electric trolleys

If you are not looking for a good, reliable, simple to use trolley buy a GoKart. They are a great company with customer service that is second to none. For example, they have made a few modifications this year to the motor and other bits and pieces so collected my wife's trolley, upgraded my trolley to the new spec and brought it back at no cost to me whatsoever. It is lighweight, reliable and stable, battery just clicks in so no connectors to fiddle with and is great value at £199.00.

They will also happily send you a trial one, take your one back if you do not like it within a month and standard practice on any fault is to pick it up and give you a loaner until yours is fixed.

I am sure that you can guess that this is a company that I really like.
Hello.....another question for us? d'you want to reply to the other thread you posted (about courses)......some of us were keen to help out. If you run a search you'll find lots of opinions on trolleys.
If you are not looking for a good, reliable, simple to use trolley buy a GoKart. They are a great company with customer service that is second to none. For example, they have made a few modifications this year to the motor and other bits and pieces so collected my wife's trolley, upgraded my trolley to the new spec and brought it back at no cost to me whatsoever. It is lighweight, reliable and stable, battery just clicks in so no connectors to fiddle with and is great value at £199.00.

They will also happily send you a trial one, take your one back if you do not like it within a month and standard practice on any fault is to pick it up and give you a loaner until yours is fixed.

I am sure that you can guess that this is a company that I really like.

Sorry, should that be 'if you ARE.... ' because i was thinking about getting 1 of these maybe and you got me slightly confused there. :D
I ordered a Gokart last Tuesday. Unfortunately their next day delivery is in trouble because of a problem with late delivery of one component. I expect it on Wednesday.
I have never wanted an electric trolley (just for wimps) but I am taking a long time to get over illness and only managing nine holes.
If you are not looking for a good, reliable, simple to use trolley buy a GoKart. They are a great company with customer service that is second to none. For example, they have made a few modifications this year to the motor and other bits and pieces so collected my wife's trolley, upgraded my trolley to the new spec and brought it back at no cost to me whatsoever. It is lighweight, reliable and stable, battery just clicks in so no connectors to fiddle with and is great value at £199.00.

They will also happily send you a trial one, take your one back if you do not like it within a month and standard practice on any fault is to pick it up and give you a loaner until yours is fixed.

I am sure that you can guess that this is a company that I really like.

Sorry, should that be 'if you ARE.... ' because i was thinking about getting 1 of these maybe and you got me slightly confused there. :D

Yes that should be 'if you are'.Bad typo there. They are great trolleys and highly recommended.
I recently bought a Motocady S3 and so far it has been great. Obviously I can't mention anyhting about the long term yet, but I would recommend it.

I am also interested in what age and % of people use electric trolleys.

I am in my mid 20s but after an unrelated injury sent me to the physio, she recommended an electric trolley. I get jibes from my mates, but I'd rather use the trolley now and still have a good back in 20 years then be macho and need a trolley in 20 years because my back is ruined.
I have a Motocaddy S3 and love it, my course is a hilly hilly one and my bad weights 25Kg when full. I forgot to charge the battery the last time I was out and it managed 39 holes (18+18+3) not too bad on a 27 hole battery!!

Santa bought (or possibly made it himself) trolly. And from Feburary when I first took it out I have 112miles on the counter without a single problem.
Way back in the 80's leccy trollies were the vice of the coffin dodgers.
Since taking up the game again last summer one of my first purchases was the S1. Everyone uses them at my course and I mean EVERYONE. male, female, teenagers it makes the game so much more enjoyable.
I do keep my clubs in the car though in a stand bag and call at the course to play a few holes straight from work i use the trolley at weekends and if I prebook
I absolutely loathe seeing perfectly fit youngters using a trolley, even worse if it is electric. You are at your peak and are supposed to be able to carry a bag and play. No wonder our kids are becoming the lard arses of Europe.

When I was a junior I'd carry an 8.5 inch Wilson tour bag with drinks balls et al inside for 36 holes without a care in the world. The only time I made a concession and used a hand pulled trolley would be on club championship day where I'd play 36 holes. Even then it would only be if the weather was inclement so I could include a full set of waterproofs, extra towels and gloves etc.

I have to say the majority of our male members in say the 25-45 bracket tend to carry. In the 45-60 bracket I would say that perhaps a third still carry and then it is probalby split evenly between convetional trolley's and electrics. In the seniors I would say perhaps 10% still carry and of the remainder about 70% now use some form of electric trolley.

I have to be honest and say I can't remember the last time I saw any of our lady memebers carrying even a 1/2 set in the height of Summer. I think at least 60% or our ladies use the electric version.

I have no problem if anyone irrespective of age has a physical impairment that means using an electric trolley still allows them to enjoy a game of golf. That is what the whole silly game is about. I don't understand why so many others feel the need to carry. I know we have had the debate on here before about whether carrying actually does you physical damage long term (our experts concluded that it probably does) but if you are relative young adn physically fit surely it isn't that much of a problem to carry your sticks.

I hate playing in fourballs where the others have trolleys. The pace always seems so much slower as they weave their chariots around bunkers avoiding the white lines painted in front of greens, having to drive all the way around to get from tee to green.

Maybe its just me I don't know but I have to say I reckon junors should be banned from using them (unless on health grounds) and more adults could do with leaving them in the car every so often and getting some decent golfing exercise
As a back sufferer I could not play golf and carry my bag. I have no difficulty with any golfer using a trolley. Interestingly nobody should pull a trolley as pulling puts a strain on the back muscles-trolleys should be three wheeled and pushed if not electric.

We should all do our best to keep our back in prime condition as a good spine and back muscles are necessary to play golf at a reasonable level.

You are a prime example of what I'm driving at. For you a trolley is a necessary as a driver or putter for you to even play the game and I have no problem at all with that. Great advice as well on pushing instead of pulling.

Anyone in a similar position must utilise a trolley. My gripe is with the lazy kids who have got one from daddy at Christmas and should be enjoying the walk.
When I was a junior I'd carry an 8.5 inch Wilson tour bag with drinks balls et al inside for 36 holes without a care in the world. The only time I made a concession and used a hand pulled trolley would be on club championship day where I'd play 36 holes. Even then it would only be if the weather was inclement so I could include a full set of waterproofs, extra towels and gloves etc.

"We lived in a box in't middle of t'motorway"




"You tell 'em that today and they wont believe you!"

Only kidding Homer.
where'd 'e go? (g-a-m-g)......second thread started and not taking part in the discussion.

I'm miffed....sorry g-a-m-g, but you started a thread on Midlands courses. I went up to the loft and found my box full of cards/souvenirs/info on 5 years worth of playing around the Midlands.....and you haven't taken part in the thread. Now....where are you....folks are trying to be friendly and helpful....???

Sorry, I don't want to sound like an arse.....

just to look at the other side in the coin in your argument, have you considered that a perfectly healthy youngster may use a trolley so that they become a perfectly healthy oldie.

As I said before, better to CHOOSE a trolley now, than NEED a trolley later.

The trolley takes the weight of the clubs, but you still have to walk, and in my case, I still go to the gym 3-5 days a week also. Squating 100kg balanced equally on my shoulders is fine, but a golf bag with uneven load and a twisted spine when picking it up does not appeal.

Now carts, thats another matter...
I absolutely loathe seeing perfectly fit youngters using a trolley, even worse if it is electric. You are at your peak and are supposed to be able to carry a bag and play. No wonder our kids are becoming the lard arses of Europe.

When I was a junior I'd carry an 8.5 inch Wilson tour bag with drinks balls et al inside for 36 holes without a care in the world. The only time I made a concession and used a hand pulled trolley would be on club championship day where I'd play 36 holes. Even then it would only be if the weather was inclement so I could include a full set of waterproofs, extra towels and gloves etc.

I have to say the majority of our male members in say the 25-45 bracket tend to carry. In the 45-60 bracket I would say that perhaps a third still carry and then it is probalby split evenly between convetional trolley's and electrics. In the seniors I would say perhaps 10% still carry and of the remainder about 70% now use some form of electric trolley.

I have to be honest and say I can't remember the last time I saw any of our lady memebers carrying even a 1/2 set in the height of Summer. I think at least 60% or our ladies use the electric version.

I have no problem if anyone irrespective of age has a physical impairment that means using an electric trolley still allows them to enjoy a game of golf. That is what the whole silly game is about. I don't understand why so many others feel the need to carry. I know we have had the debate on here before about whether carrying actually does you physical damage long term (our experts concluded that it probably does) but if you are relative young adn physically fit surely it isn't that much of a problem to carry your sticks.

I hate playing in fourballs where the others have trolleys. The pace always seems so much slower as they weave their chariots around bunkers avoiding the white lines painted in front of greens, having to drive all the way around to get from tee to green.

Maybe its just me I don't know but I have to say I reckon junors should be banned from using them (unless on health grounds) and more adults could do with leaving them in the car every so often and getting some decent golfing exercise


You really do just line yourself up to get shot down.....

Anyone with any slight bit of interest in become a better golfer should get an electric trolley (oh Powakaddy is the only way forward - when your cheap one breaks after a few months, you'll wish you had got one straight away).

They save you so much energy it's untrue - why try to knacker yourself out being 'a man' and struggling carrying a bag full of waterproofs and bottles of water round (or are you only allowed to use the water fountains on the course?).

I am 32 and have been using one for the last year or so in competitions - I am perfectly able to carry my bag but I want to give myself the best possible chance to shoot a good score. And yes I have a Sky Caddy too and use it when not playing at a Club in the dark ages.