Q-School Graduate
Don`t know if this has been mentioned but i seem to have to click to see the website three times ? the other two times i am getting a blank screen ? is there a problem with website at the moment ?
Yes its been mentioned a few times
Look in website feedback, there are about 4 threads there
basically click settings (above top right), General settings
Turn your DST settings to always on and hit apply
Job done
If it is set to always off, then your posts have a time stamp that is 1 hour behind
to be honest, the settings just need to be confirmed for it to work
DST....... Eh?
Yes its been mentioned a few times
Look in website feedback, there are about 4 threads there
basically click settings (above top right), General settings
Turn your DST settings to always on and hit apply
Job done
Yes its been mentioned a few times
Look in website feedback, there are about 4 threads there
basically click settings (above top right), General settings
Turn your DST settings to always on and hit apply
Job done
now just changed it back and its blanking again:angry:
Just do whatever you need to do to make it work
If it is set to always off, then your posts have a time stamp that is 1 hour behind