Golf Swing, compact or okay?


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Its been a while since I've seen my swing, but over the last few weeks I've been struggling so had a couple of videos done. After a good 1000 balls I've sort of worked things out…..but I'll be honest, what I'm seeing Im not happy with. :(

I liked my swing, it was long but fluid (didn't need to go after the ball to get distance)
From Jan this year-

This is how it looks now, its much shorter, a little more grabby and looks like I'm getting stuck in the transition.
From Tonight-

Both shots where peached.

It feels like I physically can't get my hands that high anymore…is old age (grand age of 29) starting to rear its head?

(sorry for the top video being a link, you can only post 1 video per post )

Deleted member 15344

That looks a good solid swing - crisp connection :thup:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Lots of great moves in your recent swing, however..............
Do you have any problems with contact, catching the ball a bit heavy?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Complete opposite, a bad shot is usually a thin.

The fat and the thin are caused by the same fault...the club bottoms out before the ball. If the arc is too deep, you'll get the fat. If it's too shallow, you'll thin it.

It's not the best angle to see but it looks like you have a bit of lateral movement to the right on your back swing.
In fact it looks to me as if you start the swing by moving the weight to the right leaving the club behind the ball, that means the clubhead is left dragging behind the hands.
Try and start the back swing by moving the club head FIRST. The lower body will turn naturally. That will help you stay centred during the back swing and eliminate the thins


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Its been a while since I've seen my swing, but over the last few weeks I've been struggling so had a couple of videos done. After a good 1000 balls I've sort of worked things out…..but I'll be honest, what I'm seeing Im not happy with. :(

I liked my swing, it was long but fluid (didn't need to go after the ball to get distance)

now, its much shorter, a little more grabby and looks like I'm getting stuck in the transition.

Both shots where peached.

It feels like I physically can't get my hands that high anymore…is old age (grand age of 29) starting to rear its head?

(sorry for the top video being a link, you can only post 1 video per post )

for sure there's a good 'feel' for motion within the swing which is good

as well as the 2 swings in the op, remember there was one a while back from face-on (title -long swing or something like)

not sure what club you got in the latest vid
but looking at this vid & taking the others in to account

couple things maybes worth considering

pretty decent players with a fluid motion sometimes kinda overstep the mark with that 'flow'

often times having played well for good periods the motion can get a little ways lax in that the ways of a fluid swing motion (though real good & something to strive for) it can start to influence the whole body motion in ways that can cause issues (as in too much lateral sway in both directions so little too loose)
often times ways too much forwards lateral motion so the thins (or fats - can see why with the forwards lateral motion in there fats tend not to be an issue) & also cause spells of either 'lefts' or sometimes 'rights' as the hands are having to overwork to time the strike - so can get even get a good ways out for a real bunch of 'pipes' ....

coupe things at set-up that perhaps could help some
that stance width maybes a tad narrow as a base so a bigger guy with a swift-ish tempo a ways easy to then have lateral move off of the ball which will then often times lead to the same in the opposite motion to ball

plus looks to me as if the head angle at set-up is too 'down' so chin pretty close to body with a little 'rounding' of the shoulders

watching Stenson one thing you always see is just prior to set-up he's constantly contracting his scapula pulling his shoulders back, so 'opening' his chest & shoulders to keep the 'rounding out' at bay pretty easy for a tall guy like Stenson to slip little ways into that
easy with todays working & driving life to get used to being little ways 'collapsed' in with the upper body

these 2 things (chin, shoulder/chest posture) means it's a ways difficult to be able to rotate the shoulders to 90º (but not really just down to age or flexibility always - set-up posture plays massively into this)

with swing too long or possibly 'feeling' too short & compact issues been troubling some
looking closely at both the shoulders never (in either long or short) really get to 90º
the longer swing version happening with little ways extra independent movement, carrying on of the arms/hands/club after the shoulders stop short target side of chin, but the swing 'feels'/is longer or at least the amount the arms travel is

posture-wise my take would be, in regard to latest vid - stance width a tad more to give some structure to the base along with a tad more distance from the ball (both heels back inch or so) so a little ways more forwards angle from the hip sockets which then will allow the chin to be off the body some so shoulders can turn

so little ways more stance support & some slight re-posture will help to get the turn of the shoulders little more lead under the chin at ball with a good connected width with the lead arm (latest swing vid sees where the shoulders stops giving the more curve to lead arm so hands/handle 'feel' low, with the re-work the arms hands club stops with the shoulders without the tendency to curve the lead arm so that hands position atop the swing

swing sequence starts from ground up pretty good - but the lateral forwards shift looks a little ways too much, left hip + upper body getting too far to target side (remember this from the older face-on net swing)

think a thought (when practicing) of the downswing sequence starting more in terms of ground pressure into the ground lead side would help a bunch - rather than that big lead hip lateral move

so say putting an empty stand bag, range chair, or empty club box (if range sells clubs) in a position just couple inches from lead hip - then just some try-out slow motion swings to make sure whatever object is going to be out of the ways of the through swing & once assured of that you can make some swings through a ball (maybes even off of a real low tee at first) to just gently push/touch the 'object' then turn & clear leftfield to a balanced finish rather than a lateral move that swipes into whatever is there

should then be able to stay lot more centered through the swing motion generally - which should also mean with not so much lateral in the through swing so there would be then more width through exit up around so not so a collapsed atop narrow finish

good chest turn (chin out of ways) plus width through should mean better 'compression' through strike so good trajectory + some 'free' extra distance & because the hands not having to overwork, more accuracy of face angle through strike so less lefts/rights

maybes seems a whole bunch of stuff on first read ...... - but really just a few smaller changes at set-up to allow the 'good part' of the swings motion fluidity to work better for ways more consistent outcomes


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Thanks for the hefty post.

Took your advise onto the course today (wider stance, more angle from the hips and slightly further away from the ball)
Was hitting lasers all round, highlight being a 4 iron from 210yrds that ended 10ft pin high. If only putter showed up I'd have shot sub par.

Will hit the range during the week and try to get a video to see if the altered swing looks better.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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great that there was some good stuff out in play - sweet 4i

it's all about working to achieve some efficiency & repeatable good functionality for better more consistent results

there's a bunch of good stuff going down already - just about providing a better platform to get good results ways more often & making the 'off stuff' less punishing

the posture tweaks (tad extra spine angle from the hip sockets will allow the chin off the body some that with little ways better shoulders condition - less rounded, that heel line back a tad allows the little ways extra distance from ball for both the hip/chin changes to take place)

which then allows the shoulder turn to complete a ways better so allowing body & arms to sync better
plus the tad wider stance width gives the stability to support the rotation & the cut the excess lateral movement - especially negate a too big lead hip lateral move in the downswing which will just get the body too far ahead

little re-working of the set-up key to help keep the stability with the club face angle into & through the strike so big plus is more consistent accuracy & trajectory to target, along with the better shoulder turn so better sync also gives the by-product of some extra distance for free

although folks don't often do this when swinging well, if stuff continues on in how swing, shot outcomes are going little ways better
if possible it pays good dividend to get to book some time with launch monitor plus video - so you both have decent quality footage of set-up plus swing motion when swing is going good
a great thing to have as 'reference' - plus at the same time you can work through the bag on clubs average 'normal' distances - key to shooting better scores

for sure for me a much tighter handle, knowledge over my average club distance through the bag - full shots driver to PW - was real key in game improvement from say index 2 to where I am now, as the margins available to improve get smaller the further down the index - real sound distance control to green is crucial to improving 'distance to the pin' & moving that 'stat' closer to pin is key to shooting par & under

so if now you have a set-up to work off of - should things at any time start to go south - start from looking at the set-up - before the looking at the swing

if happy the alignments to target is good but there's still bunch too many unreliable contacts, thin, lefts, rights
then look to check over again chin distance from chest so that rounded shoulders condition isn't hindering the shoulder turn any, spine angle from hips (not waist) distance from ball

plus check the stance stability hasn't gone AWOL to give more lateral shift back into the motion - this is what will send your body - arms/hands/club out of sync so hands then start to overwork to try to rescue 'impact' as you instinctively 'feel' something not really right with the motion - with a 'slide' so handsy stuff, then both the face angle & club head AoA delivery gets destabilized which will lead to lefts. rights, thins & if the path shifts some too can bring on the 'pipes'