Full on mare


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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I am having real issues from the tee, and sometimes with my irons but less often.
I am getting stuck on the inside, causing all sorts of driver problems, I have a flat swing to start with but this is really getting to me, causing mass flips of the hands to try to rescue shots.
I have a natural draw, but to prevent hooking I started to hold off the face and worked on hitting a fade, now I am struggling to just swing normal and realise the club.
Looking a little help and a few drills if anyone has any. Thanks


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I have a natural draw, but to prevent hooking I started to hold off the face and worked on hitting a fade, now I am struggling to just swing normal and realise the club.

on reading this first stuff would look to check over (get stuff checked over by Pro) would be the 'hold' on the handle (rh golfer ... right hand 'under' the shaft a bunch ?) and shoulder alignments, but alignments in general to target lline , hips/knee/feet

often times the quote above as well as everything else along with it - would tend to see that grip etc is making the swing have to make certain compensations to try to get face someways around square to ball at impact

so as described in the OP the overriding intuitive response to 'hold' the clubface open with fear of it turning leftfield but that usually means delivering the shaft more upright at impact

so hands a bunch higher which in turn leads to a bit of a 'stand up loss of pelvic angle' & the hips in the ways feel as they can't turn & clear - stuck) in order to deliver face angle somewhere near direction to target

combined with this the chest/upper body rotation stops which fire the hands/arm crossover and leftfield it goes

if the swing largely dominated by a feeling an intention of active hands release arm crossover it gets a real bunch difficult to time this all consistently even with a pretty neutral grip - should that grip be strong to overstrong there's only for real 2 ways to get ball to target

one being an active attempt to even with strong grip hold off or even rotate open and raise the shaft

or the other (way the Tour Pro's & elite players do) hips and body have to really turn/rotate hard and clear (like say DJ)

- but if into impact the shaft is raised more vertical, hands high in the hold off then the pelvic angle is lost with a 'stand up' and it's impossible to turn clear and rotate hands/arms takeover with fats wrap around the body that's in the ways and it goes bang left

DJ style of stuff through impact and other tour pro's with strong/stronger grips keep their posture angles/pelvic angles and the shaft doesn't get vertical at address they have hands/handle/arms still exiting leftfield through impact

would take a good look at this vid (I find it a difficult watch because of his accent and delivery but what he is saying is for sure very relevant if you can get the gist of it)



Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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Thanks coach, I will get a look this evening when I get home, just been to the range and I am ok 7/10 times but once I hit one bad one the confidence goes or if I hit a 4/5 good ones in a row I then go back to trying to rinse it farther and hit a stinker.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Forgot to say the bad shot is a massive block slice

can only speak in a generalized ways as don't know exactly what you doing (so as always trip to a Pro if possible would get you back on a better track - as could be numerous stuff including (or not) grip, alignments posture, arms/body connection on the ways back, how the hands/wrists set (if they get rolled over so kinda false set on the ways back that would play into it)

or all that may be in decent shape but the moves in transition cause more of an issue - such as does transition include too much trail side 'side bend' with too much weight staying on trailside as you try to swing to ball

but yep if path is from a bunch inside and stuck so shaft/clubhead ways behind the body, path of clubhead a good bunch in to out can easy block or block slice

it you gettin stuck behind & the shaft laid down very flat as you start down (you can check this by looking at a straight line down down the shaft so the line would continue on out of the butt end of the club - that line would point ways over the ball/target line kinda more to the horizon - as an more optimum shaft angle as you start down you 'd be looking to see that line bisect the ball/target line - so basically at start transition point the butt end of club directly at or real close to the ball/target line

(assuming grip been checked to be in a good place along with alignments/posture)

to get the hang of that put ball on small tee make 3/4 swing with say a 6i and stop completely at the top and simply check where the butt end of the club is pointing - if pointing a ways 'over' the ball target line so clubhead a good distance behind the heel line and shaft flat - at that top position just re-angle hands/handle so butt end points directly at the ball/target line as if would extend out of the backside of the ball - then from that new reset position make smooth swing down through ball to finish

not a real easy drill first off but worth sticking with - if you find when you stopped at the top to check that 'line' out of the butt end of club was pointing ways over the other side of the ball/target line


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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just one last thought based on something said in the OP that again 'could' have a bearing on the issue

the bit about taking it back as you say 'flat'

so assuming that might be the case - often times this happens because the rotation of the shoulders'chest is a good bunch more near rotating near horizontal to ground (which again would have that butt end of grip pointing ways over the ball/target line)
a pretty common reaction to that in transition of course is the out and over and steep that so many folks have - but a smaller bunch of folks often times tad better players don't do that but re-adjust by tilting the trail shoulder down (really increasing that trail lateral side bend) which puts the club a good bunch stuck behind

here's a vid but just skip to view at around 11' 15" (non of the other parts of the vid relates just the small part from that time point) to watch just the piece at the end were Monte (PGA Pro) illustrates this - & see if you recognize and can 'feel' this is possibly a big part of the issue, that upper body shoulder move he demo's.

if it is then the drill in previous post (pointing butt end of club at ball target line would help some if you can get the drift of it
but also in the takeback & backswing the shoulder turn would need to be a bunch steeper so when the hands/wrist set the butt end of the club also points to the ball target line not a ways over the other side of ball/target line



Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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Thanks again coach, i am going to try and get a couple clips of the swing from the range. Some of the points make sense, I used to fight a hip slide also with a small collapse of the left knee. I think everything is just going wrong at once.