Euro 2024 Predictor


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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Hi all,

With the Euro 2024 kickoff this month, I was wondering if anyone fancied doing a Euro 2024 predictor?

It comes in the form of a spreadsheet. All you have to do is:
  • For the first round, enter your predicted score for each match
  • For the following rounds, you simply enter a "1" for the team you think will win, and a "0" for the team you think will lose
Entries cost £5 each. All entry money goes towards prizes. I believe there are prizes for the first 3 places.

The predictor is run by a chap named Chris Fountain. At the end of each day/round, he sends out a leaderboard so you can track your progress vs everyone else. How the points work is detailed on the cover sheet!

If you wish to enter

Should you wish to enter, send me a PM with your email address and I'll forward you the email. The spreadsheet is attached. Fill it out and send it to

Payment can be made through bank transfer to account details:

Sort code: 110633
Account: 01488822

There are over 60 entries so far. The world cup in 2022 saw over 100 entries and Chris is hoping to top this this tournament.

I have been partaking in these since the WC 2014. It gives a little more meaning to those other games you might not usually watch

If you wish to take part, the deadline is in one week!

Would be interested to know if anyone gets involved :)

Good luck! :)