Flexibility & Frustration


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Re: Flexibility & Frustration

And that's the other problem I'm having. Forcing my hands high is lifting up my body and head causing fats and thins as I try to get back down to the ball.

I agree, it'll also cause other issues such as your shoulders will turn too flat. Like I said, go and find someone that'll work with you on a one plane swing or alternatively go buy the book on stack and tilt for about £12 :) Even if you have no interest in stack and tilt it'll help you understand the one plane swing and the mechanics of 'what is where and why'.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

Have you got sky TV mate?

I know this may sound a bit gay but it works wonders...

Get in front of the TV every morning for 6am, stick channel 275 on. Do an hour or half an hour of the yoga or pilates workout that they have on. summat different every day.

If you are dedicated this will be brilliant for your flexibility.... and some of the birds on there are fit too, which is a bonus. ;)

Or turn to channel 402 for Oz Aerobics and have a joust instead. :eek: :D


Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

Its up to you what you want to work on, but if you do decide to work on flexibility, try this out.

Stand with your feet about a foot away from a wall, with your lower back pressed against the wall.
Can you keep your arms straight and lift them above your head, so that your thumb touches the wall and your lower back remains in contact.

If you can't do this. its likely you have tight lats and limited thoracic spine mobility, and so this is the area you want to work on.

I'm quite interested in physical training for golf, and I'm considering in the future getting involved professionally in this area, so if you have any questions, or want to know more about what you can do, feel free to ask.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

Its up to you what you want to work on, but if you do decide to work on flexibility, try this out.

Stand with your feet about a foot away from a wall, with your lower back pressed against the wall.
Can you keep your arms straight and lift them above your head, so that your thumb touches the wall and your lower back remains in contact.

If you can't do this. its likely you have tight lats and limited thoracic spine mobility, and so this is the area you want to work on.

I'm quite interested in physical training for golf, and I'm considering in the future getting involved professionally in this area, so if you have any questions, or want to know more about what you can do, feel free to ask.

Thanks, I'll give it a go.

Appreciate the offer of help.


Tour Winner
Feb 9, 2009
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

I've just taken delivery of Monica Clydes' book 'The golfers guide to pilates'. I've had a quick scan of it and it looks like just the thing for someone whos lacks flexibilty and inner strength.

This is my winter project , I wont be working on the swing but my overall strength and suppleness which should enable me to get into the correct positions. Come spring I'm hoping to find an amazing difference in flexibility and to finally be able to swing the club how its supposed to be done rather than my botched together ugly one I have now.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

I've now started a morning stretching routine that my personal trainer has given me.

surefire. If I try you're flexibility test before I stretch, my thumbs are about 2-3 inches off the wall. After stretching I can just about touch the wall.

Also ordered a Yoga for Golfers - Par Level

I'll give that a go and let you know how it works.

Range was a bit better yesterday. I think I know what my pro is trying to get me to do. He's trying to exaggerate the feeling of taking the club away straighter. I've been taking the club away far too much inside which gets my swing flat and my hands too low.

I started to take the club away a straighter, rather than outside the line, and I can get the club higher and more on plane and am starting to get it back inside again on the downswing.

But taking the club away high is still pulling my body and head up from time to time.

The other thing I've noticed is as I'm focusing on my swing path so much I'm forgetting some of the other swing mechanics like weight transfer and I'm getting stuck on my back foot. I started to work on that at the end of the session yesterday.

I'm probably going to give the range a miss today. I think I probably overdid it last week in my frustration to get this working.

But some progress and a step in the right direction finally.

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. It really helps. :) :)


Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

I have read the yoga for golfers book, you might find the par level a bit too easy, unless you are very very tight.

What kind of stretching did your trainer suggest?
I find that flexibility and mobility are often very neglected areas in the world of training. Most people are just told to hold a stretch for 30seconds and then move on to the next one.

Whilst stretching has its place, often there are other reasons why people are not flexible. Usually related to muscle strength and imbalances in the body.

Not saying anyhting bad about your trainer, just curious what he has advised you to do.

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

It's a combination of some yoga stretches and some normal stretches.

1. On knees, arms out front on a gym ball and sink the chest down.
2. Same but with the ball to the left, then the same on the right. Both these are really helping me get the arms higher in the swing without as much restriction.
3. Sitting down, legs in front, Lift one leg up and hook one leg across the other and twist the upper body and hold. Repeat on the other side. Helps with upper body rotation.

Plus the usual arm across the chest and pull in with the other one. Behind the head and push down.

I think the front stretches with the ball and the sitting and turning ones seem to be helping the most.

I'm pretty sure it's not an imbalance as we make sure we train opposites sides of the body the same. So back and chest, Triceps and biceps etc. We don't tend to focus just on one area.

On the DVD front, I'll see how the par one goes. Having never done any yoga before I wanted to start nice and easy. :D


Challenge Tour Pro
May 8, 2008
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

Good stuff, sounds like pretty sound advice.

The one thing I would add, is perhaps ask him if he can help you with some dynamic moves for this area. Perhaps even almost the same as what you do now, but with movement, and perhaps working against resistance, such as a band.

The main thinking behind this is that the golf swing isn't a static move, so although static stretches can be useful, it's also good to do some dynamic work.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Re: Flexibility & Frustration

I dont think there is anything wrong with being slightly flat. This guy has done ok this year . . .


My swing is flat which my pro said was ok, as long as I cleared my hips. With a flat swing the club can get stuck behind you a lot easier which can lead to all sorts of problems.