Finders Keepers


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Dec 12, 2019
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I played a nice 18 hole course just before new year. Myself and a friend were playing the 18th directly into the low sun and I smashed my first but neither of us could see it. My playing partner said sounded like a really good shot. I then played my provisional and again we couldn't see it but again my playing partner said it sounded like a good shot.
We then marched up the fairway but my balls were no where to be seen. I shrugged dropped one and finished off.
In the car park the 2 chaps behind us had just finished the 18th and I casually said you didnt see a Yellow Titleist did you (more out of hope than anything) one lad said yeah it was on the other fairway (8th) which runs parallel. I said was there a Callaway near it he says yeah right next to it. He didnt offer to give them back to me.

Am I right in thinking that it is finders keepers in golf or should I have said oh thanks can I have them back?


Head Pro
Apr 20, 2011
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If they were on the other fairway I doubt if he would have gone over to pick them up, I know I wouldn’t, just presume they belong to someone coming the other way.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Interesting one. First of all they should not have picked them up. I never pick a ball up if the potential is there for it be active. Yours clearly were. In that situation had I picked them up and been challenged I would have apologised and handed them over.

As for the people not sheepishly handing them over, I'm with Curls on this one. Out of order.


Assistant Pro
Apr 18, 2012
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So they were playing 16th or 17th as you finished the 18th. Subsequently came round to playing the 18th 15/20 mins later and he sees two golf balls on the 8th (presumably looking for his ball). No one around so picks them up and carries on with his hole. Is that right so far?

In car park, so presumably another 10 mins or so, you strike up a conversation and he says he found two balls, a yellow titleist and a calloway?

It's probably reasonable to consider they should be handed back given they've been identified as yours, but likewise without you asking me for them, I probably wouldn't even think of digging around my golf bag to sort. I wouldn't say it's rude, just lacking awareness of what you were expecting when going through the routine of finishing - either rushing to bar or home or thinking about a bad score on 18th if he hit the 8th fairway! It's just two random golf balls found to him.

Only time I've handed golf balls over is if they're clearly marked (e.g. name) so that i know they belong to someone I know.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Dont have an answer to your ball quandry, other than how did they know the balls in question were the brands you said?
As far as lost balls go though, unless it's marked in a known way a lost ball is just that.:)

As far as your thread title goes, I went to a range once, and having got my balls and in an empty bay (the whole range was empty) I found a laser rangefinder in the bottom of one of the baskets left behind (like lazy people do). I took it straight to the pro shop of the course, and handed it in.
They knew who owned it, and thanked me with a free range card for 10 buckets....not that I asked for or needed it, but it was very much appreciated:)


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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In the car park the 2 chaps behind us had just finished the 18th and I casually said you didnt see a Yellow Titleist did you (more out of hope than anything) one lad said yeah it was on the other fairway (8th) which runs parallel. I said was there a Callaway near it he says yeah right next to it. He didnt offer to give them back to me.
Nothing you've said here implies that he actually picked them up. I often see golf balls and don't pick them up, because they might still be in play for someone else on the course. Especially if it's on a fairway, then it's highly likely to still be in play I would assume.


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Dec 12, 2019
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They were behind us on the 18th tee. When we were putting on the green one of the lads was on the 8th fairway (looking for his own ball). That was why I asked if they had seen my 2 balls.
He says yes and confirms both colour and brand. One was off ebay 2nd hand and the other was one I had found myself so it isn't the cost of them but I got the impression he had pocketed them both.
To be fair I think the same reason I didn't ask for them (him digging around in his bag) may be the reason he didn't offer.

I suppose I was expecting him to offer and I would have politely declined and as the OP said earlier I had more ambitions with swaggering into the bar for a pint of ale.

I have mentioned it 20 days on because yes I havent got over it but to put it into perspective I am going to join the Golf Club in question. :)


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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They were behind us on the 18th tee. When we were putting on the green one of the lads was on the 8th fairway (looking for his own ball). That was why I asked if they had seen my 2 balls.
He says yes and confirms both colour and brand. One was off ebay 2nd hand and the other was one I had found myself so it isn't the cost of them but I got the impression he had pocketed them both.
To be fair I think the same reason I didn't ask for them (him digging around in his bag) may be the reason he didn't offer.

I suppose I was expecting him to offer and I would have politely declined and as the OP said earlier I had more ambitions with swaggering into the bar for a pint of ale.

I have mentioned it 20 days on because yes I havent got over it but to put it into perspective I am going to join the Golf Club in question. :)
Why did you get that impression?? Because that's what you would have done? I can assure you the majority of golfers probably would have left them there, understanding that they may still be in play. Unless they were ProV's then all bets are off. :LOL:


Assistant Pro
Apr 18, 2012
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20 day comment was only said in jest, I personally wouldn't take it as a reflection of the club nor let it impact my decision. I would more just class it as clumsiness from both parties on how to handle a situation where nobody knows exactly what the other one is thinking/wanting and feeling a bit awkward.


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Dec 12, 2019
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Probably yes but I was under the impression he had bagged them when he may have left them on the fairway like a previous OP had said.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I hit my ball on another fairway. I suspected some guy played it. I asked him if this was his ball and he said "oh yes it is, sorry I must have played your ball". I asked him to go and get it and he said he's sorry but he put it in the lake a went to walk off. I said to him "excuse me mate but that's a pro v 1 you owe me". he said “not a chance“ and walked off laughing.
he wasn't laughing when he turned his back in the club house and I downed his full pint!
brand new prov 1 =£3.80 his pint £3.10. he still owes me 70p. might take a sausage next time?

Ye Olde Boomer

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Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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Our club has strict rules about brawling.
If anybody gets hospitalized, it can lead to a one week suspension.

Fortunately, we're mostly seniors on the weekdays, and most of us don't hit that hard anymore.
Although I do lift weights to keep my blood glucose levels down.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I usually report any lost balls to the pro shop after a round and let them know how to contact me if/when they are handed in ??

However I have found this to be a complete waste of time ?



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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When you arrive at a ball on the course there is only so many places is can come from. Usually within a 300 yard radius.

Its pretty simple to work out if you should lift it or leave it.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I guy who used to play with us who, was always bragging he never lost a ball and had quit a distinctive way of marking his ball... covered it in red dots, looked like it had the measles.... anyway was walking Baldrick, my old GSP around fortrose on day and he came back with this new Prov1 covered in red dots.

showed it to him at the roll up that weekend, he grabbed it out my hand and stuck it in his bag...:ROFLMAO: didn't even say thank you:rolleyes::LOL: