going to get high and mighty for someone elses sake if they don't have a problem with it. I didn't have two bob to rub together when I was in college and back then if someone would pay me to play golf in my boxers I'd have seriously considered it. As it was I couldn't afford to play golf! So I quit and didn't pick it up again for 15 years. Which is the real tragedy here, not that the world missed out on me in my boxers striping my Slazeneger California 3 wood 180 yards.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Bearing in mind the link is an Australian based company and their men folk are perhaps not always the most PC I can see how this service would thrive in that environment especially a male only corporate day. Is it right? Well some of these girls can play to a decent standard and you have to wonder why they don't focus on that but if they can earn a living and still be involved in a game they love then fair enough. Not sure it's what I'd like on a golf day but that's probably just me


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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I hate that stuff like this exists.

I think it's too simplistic to just say that "the women are ok with it so no problem". But I also think it's too simplistic to say that they shouldn't do it.

It's one thing to hire them for a stag day or some such. However, if my work organised a corporate golf day and paid for scantily clad women (or men, lol) to participate, I'd be pretty unhappy about it.


Tour Winner
Jan 26, 2009
Costa Del Bol
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I Cannot believe what I'm reading here..

So attractive girls are wearing Bikinis on golf courses with the intention of making money out of corporate Golfers.
Im astounded!
Why haven't I seen this on the national news?

This is going to put me right off my Mung Bean salad at lunch :(

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Every two years I go to a manufacturing exhibition in Germany. It is a predominantly male environment, the only women there are serving drinks, collecting glasses, washing glasses. Most of these are hired in and the bigger stands make sure they are attractive, remember the MUFC Christmas party a few years ago where the women were vetted? Every so often one of the bigger companies will hire models in hot pants and lycra tops. Bees round a honey pot. Makes me feel uncomfortable but their stands are always busy, lots of people stop whether they are interested in their products or not. Sad but true.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Every two years I go to a manufacturing exhibition in Germany. It is a predominantly male environment, the only women there are serving drinks, collecting glasses, washing glasses. Most of these are hired in and the bigger stands make sure they are attractive, remember the MUFC Christmas party a few years ago where the women were vetted? Every so often one of the bigger companies will hire models in hot pants and lycra tops. Bees round a honey pot. Makes me feel uncomfortable but their stands are always busy, lots of people stop whether they are interested in their products or not. Sad but true.

Same here. I go to an exhibition/conference every year which is about 95% middle aged males. And you can see some companies have brought in very attractive women to attract the men to their stands. And as you say, it works. Costs me a fortune every year when I end up buying stuff I never need just so I can pretend some attractive lady is interested in me. ;)

Also I played Mottram Hall last year on a golf break. And on one par 3 there was an extremely attractive young lady who was doing the thing where you pay a fiver and if you hit the green you get money to spend in the pro shop or whatever. And she was all coy smiles, flirty laughing at pathetic attempts at humour, when it was kind of obvious that in any other situation she would not give us as a bunch of tubby not at all fashionable middle aged golfers a second look. And guess what, we all had a go.