Golf swing


Assistant Pro
Jul 28, 2013
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Here couple videos of my swing any advice and remedies would be welcome
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you taking any lessons currently?

if not & if possible my take would be that heading along and getting a Pro to run over the grip orientation on the handle, along with posture and stance

just a little ways tweaking of this stuff would a pretty big help with the sequencing and strike

my initial take would be (given that it's someways in isolation in not seeing exactly what the target is, so the target line and the aim lines)
that the lead hand looks a little weak (rotated too much counterclockwise) so possibly also the handle running little ways too much higher in the palm) and maybes the trail hand a little ways too much under the handle
so as well as making it a tad more difficult to set the hands/wrists the hold on the handle has a real big influence on the 'moves' made in the swing to try to deliver the 'face' to the ball to get ball to target

meaning ultimately it's this that affects the sequence and the path the swing direction through the ball - which lead to the little ways steep out and over and swing direction leftfield through impact

from these 2 vids there's a good sense in the motion made that the movement is a swing with rhythm which is a real good thing to have

think given that if you could get a little help from PGA Pro with the 'hold on the handle' and just sharpen up the posture a tad (along the lines of at spine and shoulders angles dtl view - appears a tad 'S' shaped) and having a look at stance width - tad narrow given the club being used here - through the bag

given you have a real good sense of the golf motion in 'time' and rhythm from start to finish if you could get just some 'hands on' lessons with the set-up stuff think you could get to see a real jump up in the improvement of strike and trajectory and ball flight shape and the overall improvement of getting ball to target my guess would be you'd be surprised just how much the game could shift on some
providing the small bunch of changes that were made could then be monitored so the old comfy stuff didn’t creep back in



Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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I think that's great advice from the coach. I played with sneill this week and it's clear that once he can sort out his leaky cut shot, that he will have the strength to overpower any golf course.

Club face looks wide open at the top of the swing, which means he has to reroute over the top on the down swing in order to keep the ball on this planet.

Would love to see you adopt a stupidly 'strong' grip, with a 25 degree closed club face at address- then, play a game where you must keep the ball from going left.

Good luck mate- a pro will sort you out quite quickly. There's a bandit in there, ready to be unleashed!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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just to amplify some how grip/hold on the handle plays a big part in swing shape so contacts/shot shapes

if you check the dtl vid as the club goes back up to the top there's a reaction to grip by putting some 'rotational twist' into the shaft which along with the narrowish stance base tends all to lead to a little ways of an overswing which if you also look face-on view has the spine angle at the top leaning little ways to the target

in re-action to this stuff the intuitive desire is to get the club started back first as it has a longways to go so it leads to the steeper out & over move from the top - given that the tendency then will be to swing through the bottom of the arc(impact) to leftfield instinctively you don't want to 'close up' the face as that's going to start leftfield but then go a ways even further left
so the tendency to want to 'save' the face alignment to deliver it square if timing is fairly decent could lead to fairly high but pretty good straight shots or manageable fades - but it ain't goin to be a good bunch reliable so throws in the contacts that give trouble going too far out right plus could well pull a bunch

so if can get to Pro to sort hold on the handle to help both the ‘set’ and the face angle control plus a little ways better stance to give a more solid base for the upper body to rotate over will all go to help shorten up the swing length a tad

then should the be a tad easier to sequence transition have the arms/hands/handle initially start down 'out towards' the target line (think butt-end handle pointing to the target line that extends back out from the ball) not butt-end working down more towards the toe line
- know that this sounds counter-intuitive some the hands/handle working more ‘out’ from the top (but that’s a good ways different to shoulders/upper body working out so club shaft gets a good ways steeper to give the out to in path/swing direction)

if hands/handle working a tad ‘outwards’ initially from the top this helps shallow out the shaft (lay the shaft back some)
so can then get into good position with good rotation for the hands/handle to work forwards then naturally left on the arc through impact, again know this will sound counter-intuitive, but all this has the shaft working little ways from the inside sending the clubhead ‘out’ to square

so getting the hands, stance, posture good will allow the instincts to deliver the club-face angle in better shape - some work with a Pro on the ‘statics’ of set up would pay some real dividends providing you able to train the new bits in good
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