Driving, also sometimes with 3 wood issue....


Medal Winner
Apr 19, 2012
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majority of driver tee off's go a fair bit to the right, its becoming very very frustrating, from the initial hit, the flight of the ball sometimes seems good then just goes ridiculously to the right, ive tried to aim left but without aiming to the last green next to me it just goes to far right!, sometimes they go straight, but not often, and when i do sometimes think of aiming left, they go straight! but i cant work out why!

i seem to have more success with the 3 wood at keeping the drive straight, but even they will wander

any thoughts, as im sure this is a common subject?


Tour Winner
May 17, 2011
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Mine always go straight (or with a nice draw) when I've set up aiming left to compensate for the slice that has been present for all the previous drives. Go figure.


Medal Winner
Apr 19, 2012
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i played my 3rd round of golf today........LOL
so very new! never really picked up a club before a few weeks ago, dont get me wrong, im not being naive, and appreciate how hard it is, just trying to learn good ways from the off as i come across them like the driving thing, all my 3 wood drives today out of about 9 were near on what i call perfect comparing them to how straight they go to driver shots, and prob just over 200yards, but really want to get to grips and learn all aspects from the off
When you say new? how long you been playing as 3 woods and Drivers are quite hard to hit and control clubs you know.


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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i played my 3rd round of golf today........LOL
so very new! never really picked up a club before a few weeks ago, dont get me wrong, im not being naive, and appreciate how hard it is, just trying to learn good ways from the off as i come across them like the driving thing, all my 3 wood drives today out of about 9 were near on what i call perfect comparing them to how straight they go to driver shots, and prob just over 200yards, but really want to get to grips and learn all aspects from the off

Know where you are coming from wanting to get stuck into all the clubs rightaway, but if it were me I would leave both the Driver and 3 wood alone for a while, get your basic fundamentals sorted first - Grip, Takeaway,Downswing,Weightshift, Swing path and so on!! I had been playing Golf for a year before I put a Driver in the bag. Get some lessons booked if you have the cash, if not use the guy whose vid I sent you and practice it. Good luck.


Medal Winner
Apr 19, 2012
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lol, thanks, yeah its addictive to just spend cash and do as much as poss! the 3 wood is seeming to get better, i wont lie though, i probably wont leave the wood and driver out! i really like them to smash the ball lol, i will have a crack at the irons for now for the whole course, and mix it up a bit if the video help and range practice driving etc helps, cash is king with everything, grey area also with everything atm!


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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lol, thanks, yeah its addictive to just spend cash and do as much as poss! the 3 wood is seeming to get better, i wont lie though, i probably wont leave the wood and driver out! i really like them to smash the ball lol, i will have a crack at the irons for now for the whole course, and mix it up a bit if the video help and range practice driving etc helps, cash is king with everything, grey area also with everything atm!

It is fun to hit the longer clubs as you say but it can also be a pretty painful and expensive shot wise process. Stick with it and do not SMASH the ball!! worst thing you can do try and hit it too hard, remember TEMPO


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Seriously though it is the worst thing out. I see it time and time again when I play, people trying to launch it into orbit and most of the time they end up in the jungle or they hardly conect with the ball at all due to Thinned or Topped shots. Watch the pro's on youtube and see how they do it. Louis Oosthuizen and Adam Scott are two prime examples. All timing and technique no force required.


Medal Winner
Apr 19, 2012
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thats what i found hard the 1st time i played, thought i was hitting it hard enough, or even as hard as i could and it was just not working! things are better now, but like you say, tempo and more control is needed, and honestly, after watching that vid i cant wait to try the pointers out and put them into play as i think they'll help massively with the confidence to just let the club do the work and the outcome!


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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All Mark Crossfield vids are good. He is the best Internet teacher I have seen. Use him for your references and you'll not go far wrong. Look at his swing as well and see how he hits it, now force or anything and he gives it a decent hit.


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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Dont blame me for getting you into the bad books. Seriously though there is a treasure trove of info on there. Gary Smith is good for short game tips as well he has a few vids on Youtube.


Medal Winner
Apr 19, 2012
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haha, dont worry, i dont think saying "in the rough" from the internet is to blame, sounds a bit porno like lol!
she's already kicking off for filling MY OWN ebay account watch list with clubs and allsorts to do with golf!

happy 1000 posts btw ;)


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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haha, dont worry, i dont think saying "in the rough" from the internet is to blame, sounds a bit porno like lol!
she's already kicking off for filling MY OWN ebay account watch list with clubs and allsorts to do with golf!

happy 1000 posts btw ;)

Cheers for that hadn't noticed!! Be careful on Ebay though mate lots of fakes flying around on there, try and buy from recognised Pro shop sellers or official retailers on there, follow that and there is some great bargains to be had especially on Footwear and clothing I get loads of mine on there as well as from my local pro shops.