Fix for a 'wristy' driver swing.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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I seem to have acquired quite a wristy swing
with my driver recently, I'm not really sure where it's come from but it's certainly happening. The result is usually a high push slice and I instantly know I've done it even before I look up to see my ball sailing off to the right.
I don't have a video so I'm not sure if I'm flipping but it feels like my wrists take over at or around impact so I must be hitting across the ball somehow.
Is there a drill which will help me deliver the club head with more control rather than what feels like a wild slash?
I haven't hit slices this bad for quite some time so it's kind if frustrating.



Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I've got the least wristy swing in the world. For me, the club is taken back by the shoulders turning, with no independent movement of the arms or hands at all until the wrists break naturally from the weight of the clubhead. From the top, the movement needs to be reversed, with the shoulders dragging the arms & club around with no input from the hands at all. If the shoulders are rotated fast enough the clubhead cannot help whipping through with massive acceleration. A scientist has proved that any effort to move the club with the hands is around 98% likely to result in a slowing down of the clubhead. (it's all here if you're interested in the science, some interesting stuff) By moving the club with the big shoulder & torso muscles you take the hands out of the equation and add much more power than the relatively small muscles in the hands & arms can do.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Thanks mate, I'll read it later. I'm 100% interested in the scientific aspects of the golf swing and club/ball interaction, my last driver purchase was partly because if your low COG thread.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I seem to have acquired quite a wristy swing
with my driver recently, I'm not really sure where it's come from but it's certainly happening. The result is usually a high push slice and I instantly know I've done it even before I look up to see my ball sailing off to the right.
I don't have a video so I'm not sure if I'm flipping but it feels like my wrists take over at or around impact so I must be hitting across the ball somehow.
Is there a drill which will help me deliver the club head with more control rather than what feels like a wild slash?
I haven't hit slices this bad for quite some time so it's kind if frustrating.


bunch of stuff at address could well play into the swing motion & outcome

you put any 'spray' on the driver face to see what the strike location pattern is like?

if it's an over-high so little ways weak high push slice could point to some possibilities of what's goin on in the motion

you find at finish the through swing doesn't really have a 'full finish' unless it's kind of artificially tagged on & that a good bunch of the weight is on the trailside still?

what's the general flight direction through the bag, is that little ways over-high with sometimes some pulls?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Visit site
bunch of stuff at address could well play into the swing motion & outcome

you put any 'spray' on the driver face to see what the strike location pattern is like?

if it's an over-high so little ways weak high push slice could point to some possibilities of what's goin on in the motion

you find at finish the through swing doesn't really have a 'full finish' unless it's kind of artificially tagged on & that a good bunch of the weight is on the trailside still?

what's the general flight direction through the bag, is that little ways over-high with sometimes some pulls?

Wow, just about bang on with everything.

Strike location on my driver is usually high to high middle, even though I tee it lower than I used to. A video I took a while ago showed me dipping during the backswing which was a worry.

Finish is truncated, worse than it used to be now you come to mention it and I do find myself on the back foot a little too often.

Yes, pulls with all clubs really and I notice my divot is left of target a lot of the time. I did try and fix this but it I struggled a lot of fatting etc.

I'm all ears.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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as mentioned could well be a bunch of things at set-up/posture/ball position, & tee height (understand folks teeing the ball down when stuff goin little ways pear shaped as it 'feels' safer but most often that hinders the situation further) plus for sure grip orientation on the handle, plus where in the hands the handle is -too high up etc is real important to checkover

(if at all possible would get address set-up position with the driver checked over with the driver with a PGA pro along with the motion)

haven't seen set-up or motion so can only speak to some general possible guide lines as to what can often times play into the shot outcomes & motion you mentioned so some stuff worth checking over if you can't get to a Pro

thinking maybes there's also a little ways breaking down of the lead arm (chicken winging) goin on, the motion that is happening is causing more of a flip so the wrists feel very active through the ball but that's more a re-action to the motion being a ways out part of more of just an arms hands/wrist intention to 'hit' the ball, with ball subconsciously being the end of that kinda hit motion

worthwhile checking over there's no sway laterally off the ball, no 'rolling over' of the hands so opening the face up, or no weight staying on the lead side going back with head dipping to ball either can lead to weight being on trailside coming down & leaning back off the ball into impact hips spinning out some

would check out the set-up posture, ball position + tee ball half ball higher than the face - so also there's the secondary spine tilt (trail shoulder lower than the lead shoulder) with head & sternum remaining as set-up some 4"-6" behind the ball

{often times pushes/push slice can happen by a big forwards lateral slide with the hips with the hips also straightening up this pushes the arms out away along with the clubhead out so push, if face open push slice - but then the path would be in to out but seemingly this not likely as the weight at the end of the swing would then be forwards & not left on the trailside

but from the description of flight & finish of the swing it seems its possibly more likely to be due to weight being trailside & leaning back some so face open (pointing rightfield) so ball starting right still & turning more right with height as the 'lean back' & handsy flip adds considerable dynamic loft through impact}

would try to 'feel' throughout the backswing that the head stays level & pretty central (will move some but no big lateral move or dip)
be conscious of the trail arm folding & the elbow pointing downwards (not pointing out back of the body over the heel line) in the backswing while also feeling the upper part of lead arm stays lightly in contact with the chest wall on way to the top - the wrists/hands set by the thumbs pointing upwards - so when lead arm 1st horizontal to ground a 'line' coming out of the butt-end of the handle would intersect the ball/target line & at this position also the angle between shaft & lead arm would be about 90º with the hands & handle opposite center of the chest

important downswing transition starts first off from weight into the lead leg while back stays facing target momentarily - head remaining behind the ball - then rotate through 'feel' that the lead arm then folds elbow pointing down hands working higher than the elbow (just as the trail arm did on the ways back) feel you directing all the strike energy forwards out to target & on up to the finish - not just to the ball being the end of the swing motion

so in the follow through to the top the lead elbow points down as the hands move higher to finish over the lead shoulder while the body has to keep rotating lead shoulder rotating up & back away from the chin so then the trail hip, trail shoulder can move through to target so trail shoulder ends up being the nearest point of the body to target, 90% of the weight on the lead leg & showing the whole sole of the trail foot to 'someone' standing dtl (you could lift the trail foot up & tap the toes to the ground)

often times helps the feeling of the centered rotation, weight pressure moving the correct way through the swing, along with the trail arm folding elbow down on the ways back to lead arm folding elbow down of the ways through by getting used to making driver swings with the clubhead traveling through impact position opposite the inside lead heel in practice swings but first off at waist height so more like a baseball swing - helps co-ordinate arms to body rotation with the key of the trial arm folding going back & the head arm folding on the follow through to finish
so a good bunch of waist high swings

then do the same but this time the clubhead traveling at knee height with the same 'feelings' trail elbow staying pointing down & the arm folding with the body turn back
then the similar felling of the lead arm elbow staying pointing down & the arm folding in the follow through to finish doing a bunch of these at knee height

then hovering the clubhead behind the ball at proper tee height & swinging through the ball with the exact same feeling as the waist & knee height clubhead driver swings


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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links work, but can only view in real time if you can load them to youtube would be able to slow mo them

ignore the above previous advice - except for the drill would do no harm

would get the grip checked over - right hand looks as if it's pretty much under the handle so bit more in the palm of the hand
if you can get checked over by a Pro a couple of tweaks with set-up, very possibly grip would have you back on the right track pretty quick

if the swing is similar now to these vids - no real reason to expect it generally not to be

would look to posture & where the weight is at address

with the current hold on the handle as is, plus the hands/handle being a tad 'low' at address that will tend to encourage a more handsy pickup away from the ball

seems from these vids as the club moves away the weight stays more on the left leg so on taking the club back the body dips to the ball some

would get a stick or club down between feet & ball so you can check shoulder alignment, hip & feet
currently shoulders a tad open with hips & feet a tad closed

looks from dtl (front view would be useful to confirm) that the ball is forwards perhaps a tad too much but also looks as if you might have then 'taken' the head forwards to be nearer opposite the ball so the secondary spine tilt is being lost
(have a look for the 'K' address position with driver on youtube)

ball has to be forwards around opposite left heel but important that the head + center chest then stays some 4" to 6" back of the ball so right shoulder lower than the left

have the left foot flared out to target as is but square up the right foot to target line some can still be flared but not so much
feel a tad 'taller' (so with the driver a little ways less forwards spine lean this will aid the hands/handle being a tad 'higher' at set-up) feeling the weight through center of feet

with weight through center feet (under the laces not out on the toes) then take the club away with the turn allowing the weight pressure to move in the direction of the clubs travel so weight transfers into the inside of the right foot
weight to left side starts transition with head staying behind the ball swing & rotate through
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