first movement with the hips going back?


Medal Winner
Oct 5, 2012
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Evening all,

My question is on regarding early extension/ hip thrust. Could the slight opening up of my hips before I take the club away (my trigger, although i wish it wasn't) be causing the hips to get to far ahead of the club head on the downswing, causing my hips to scoot out from under me?


would i be more consistent making sure there was no initial movement with the hips until the club was outside my right foot?

I've worked on every early extension drill on the planet and just can't seem to make any progress and hope you guys could shed some light on a frustrating situation.

Thankyou in advance,



Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You are sliding forward with your lower body on the downswing which gets you stuck behind your right hip. Work on rotating around your left hip joint, think of it as the centre of your rotation and your early extension should go away.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Be interesting to see the swing from face on, would be a ways more help to being able to see what's going on with the swing motion. Tempo rhythm & timing, swing plane all look in pretty reasonable shape.

What are the problems in getting ball to target that you're experiencing? the misses going where exactly? shape, flight etc.?? So what problems with where the ball is going, are they all a ways similar right through the bag?

Good news is, you don't have any 'early extension' going on in this swing, so maybes the time spent on the drills was time well spent. (EE is the hips moving forwards to the ball target line, so the pelvic angle straightens some leading to a bit of a 'stand up' at/through impact & the club arriving to the ball further out over the ball/target line can lead to heel contacts & the hand plane also raising up through impact)

But as I said this is not happening, there's a good hand plane through impact, pretty much returning & going through the same area hands were at address which means a decent shaft plane through impact too, sounds like you're finding the middle here?

Could be that it's 'lens parallax' but a few maybe issues from this DTL address posture, although a pretty good athletic posture.
The knees look a little ways over-flexed, feet & hips look closed some, shoulders a little ways open.

Looks a little like you've started back down before really completing the shoulder turn fully, could be down a little to that address shoulder position plus what's happening with the legs.
Looks too, be able to see better from face on, that there's a tad of a lateral sway to the right with the hips. Rather than first move of the hips being a turn into the right hip socket, that turn brought about, because the upper body turns the arms & hands past right thigh is around the area all this 'makes' the hips turn, after solid legs provide a resistance initially in the takeaway.

Too that point (again better confirmed by the front view) but would seem the left knee, because of the little ways lateral hip slide right, moves, slides a ways to the right laterally too so it's too sliding right towards impact & not really posting up properly. You're knees appear to be more in a straight line, level, if you get what I mean here.

With the hips 'turning' into the right hip socket as they should (because the body/torso/shoulder turn makes them move, a reaction move, not a hip initiated move) that left knee will rotate back a little ways but also will move out a little ways in the direction of ball & ball target line from this position the knee can then both move back left as it also re-rotates to post up at impact. (Topical at the moment but a person who does this incredibly well is Michelle Wie, have a look at some of the slow-mo swings from Pinehurst that are about around now, note how solid the leg/hip base is both back & through, not a hint of lateral right movement going back)

Lot of good things going on in this swing motion, be good to see it from face on, & also hear what ball to target problems you have going on.

London mike 61

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Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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There are all sorts of videos out there that will tell you to do this or that in order to time your hips with your arms for a better strike.

But I think it is much easier to keep things simple and the best drill for getting your timing right is to put a headcover under your left armpit and try and keep it there throughout the entire swing.

I find it links everything together.


Medal Winner
Oct 5, 2012
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first of all thank you for getting back with such speedy responses. :D

@the coach
Its co-incidental that you mention Michelle Wie because this is my precise reason for posting this thread, watching her last night she seemed to create speed with really solid legs, i was comparing my own swing alongside hers and noticed that my legs seem somewhat 'floppy' compared to hers. Another example i have been looking at is Anthony Kim who's swing i also highly admire.

My misses are usually both ways, with the main miss being high right (i like to fade the ball). The problem is consistency, I'm either s**t.........or s**t hot, but mainly the latter recently.

I just feel like if i could iron out the problem i could play to a much better standard :/ but then again don't we all?

Ill try and get a face on video at some point this week. But going away i am going to try and let the hip turn be initiated like you say, by the turning of the upper body into the right hip socket.

@socket rocket
This sounds like something I've been working on recently and had good progress with, i try to imagine a wall in front of my left side, i can post up into the wall, but not slide beyond it, for obvious reasons.

@london mike
would the headcover have to stay in throughout the whole swing? I feel if i try this my follow through maybe restricted, or would it be wise to practice this with 9-3 swings?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Yep the issue you have going through to impact is caused by the little ways hip slide right as you go back, plus the legs, left knee going back more in straight line towards your right knee, the things I outlined in my first post.

Focus on keeping the weight along the inside of your right foot, pants front pocket moving towards your heel line, so back behind you not sway any to the right as the hip turns into the right hip socket. Your back right wallet pocket so right butt cheek actually turns in the direction of the target, so it moves clockwise, to the left as the hips turn into the right hip socket. you'll know if you're ding this a ways right as you'll feel pressure along the inside of the right foot, into your 'slightly flexed' right knee, & the inside of your right thigh will start to burn after a bunch of correct slow-mo back swings to the top.

This is the reason why your legs feel 'floppy' as you say, also the reason they move the way they do from the top, also why the turn & end position is well short of 3/4's giving you as issue sometimes with the 'timing', which is why you're either hot or cold with no real consistent 'middle ground'.

Feel your legs move & hips turn o/nly as a result of being 'forced' to move, if you like, by the arm swing & connected body/torso/ shoulders turn.

Arms shoulders move which then like a 'relay race' then makes the torso abdomen turn which 'turns' the hips going back, hips legs don't/shouldn't move from the get go going back, as you said when the arm triangle/hands get past the right thigh around hip height you'll feel then, if you're base has been solid from the get go, that it's the 'top' making the lower half move, downswing of course is a complete reversal of that, left foot, left knee, left hip start upper body arms hands club follow.

For a full swing with an 8i 50% speed to feel the changes you'd be a ways better off with an old glove between upper left chest & left bicep, your left upper chest should support you left arm back to the top & down & through impact, it will eventually fall out when your arm fold up to the finish.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You're leading with the hip turn and as a result your arms are left trailing behind (and as SocketRocket says) a little trapped behind your right hip. You actually need to feel that your start your downswing a little more with the arms and the club dropping a little into the 'slot' before you fire your hips. Just a slight sequencing change basically, in my opinion. There's no early extension there though.


Medal Winner
Oct 5, 2012
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You're leading with the hip turn and as a result your arms are left trailing behind (and as SocketRocket says) a little trapped behind your right hip. You actually need to feel that your start your downswing a little more with the arms and the club dropping a little into the 'slot' before you fire your hips. Just a slight sequencing change basically, in my opinion. There's no early extension there though.

you've no idea how good it is to hear I'm not ee'in :clap:

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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The idea with the headcover is to be able to keep it under the armpit as long as possible through the swing, it will fall out in the final stages of the downswing but by then your arms and hips will be in better timing to hit the ball.

If you start to unwind the hips too early it will feel really odd, just slow your swing down to practice it and get the right feeling imbedded and you should see some improvement.

The coach can explain things a lot better ( he's a top bloke. :thup: ) but it helps me and that's all I can say really.