Feedback please


Medal Winner
Oct 14, 2014
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Evening all

So I've finally got round to posting some videos up for your critique/kind words/ribbing! They were both taken back in May, when my golf was at its peak last season, but looking for some pointers to work on before April.

Driver - Hitting around 240-260 with a fade

Iron - Think this was a 7i, 150 yards straight/slight fade

Initial thoughts are my posture and rounded shoulders that I need to work on. I have a fairly short backswing, but my distances seem to work ok regardless.

Cheers in advance



Head Pro
Jan 10, 2016
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Im no expert, but looking at your driver swing your left heel looks to come off the ground and you look to lean over to the left hand side (hard to tell without a face on view). Looks like you may also be reaching for the ball a tad too much (this is something I was doing, and it put my weight into my toes too much)

You say you hit fades, are they controllable or a bit wild with the driver?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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done well to get where you are

my take in order to progress some further best advice would be go to Pro to get the grip hold on the handle in a little better shape

can't see for sure here but the swing motion itself would suggest that the handle is running a ways too much into the palms of the hands this the heavily influences just how and how much the hands/wrists are able to 'set'

so there's a limitation here of the set which is one factor that heavily playing into the length of the backswing which then heavily influences the little ways oversleep downswing into impact - so essentially swing out n'over & would swing even further leftfield through impact with face angle more open unless you made the moves you instinctively make coming into the ball - which is more of a back up lean to the camera/fone lens here plus keeping the hips square with a bit of a stand up in order to help shape up the face some - to get the playable shot results you been able to

it's due to natural strength/physicality to be able to an extent 'muscle' the the club through more with the arms/hands upper body strength that gets the pretty reasonable distance you been getting to far - but that will be taking some considerable 'effort'

if were able to with the grip hold more in the fingers of both hands then a good hand/wrist set would be possible which is also going to allow a turn to the top to reach around shaft just short of horizontal to horizontal to the ground which in turn which increase the opportunity to start down on a less steep path and be able to turn and clear the hips get the weight pressure on the left side and not back up the turn but better able to rotate the upper body through the downswing/impact without leaving the club face open

have a look at the drill on this vid at 3' 35" -ish in - may not seem relevant or that exciting but listen to the explanation of why the drill should be used - you don't have the same issues as the individual this vid is aimed at but nevertheless if you can get these feelings down good it would be of help - but pretty sure that grip hold will have to change some first off


plus have a look at this other vid in the post following this one to see if you can get the club 'set' as it's shown here while still in the address position am guessing the current normal hold on the handle will make it a bunch difficult to achieve

would get to a Pro to talk about how just where the handle runs in the hands can drastically effect how the club can be 'set' which affects the overall possibility of both optimum club head speed but also control of the face angle into impact

plus how the hold on the handle also through the way the club sets affects the achievable length of the backswing and the 'turn' capability which then has knock on effect in how the club starts back down at transition which in turn effect the swing path through impact and the body compensation moves that instinctively have to be made


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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again the orientation of the grip hold & location of the handle with the hands would have to be in decent shape to do this drill

but take one of the alignment rods & use this drill to experience the feel of the takeback from the ball to top of backswing

drill starts at around 2' 0" into the vid



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Man that looks like one repeatable fade swing.

What are you looking to achieve?

How is your chipping and putting?


Medal Winner
Oct 14, 2014
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You say you hit fades, are they controllable or a bit wild with the driver?

Controllable. Bad shot is a weak slice/push. Generally I get these when I try too hard, or swing too hard to get something to come off.

Do you find the alignment sticks help?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I usually use them at the range to start with, then once I feel ok I take them away and carry on.

done well to get where you are. My take in order to progress some further best advice would be go to Pro to get the grip hold on the handle in a little better shape... Plus have a look at this other vid in the post following this one to see if you can get the club 'set' as it's shown here while still in the address position am guessing the current normal hold on the handle will make it a bunch difficult to achieve

Hi Coach, thanks a lot for the pointers and i'll be sure to follow up on the vids and see how I go. Fundamentals are always key, so reassessing my grip seems like a great place to start. Since those vids i've tried to work on my posture and rounded shoulders and that has helped with ball striking and consistency. Hopefully a check of the grip helps me on the right path! Cheers!


Medal Winner
Oct 14, 2014
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Man that looks like one repeatable fade swing.

What are you looking to achieve?

How is your chipping and putting?

Cheers Gary! Last season I did NOTHING in terms of improving my game. Too many excuses, not enough practice, promises to practice broken. This year I want to really do it, feeling positive about change and want to put the time in. My realistic goal is under 12, but setting myself a low target of 9.4.

Chipping is pretty good and gets me out of trouble, but my putting and bunker play is high up the list for improvement. I spent some time on a launch monitor late last season to get my distances of all my clubs and this has helped no end with course management. Hopefully these little tips and pointers here and there add up to something I can really work on to improve my game. Bought a putting mat after Christmas so I can practice properly at home, have a garden now too which should come in handy for chipping practice (hoping that putting the hours in will just instill the confidence, plus easier to practice at home than going the range/club all the time)



Medal Winner
Oct 14, 2014
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plus have a look at this other vid in the post following this one to see if you can get the club 'set' as it's shown here while still in the address position am guessing the current normal hold on the handle will make it a bunch difficult to achieve

Hey Coach.

I hit the range on Tuesday, having watched all of these vids and they worked a treat. Tried my best to sort my grip out, some way to go to get this feeling "natural", but this helped in the backswing to get a good set towards the top. Sorted my alignment out too and was hitting pretty straight and strike seemed to be good.

Definitely a long way to go, but starting to make some progress on these few bits.

Thanks again!